Paul J. Barreira, M.D. Henry K Oliver Professor of Hygiene Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School Director, Harvard University Health Services
To whom do students turn for advice when sad, depressed, or anxious? Non- mental health professional Mental health professional No one Other Friend Family
Mental Health of Harvard Incoming Freshman: Fall 2015 FWS 940 Mental Health Problems within 12 Months (Total N = 940) Valid% "Yes" N % of Total Depression 11.6% 96 830 10.2% Anxiety 11.7% 97 827 10.3% Bipolar 7.7% 63 817 6.7% PTSD 1.1% 9 820 1.0% Panic Attacks 84 815 8.9% IED 2.7% 22 812 2.3% Eating Problems 6.2% 50 810 5.3% Substance Abuse Problems 0.9% 7 806 0.7% Delinquent Behavior 0.4% 3 804 0.3% Suicidal Thoughts 5.0% 40 803 4.3% Suicidal Plan 1.5% 12 1.3% Suicidal Attempt 2 797 0.2% Do you currently take medication for problems with your emotions, nerves, or mental health? 3.1% 26 851 2.8% Are you currently in psychotherapy or counseling for problems with your emotions, nerves, or mental health? 4.8% 41 4.4%
Freshman Survey: Depression
Freshman Survey: Anxiety
Mental Health of Incoming Harvard Freshman: Fall 2015 FWS MALES FEMALES Chi-Square p-value Mental Health Problems within 12 Months (Total N = 940) Valid% "Yes" N Depression 15.5% 59 380 19.8% 88 444 0.109 Anxiety 17.4% 66 27.2% 120 441 0.001 Bipolar 7.5% 28 375 7.8% 34 436 0.859 PTSD 0.5% 2 377 1.6% 7 437 0.145 Panic Attacks 7.2% 27 374 16.1% 70 435 0.000 Eating Problems 2.1% 8 373 9.5% 41 431 Suicidal Thoughts 4.1% 15 366 5.1% 22 0.501 Notes: *Excludes transgenders and students with undisclosed gender
Mental Health of Incoming Harvard Freshman: Fall 2015 FWS No Friends One or More Friends Chi-Square p-value Mental Health Problems within 12 months (Total N = 940) Valid% "Yes" N Depression 34.4% 22 64 16.4% 120 732 0.000 Anxiety 35.4% 23 65 22.1% 161 730 0.015 IED 9.4% 6 2.2% 16 0.001 Eating Disorder 16.9% 11 5.3% 39 731 Suicidal Thoughts 15.9% 10 63 4.0% 29 733 Notes: *Question asked is "About how many people do you have in your personal life that you can really open up to"
Mental Health of Incoming Harvard Freshman: Fall 2015 FWS LGBTQ Heterosexuals Chi-Square p-value Mental Health Problems within 12 months (Total N = 940) Valid% "Yes" N Depression 30.5% 32 105 16.3% 117 720 0.000 Anxiety 42.5% 45 106 20.3% 145 716 Bipolar 14.4% 15 104 6.6% 47 708 0.005 Panic Attacks 25.7% 27 10.2% 72 705 Eating Disorder 12.5% 13 5.3% 37 701 0.004 Suicidal Thoughts 3.6% 25 694 Notes: *LGBTQ includes students who self identified as either Bisexual, Gay/Lesbian, Transgender, or Unsure. *Includes students who answered both the question on sexual orientation and mental health questions. *Includes only cross tabulations that are statistically significant