The Protestant Reformation
The Power of the Catholic Church Before the Reformation… The Catholic Church and the Pope were very powerful Made many political decisions Very wealthy (people left land and money to the Church and the Church paid no taxes) People could “buy” their way out of sin Why would these things anger people?
Anger at the Church Martin Luther Complaints German priest Angry with the Church Complaints Church was not very religious anymore Too concerned with wealth and power Sold Indulgences – People could pay money to be forgiven for sins (buy your way into heaven)
95 Theses Martin Luther nails a list of 95 complaints (Theses) to a church door in Wittenberg, Germany Thanks to the Printing Press these ideas spread quickly Protestants: People who protested against the Catholic Church
Protestants Main ideas: Begin to form their own Christian groups You don’t need priests to talk to God for you Religious texts should be written in the language of the people not Latin Begin to form their own Christian groups Baptists, Calvinists, Lutherans, Church of England, etc.
Catholic Church Response Catholic Church starts a counter-Reformation Change from within before they lost power to the Protestants Agree to stop selling indulgences but reject the ideas of the Protestants Send missionaries to all parts of the world (Asia, Americas, Africa, etc.) to convert people to Catholicism
Effects? Positive: No more selling indulgences Church officials must live in areas they are responsible for Many new groups form People begin to run their own Churches = people decide they can run their own governments (want more democracy) People believe that their ideas are important and valid Science develops as people attempt to explain a world not controlled by religion
Effects? Negative Many wars erupt The 30 Years’ war – Catholics vs. Protestants (8 Million Casualties) Violence between Catholic groups and Protestants increases St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre, etc. Intolerance for non-Christian Religions The Inquisition (Tens or Hundreds of Thousands killed) Force people to Convert to Christianity