Senior Year! The College Process
Important CLHS Dates Guidance Time Line October: (Date TBD): Fin. Aid Night for parents October 11: Senior Day (underclassmen testing—half day) Job Shadow College Visit Community Service Work on college applications at CLHS October 12: College Fair @ CLHS Athletes in season must stay on campus in Room 821with Mr. Wilke Seniors are encouraged to attend the fair to ask last minute questions or get help with the application process for schools to which they are applying. Seniors are excused after 8th period and are not required to attend the fair—must exit out the 800 Wing to vehicles. October 12: Klein ISD College Fair—Champion Forest Baptist Church January (Date TBD): LSC Tomball College Visit Day Athletes: Are you registered for NCAA Div. 1 or 2?
Things to Know College Visit Days—Seniors get 3 to use this year (October 11 is a bonus) CLHS is a non-ranking school—we do rank the top 10% GPA – updated in Family Connection GPA Scale—4.0 weighted School Profile must accompany official transcripts Need an Unofficial Transcript? See Mrs. Carpenter, the Registrar What if I am in the first quartile and could get automatic acceptance if CLHS ranked me? Student MUST see Ms. Brennan to request a letter to be sent with official transcript stating that if CLHS did rank, the student would be in the first quartile. This does not apply to A&M or UT. They give our school a ranking based on the School Profile that accompanies transcript. Write “Thank You” notes to anyone who helped you on your college visit Write “Thank you” notes to any teacher who assists your student in the college process (ex: letter of recommendation)
College Rep Visitations at CLHS UT Austin: Thursday, Sept. 7 (9:30-10:00 AM) Southwestern: Thursday, Sept. 28 (9:30-10:00 AM) UC Boulder: Wednesday, Oct. 4 (2:00-2:30 PM) Univ. of Tulsa: Friday, Oct. 20 (10:00-10:30 AM) SCAD: Tuesday, Dec. 12 (9:00-9:30 AM)
University Visitations in Houston Rice University: Sunday, Sept. 10 (1:30-5:00)—Visit campus. Register online at Experience Penn: Sunday, Sept. 10 at 3:00 PM—Hattie Mae White Educational Support Center 4400 West 18th St.; Houston, TX 77092 Coast to Coast Tour: Dartmouth College; Northwestern University, Princeton University, UC Berkeley, Vanderbilt University: Thursday, Aug. 31 7 PM at The Westin Galleria Houston; 5060 West Alabama St.; Houston, TX 77056. Register at
447-040 SAT/ACT Test Dates SAT— Oct. 7 Nov. 4 Dec. 2 March 10 May 5 CLHS School CEEB CODE: 447-040 ACT— Oct. 28 Dec. 9 Feb. 10 April 14 ACT Writing: Consists of one prompt that introduces and gives context to a given issue, and three perspectives on the issue. The writer is asked to “evaluate and analyze” the given perspectives; to “state and develop” his/her own perspective; and to “explain the relationship” between his/her perspective and those given. Students will receive 4 domain scores, each reflecting a key dimension of writing competency. They will also receive a subject-level Writing Score and an English Language Arts Score on the familiar 1-36 scale.
Types of Admission Regular Decision Early Decision I & II Early Action I & II Rolling Admission Open Admission Restrictive Early Action Single Choice Early Action Priority Provisional Admission And a few more…..
Scholarships Free Scholarship Searches More listed on CLHS website under Academic Section Rewards for non-academic performance Music Athletics Community Service Rewards for stellar academic performance National Merit National Hispanic Foundations: Terry Gates, Ford, Hamman, Toyota
Applying to Texas Public Universities? Does your SAT /ACT exempt you? If you have taken dual credit, you are exempt. ACT exemption: Math: 19-22 Reading: 19 English: 19 Composite: 23 SAT exemption: Math: 500-549 Critical Reading: 500+ Writing: 500+ Composite M & CR must be 1070
Senior Handbook Family Connection Senior Meetings