Paris Central School Rules 2017-2018
The Big Three Respect Cell Phones Toys At School
1. WE WILL BEHAVE IN A RESPECTFUL WAY TOWARD: People Property Personal Space Institutions
Respect Staff, Classmates and Schoolmates 2. Property We use appropriate language (no swearing, threatening or unkind words) We do what staff asks you to do We walk in school hallways 2. Property We touch only our own belongings unless we have permission We do not chew gum on school property 3. Personal Space We keep our hands and feet to ourselves 4. Institutions We don’t wear hats in the school
2. CELL PHONES ARE NOT USED IN HALLWAYS OR WASHROOMS Individual classrooms will have their own rules and these will be posted for all students and staff to see
3. TOYS (INCLUDING FIDGIT SPINNERS) ARE NOT USED IN THE CLASSROOM EXCEPT AT INDOOR RECESS Any loss or damage to anything brought from home is the student’s responsibility
Consequences for Offences RESPECT First-Walk with teacher for one recess Second-Walk with teacher for two recesses Third-In office for both breaks Fourth-In office for one week
Consequences for Offences CELL PHONES AND TOYS First-Item taken away for the day Second-Call to parents Third-Cell phone-left at office for week -Toy not to be brought back to school