Certificate of Need Process NYP Best Practices for Architects & Engineers Angela Gonzalez-Perez Director, Regulatory Planning May 2, 2016
AGENDA General Information Article 28/CON Fundamentals NYSDOH Recent Changes Regulatory Filing Types NYP Project Process Pre-Occupancy Process
ARTICLE 28 FUNDAMENTALS Governed by NY State Public Health Law Includes ALL of the components required to operate a hospital: Inpatient Units Outpatient Departments Support Services (Ancillary, Administrative, Financial) Infrastructure (Boilers, Generators, Fire Alarm and Fire Protection Systems) Hospital Space vs. University and Faculty Practice Space Article 28 regulations dictate the Certificate of Need (CON) process
WHAT IS A CERTIFICATE OF NEED (CON)? The Certificate of Need (CON) program is a review process which governs the establishment, ownership, construction and renovation of Article 28 health care facilities in New York State. Through the CON program, NYS Department of Health: Manages and allocates resources across the State Ensures facilities comply with Programmatic, Architectural and Life Safety Codes Health care facilities must file an application and obtain approval before….
NYSDOH RECENT CHANGES Update to CON Applications Executive Summary is now public Additional requirements New Drawing Submission Guidelines & Option to Submit to DASNY Schematic Drawings (DSG-01) Design Development Drawings (DSG-02) Final Construction Documents (DSG-05) Waiver Submission (DSG-06) Update of Architectural/Engineering Certification Letters (5/2016) Self-Certification Eligibility Checklist - Excludes More Projects New Pre-Occupancy Survey Process New Documentation Checklist - Now electronically Submission of documentation 2 weeks Prior to Survey Self Certification exclusion expanded: Surgical Suites and Special Procedure Rooms now include: a. Endoscopy Class “B” and Class “C” Operating Rooms Interventional Imaging Located in procedure rooms Located in operating rooms
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(Exclusive of DASNY Fee) NYSDOH REGULATORY FILING TYPES REVIEW TYPE COST THRESHOLD ORP PREPARATION TIME DOH APPROVAL TIME APPLICATION FEE (Paid by ORP) PROCESSING FEE (Exclusive of DASNY Fee) Construction Notice None 2 Weeks Prior to Start No Approval Timeframe $0 Limited Review < $6M 3 Weeks ~ 8 Weeks $1,000 Administrative Review $6M through < $50M* 4 Weeks ~ 6-8 Months $2,000 .30% of Total Project Costs Full Review > $50M* .55% of Total Project Costs * Varies by Facility
NYSDOH REGULATORY FILING TYPES Construction Notice Criteria: Non-Clinical Infrastructure Projects Equipment Replacements (with or without construction) Cosmetic Renovations General repair or maintenance Correction of Cited Deficiencies (CMS, FDNY and TJC) Requirements (must be received 2 weeks prior to start date): CON Narrative Form Construction Start and End Dates Architect/Engineer Certification Letter Physicst Certification Letter (for radiation producing equipment) ILSM ICRA EXAMPLES – Infrastructure – HVAC, Plumbing, Sprinkler, Electrical, Fire Alarm, Suppression Systems, Chillers, Call Bell, Elevators, Energy Producing Equipment, Roofs, Parking Lots Equipment replacement: Radiation Producing Equipment Replacement- Examples include: MRI, Gamma Camera, Nuclear Medicine Camera, CT Scanner, C-Arm,, Mammography Unit, X-Ray Unit, Ultrasound Equipment General Related Equipment: OR Robotic Device Cosmetic Renovations: high dollar value refurbishments and upgrades to floor, ceiling, walls General repair or maintenance-Usually large scale OFO projects CON Narrative Form-Detailed Narrative; Description of existing conditions, proposed scope, MEP scope, Building type, Construction Type, Square Footage, Construction Schedule, Decanting Phase (if required).
NYSDOH REGULATORY FILING TYPES Limited Review Application Criteria: Renovation/Construction with Total Project costs up to $6M Decertify services (regardless of cost) Relocation of an extension clinic within the same service area (regardless of cost) Requirements: CON Narrative Form Architect/Engineering Certification Letter Architectural Drawings per applicable DOH Drawing Submission Guidelines Physicist Report and Certification Letter(for radiation producing equipment) Draft Equipment Lease(s) LIMETED REVIEW EXAMPLES Columbia Campus Example: Organ Recovery Unit Xvivo on Heart 3 Weill Cornell Campus Example: Sackler Gift GP2S
NYSDOH REGULATORY FILING TYPES Administrative Review Application Criteria: Renovation/Construction Project with costs between $6M and $50M Certification of a New Extension Clinic Addition of a licensed service (regardless of cost) Requirements: CON Narrative Form Program and Need Narrative Financial Schedules Architect/Engineer Certification Letter Architectural Drawings per applicable DOH Drawing Submission Guidelines Physicist Report and Certification Letter(for radiation producing equipment) Draft Equipment Lease(s) ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEWEXAMPLES – Columbia Campus: Dialysis Suite on MHB-1HN Weill Cornell Campus: PACU on M3
NYSDOH Regulatory Filing Types Full Review Application: Must be reviewed by the Public Health and Health Planning Council Criteria: Renovation/Construction with Total Project costs in excess of $50M Addition to number of beds on Operating Certificate Changes in ownership or consolidations (regardless of cost) Establishment of new facilities (regardless of cost) Requirements: CON Narrative Form Program and Need Narrative Financial Schedules Architect/Engineer Certification Letter Architectural Drawings per applicable DOH Drawings Submission Guidelines Physicist Report and Certification Letter(for radiation producing equipment) Draft Equipment Lease(s) Full Review EXAMPLES: Columbia Campus: Cardiac NICU on 9 North in MSCHONY Weill Cornell Campus: Certify 21 West Broadway
