Revelation 15
The vision of the seven seals The Lamb is in control 1. Examine the progression of visions 2 through 5. What is the emphasis of each? The vision of the seven seals Each one opened. Most of contents revealed. World events revealed. The Lamb is in control The vision of the seven trumpets Trumpets served as a warning. Only part of the world was harmed The vision of the seven visions Give us a behind the scenes view of Satan vs. the Holy Christian Church The vision of the seven bowls The final outpouring of God’s wrath The Lamb is victorious
2. Explain where in the Old Testament the following visions are based. The saints standing around a sea Hearkens back to Israel standing on the shores of the Red Sea after the Egyptian army was destroyed by the Lord. The saints singing the song of Moses After the Egyptian army was destroyed the people praised the Lord.
3. What is the significance of the tabernacle being opened 3. What is the significance of the tabernacle being opened? the smoke filling the temple so no one could enter it? (Hint: Think of what was in the ark of the covenant. Think of the nature of the “law” side of God’s glory.) We see the Glory of the Lord = something momentous about to happen Remember the original 10 Commandments were in the ark. The angels depart with God’s final judgment 4. When will we stand around the sea and sing the song of Moses? On the Last Day we will be in the same position Israel was at the Red Sea
The Song of Moses and the Lamb Exodus 15:1-18 – 21 “Great and marvelous….” God’s deeds amazing and accomplished by His power “Just and true…” When God acts with wrath it is deserved and fair according to His standards “Who will not fear…” All must fear the Lord and even unbelievers will have to admit that God’s rulings are fair “For you alone…” There is no one who compares to God and his holiness “All nations will come…” All will worship and all will admit that God did all things according to His will and for our good.
Revelation 16
Revelation 16:1-9 • The first bowl Ugly and painful sores The first trumpet and bowl affect the earth. The first trumpet harms only part of the earth while the first bowl harms all who have the mark of the beast. • The second bowl Oceans become blood The second trumpet and bowl affect the sea. The second trumpet harms only part of the sea while the second bowl harms the whole sea and everything in it. From broader context we can say the second bowl only affects the unbelievers.
• The third bowl Fresh water becomes blood The third trumpet and third bowl affect the springs of water. The third trumpet affects only part of the springs while the third bowl affects all of them. The judgments associated with this bowl were poured out on unbelievers. • The fourth bowl Scorching sun and burning heat The fourth trumpet and bowl affect the sky. The fourth trumpet only affects part of the sky. The fourth bowl causes the sun to scorch all the unbelievers.
2. Notice the song of the angel who had charge of the waters (verses 5,6). Who are being affected by the third bowl? What general conclusion can we reach about those who are affected by the bowls? The angel speaks about God’s justice in judging the unbelievers because of what they had done. Consistent with their purposes as God’s final judgments, the bowls affect only the unbelievers. 3. Where do we hear the saints (you and me included) speak their words of approval on all God is doing? In worship together. In heaven together.
4. What do you say to a person who thinks that God is love and plays no role in the bad things that happen in the world? God wants all to repent and sometimes God allows bad things to happen to keep people from even worse things. Some are final judgment on those who refuse to repent. God hates sin and will punish the sinner who refuses to acknowledge his sin and repent.
Revelation 16:10-21 1. What is the content of the fifth bowl? Those in the kingdom of the beast suffer from darkness, pains, and sores. Included here could be whatever causes unbelievers suffering. If fifth bowl equates to fifth trumpet we could interpret this as we did locust plague meaning it is false teachings that lead away from Christ and the sufferings they cause.
Sixth bowl corresponds to the sixth trumpet. 2. What is the content of the sixth bowl? Sixth bowl corresponds to the sixth trumpet. This is final onslaught of Satan’s forces against the church. 3. Read Joel 3:9-16. Why does Satan make this attack? God summons him to come against God’s people.
What does the seventh bowl bring on the world? It ushers in the destruction of the world. Judgment Day. 5. When will the great day of God Almighty come? We don’t know. (Matthew 24:43; 1 Thessalonians 5:2) Jesus encourages us to stay awake and to keep clothed in the robes of his righteousness so we will be prepared. What details in the last fours verses help us determine it is talking about God’s judgment on the Last Day? (See also 2 Peter 3:10-13)