January, 2016
Olympic Community of Schools Climate and Culture Our school culture and climate ensures that: Students feel physically and emotionally safe. Teachers and staff are will meet the needs of our students. Teachers and staff communicate with parents, guardians and community members. Parents, guardians and community members are supportive and involved. We are sensitive to and have respect for the diversity of our students and our community.
2017-2018 Bell Schedule Period Start Stop Total Minutes Breakfast 6:45am 7:05am 20 Passing 7:10am 5 Period 1 8:40am 90 8:45am Period 2 10:15am 10:20am All students assigned to E-M-T #1 lunch go directly to the cafeteria!!!! A Lunch- E-M-T #1(600 building, Basketball PE course, 300 building, & all JROTC ) 10:19am 10:43am 24 10:47am 4 B Lunch- E-M-T #2 (All mobile classrooms, 115, 116, & SAC/AU CBT) 11:11am 11:15am C Lunch- E-M-T #3 (500 building & !00, 101, 102, 103, 105, 106, 109, and 110) 11:39am 11:43am D Lunch- REN 12:07pm 12:11pm E Lunch- BIO (w/Band, Chorus, Orch., OCS) 12:35pm 12:40pm 4th Block 2:05pm-REMINDER TONE 90 (2:05 starts daily announcements… 2:10 dismissal)
Holding Areas: EMT = ELED/ METS/TEAM EMT – Large Gym REN – Small Gym BIO – Media Center Breakfast – Cafeteria Entrance one – only for students EATING breakfast Entrance two – Renaissance overflow All students not EATING breakfast – report to their designated holding areas
Tardy Consequences Warning Warning/Parent Contact 2 days ASD or Community Service Parent Meeting/Saturday Community Service 2 days ISS 2 days OSS 3 days OSS for every additional tardy This is much different than last year, please be on time for all classes!!!
Suspensions In School Suspension (ISS) Partial/Full Day/Multiple Days Parent Contact Made Students sign ISS contract (except partial day) Student is ineligible to attend school events during and after school on the day of suspension Day activities Talent shows Student/faculty events
Suspensions Out of School Suspension (OSS) Parent Contact Made Investigation Conducted One or more full days out of school Student is ineligible to attend school events during and after school while suspended Club meetings Athletic events Day activities Talent shows Student/faculty events Requires a re-entry plan
Classroom Management Infractions Talking Out of Seat Inappropriate use of cell phones/texting Disruptive behaviors Class Tardy Horse play Off task behavior/hallway Profanity; not directed at an individual Disrespectful behaviors Outbursts/Loud disturbances Not being focused/off task Lack of motivation Not following procedures Cheating Chewing Gum/Eating Sleeping Conducting Prom Proposals during class time
Fire drills In the case of a fire or fire drill, teachers need to take their grade books and escort their students to their designated areas. Teachers must take roll after arriving to designated areas. Extinguishers: There are extinguishers located in the hallways of every building and in various classrooms. Evacuation Maps: All classrooms MUST display a fire evacuation map. If you do not have one, please contact Senior Admin immediately to obtain another copy of the fire evacuation map.
Fire Drill: Teachers Follow the direction of your Teacher: Stay in one group, exit the building, and proceed to the designated area. Students must be sure a minimum of 500 feet from the building and are not in the way of emergency personnel. Wait for the all-clear signal before returning to class.
Cell Phone Policy- Revised Cell Phones and other electronic devices should not be seen or heard in the classrooms between the hours of 7:05 a.m. and 2:10 p.m. Cell phones and electronic devices may be used during lunch in the cafeteria and courtyard, and class changes. Cell phones are banned in the classroom unless your teacher has given the class explicit permission. This will be denoted by the cell phone sign in the front of the classroom. EMT (ELED/METS/METS at Olympic High School or Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools is not liable for any lost or stolen property belonging to students or their families. The owner assumes all risk when items of value are brought on campus. The school highly recommends that all valuables are left at home and not brought to school. Cellphones are completely banned from use in the classroom setting unless the teacher indicates the availability to use a cell phone. If the sign states cellphones are permitted, students can use them with their teachers instructions. If the sign says NO cellphones allowed, they are completely banned and if they are out or being used EMT administration will follow the policy below.
Cell Phone Policy- Revised A parent/guardian must pick up the confiscated item from the assigned Administrator. 1st Offense - Warning (Teacher keeps phone until end of class) Failure to surrender phone to teacher for the first offense automatically yields a 2nd offense consequence. 2nd Offense- Referral to administration. Teacher will lock phone in their classroom and give to administration at the end of the day. All cell phones and electronic devices will be held by administration for the equivalent of one full day. (24 hours!) Failure to surrender to any staff will result in 3 days OSS. 3rd Offense- Referral to administration. Teacher will lock phone in their classroom and give to administration at the end of the day. All cell phones and electronic devices will be held by administration for the equivalent of 3 full days. 4th Offense - Referral to administration. Teacher will lock phone in their classroom and give to administration at the end of the day. All cell phones and electronic devices will be held by administration for the equivalent of 5 full days. Refusing to give an Olympic staff member the device or continuously violating the code will elevate the violation to insubordination which can lead to OSS.
Cell Phone Classroom Sign Cell Phone Use Permitted NO Cell Phone USE
Discipline Ms. Easter (BioTech) Mr. McRay (Ren) Mr Discipline Ms. Easter (BioTech) Mr. McRay (Ren) Mr. Crane(EMT 9th grade) Mr. Merrill (EMT 10th grade) Mr. Fowler (EMT 11th grade) Mr. Collins (EMT 12th grade)
Questions, Comments, Concerns?