Book Report Proofreading Tips Underline Book Titles Chapter Titles are in quotation marks Number the sections! When writing a quotation, punctuation goes BEFORE the quotation mark. Magazine and Newspaper Titles are underlined. When giving examples of literary techniques, explain how or why something is a symbol or is imagery or is a simile.
The summary of your book should be at least a 5-7 sentence paragraph. When discussing your five favorite chapters, describe them in a few sentences and then explain in a few sentences why you liked those chapters. Each chapter description should be about a 5-7 sentence paragraph.
When commenting on the professional review, go through several points in the review and agree or disagree with the points made. Don’t just say, “I agree with this review.” Vocabulary Section: Number and Underline the words. Make sure you quote the sentence from the book.
Avoid use of slang. Avoid use of contractions. Proofread for spelling errors. Proofread for run-ons and sentence fragments. NOVEL=FICTION NON-FICTION=BOOK