Project Approved Internally Application Preparation CON LIFE CYCLE Project Approved Internally CON Kick-off Meeting CON Application Preparation CON Submission to DOH Start DOH Bureau Review Public Health Council Review (Full Reviews) Schematic Drawing Review Respond to DOH Contingencies DOH Contingent Approval Limited Reviews Design Development Drawing Review Project Approved internally means that the Code Review has occurred and vetted. DOH Approval to Start Construction DOH Pre-Occupancy Survey DOH Approval to Occupy Start of Construction End
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PRE-CON SUBMISSION: A/E REQUIREMENTS PROJECT ASSIGNMENT/FEASIBILITY STUDY Review of Existing Conditions Program and Code Review Meeting(s) Review Code Analysis Drawings of Proposed Space Participation Regulatory Planning Regulatory Compliance Facilities Development Operations and Clinical Users
NYP’S CODE REVIEW PROCESS Provide a comprehensive analysis of all applicable codes and regulations as it applies to your project. If compliance cannot be met, what are the alternative solutions? Applicable Codes include but not limited to: 2010 FGI Guidelines Review ALL required Sections of the FGI Code Functional Program Requirements NFPA 101, Life Safety Code, 2000 edition The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) extends comprehensive civil rights protection to persons with disabilities. NYC Building Codes NYS Building Codes NYCRR Title 10: Section 711.2 - Pertinent technical standards Includes reiteration of guideline or code. Ensure to include appendices, or any referenced sections within the text of the code. Describe the existing conditions and whether or not the project will comply.
NYSDOH WAIVERS (DSG-06) Waivers are required when deficiencies in the design are determined but cannot be corrected for: 2010 FGI Guidelines NFPA 101, Life Safety Code, 2000 edition (Requires NYP Life Safety Approval) The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) Waiver Types Permanent Waivers Categorical Waivers Time Limited Waivers Responsibility: Project Manager Design Team: Architect and/or Engineer Letters of support: Clinician and Infection Control TYPES OF WAIVERS Permanent waivers are granted when a deficiency is determined not to be detrimental to the health and safety of the occupants. Permanent waivers do not require CMS approval. Permanent waivers are typically used for FGI and ADAAG compliance. Provide the following information when applicable to provide sufficient documentation to the existing conditions of the deficiency. O Photographs Interior (where applicable.) Exterior (where applicable.) O Floor plans to scale and highlight area of deficiency (with dimensions, where applicable.) O Building elevations and building sections (where applicable.) O Wall sections (where applicable.) o Technical investigation of as-built conditions and preparation of supporting documentation (such as calculations) by a licensed design professional to provide verification that the code has been met. Categorical waivers are established by CMS. CMS issues Survey & Certification (S&C) memos to allow facilities to use specified portions of a later edition of the Life Safety Code. Provide the following for a Categorical waiver: Survey and Certification Letter from CMS. Plans, including but not limited to LSC drawings. Photographs Time-limited waivers. Determinations of waiver approval may be ‘time limited’ or temporary. The specified period of approval is to allow the facility sufficient time to implement a strategy to correct the deficiency. Time Limited waivers can be applied for the following: Life Safety Code deficiencies (Requires CMS approval.) FGI deficiencies (Generally, do not require CMS approval, exceptions do apply to certain facility types) ADAAG deficiencies (Do not require CMS approval.) The Bureau requires facilities to establish a schedule of interim submissions and reviews to be conducted by BAER. These corrections will establish interim requirements such as milestones over an extended period of time for all major components requiring corrective action.
CON SUBMISISON: A/E REQUIREMENTS General Requirements for CON Application Certification Letters Self Certification General Certification MRI Installation Existing Buildings CON Narrative Form Schematic Drawings (per DOH Drawing Submission Guidelines) Waiver Request Form, if applicable 2010 FGI Guidelines NFPA 101 Life Safety Must be Reviewed and Approved by Regulatory Compliance
POST CON SUBMISSION: A/E REQUIREMENTS DOH/DASNY Requests For Additional Information Clarification on Scope Clarification and/or updates to Drawings Design Development Submission (DSG-02) Not for Projects Self-Certified Final Construction Documents (DSG-05) Interim Life Safety Measures (ILSM) Process Infection Control Risk Assessment Measures
DURING CONSTRUCTION We MUST Notify NYSDOH of Changes Scope Costs Major Medical Equipment Waiver Submissions New Issues Uncovered during Construction Phased Projects DOH Survey for Each Phase that requires occupancy Allot at least 1 Month Between Each Phase
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PRE-OCCUPANCY SURVEY - ROLES ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES Regulatory Planning - Facilitator/Liaison to Agency Facilities Project Manager Compiles Certification Letters and Project Documentation Follows Up on Pending Issues with Space Project Architect/Engineer Lead on Describing Scope and Project Details Provides Half Size Set of Drawings Provides 11*17 Life Safety Drawing (2 Copies) Project Administrator (s) – Clinical & Operations Fire Safety Training Policies and Procedures, Staff Training & Credentials Indicate all other participants
OPPORTUNITIES FOR IMPROVEMENT Code Analysis Ensure ALL Applicable Codes and Sections are Reviewed Review Existing Conditions Do Support Spaces Meet Requirements? Documentation Follow the DOH Drawing Submission Guidelines Provide Detailed Narratives Ensure CON Drawings are Consistent with Narrative Waivers Follow ALL Conditions Indicated in Approved Waivers
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