Welcome! Sign-in at the computer Grab some pizza (1 slice per person for now) Sit next to someone! If you are alone Sarah will come bug you. Icebreaker Question: Share some brain cabbage! What is an unusual fact that most people don’t know?
Society of Women Engineers October 17th, 2016 601 Old Chem
Earn Some Points! (Report to Madison Summers)
Want to have SWE events on your phone? Join SWE’s Google calendar! Click link in minutes while logged into your Google account & add to your phone! If you need help contact Sarah (uc.swe.president@gmail.com)
CALLING ALL EVENT ORGANIZER GURUS Looking for a Pageant Officer for planning Engineer of the Year in the Spring Email Sarah (uc.swe.president@gmail.com) if interested
Public Relations Officer
Fundraising Lillian Minnich: minniclk@mail.uc.edu Lyft Fundraiser Sign up for Lyft (like Uber) Promo Code SWE2k16 T-Shirt/Water/Snack Sale! THIS THURSDAY (10/20) 9 AM – 4 PM Baldwin Lobby Fundraising Team member must work 1 30 min shift Conference attendees 2 30 min shifts (1 hour total) Sign up in minutes!
Special Events & Community Service Kelly Cooper: coopeky@mail.uc.edu (440)319-5138 HOMECOMING EVENTS START TONIGHT!!! Events every night w/ Rally Cats & Triangle Help pomp the float!!! & enjoy social atmosphere At Triangle House on Swiss Chalet Food and themes Community Service Event – Hunger Run 5k Sat Nov 5th 8:30 AM – counts for Cincinnatus! M25m.org/event/fh5k $20 register – sign up as individual student Carpool signups in minutes!
Social Event w/ Triangle! – Ice Skating @ Fountain Square Thursday, Nov 10th Details at next meeting! Homecoming Event Themes & Food (8 – 10 PM) Monday (TONIGHT): Mathletes & Athletes (Raising Canes Chicken) Tuesday: Classy Casino Night (meat/cheese trays & snacky finger foods) Wednesday: 7 Deadly Sins (DiBellas Subs) Thursday: Halloween Party (candy, root beer floats) Friday: American Pride (Queen City Pizza)
Middle/High School Outreach MSO: Sid Stacy (stacysm@mail.uc.edu) Maria Koenig (koenigmg@mail.uc.edu) HSO: Marie Stevenot (stevenf@mail.uc.edu) Emily Schneider (schneiem@mail.uc.edu) Next MSO: November 19th Roller Coasters First HSO: November 12th Signups for volunteers next meeting!
Welcome Steven Taylor from Givaudan Welcome Steven Taylor from Givaudan! (Please put away cell phones and laptops!)
Monday October 31st 6 PM @ 601 Old Chem Next Meeting: SWE’s Halloween Hullabaloo! Vote for movie in the meeting minutes! Monday October 31st 6 PM @ 601 Old Chem
Become a Member Open up your browser and go to swe.org Select Membership > Select Join Select Become a Member Login if you already have an account Create your account and fill out required information Select the type of membership you would like to purchase "Collegiate to Career" is the first option for $50. This allows you to be a member for your entire college career (undergraduate and graduate) and your first year as a professional. This option is highly recommended. "New Collegiate" membership is for $20 and it allows you to be a member for one year of college. Select G053 - University of Cincinnati for the chapter/section and then click continue. Fill out your payment information. Submit your order. You will receive an email confirming your membership.