Zung Jung Mahjong Scoring System “Zung Jung” is a scoring system designed for international mahjong competitions.
good also for casual play simple & easy to learn contest of skill fair good also for casual play This system is simple and easy to learn, and yet provides lots of depth and variety for the players to exercise their skills. It is also fair to players from different countries. Plus, it is fun to play for both tournaments and for daily casual play!
Patterns Mixed One-Suit Three Similar Sequences The Scoring System rewards your hand for the "patterns" it contains. 此計分法是以「和種」[wu4 zung2](亦即所謂「番種」)為中心的計分法。 是取自「新章」的「造牌麻雀」。 tile graphics from:麻雀豆腐 http://majandofu.com
10 categories 1. Trivial patterns 2. One-Suit patterns 3. Honor Tiles 4. Triplets and Kong 5. Identical Sets 6. Similar Sets 7. Consecutive Sets 8. Terminals 9. Incidental bonuses 10. Irregular Hands The patterns are grouped into ten categories.
Additive Rule Mixed One-Suit 40 All Triplets 30 Green Dragon 10 Two Concealed Triplets 5 85 When you win a hand, the scores for the various patterns in your hand are added together for your total score.
Trivial Category 1 All Sequences Concealed Hand No Terminals Category One includes three trivial, 5-point patterns. No Terminals
All Sequences (平和) 5 pt An "All-Sequence" hand is any hand with four sequences. It doesn't matter what you use for the eyes pair, or how your calling shape is.
Concealed Hand (門前清) 5 pt A regular hand which is concealed, without melding any exposed sets before winning. Winning on discard is okay. Concealed kong are okay. A "Concealed Hand" is one which has not claimed any discards before winning. You can win on self-draw or on discard.
No Terminals (斷么九) 5 pt A "No Terminals" hand consists entirely of middle number tiles, that is, tiles numbered 2 to 8. These patterns are worth only five points each, but you will see them very often.
Concealed Hand 5 No Terminals 5 All Sequences 5 15 And you can conveniently combine all three together, for a good fifteen-point hand.
Category 2 One-Suit One-Suit Mixed One-Suit Pure One-Suit Nine Gates Category Two are the One-Suit patterns. This category is divided into two series: the "One-Suit" series and "Nine Gates". Nine Gates
Mixed One-Suit (混一色) ﹕ 40 pt Pure One-Suit (清一色) ﹕80 pt Mahjong players are probably familiar with the One-Suit series. It includes two patterns: "Mixed One-Suit" and "Pure One-Suit". A "Mixed One-Suit" hand uses only the tiles in one suit, plus honor tiles. A "Pure One-Suit" hand uses only the tiles in one suit, without any honor tiles.
Nine Gates (九蓮寶燈) ﹕ 480 pt "Nine Gates" is the perfect hand, with the nine-way call. You must hold "1112345678999" of the same suit in your concealed hand, and then you can win on any tile in the same suit.
Category 3 Honors Value Honor Dragons Small Three Dragons Big Three Dragons Winds Small Three Winds Big Three Winds Category Three are the patterns based on "Honor Tiles". This category contains four series: "Value Honor", Dragons series, Winds series , and "All Honors". Small Four Winds Big Four Winds All Honors
Value Honor (番牌) ﹕10 pt. per set "Value Honor" means the traditional "Seat Wind" and the Dragons. For each triplet or kong of these, you get 10 points.<br> Notice that the "Round Wind" is not counted. In other words, among the four wind tiles, only your own "Seat Wind" is worth points.
Small Three Dragons (小三元) ﹕ 40 pt Big Three Dragons (大三元) ﹕ 130 pt The "Dragon" series includes "Small Three Dragons" and "Big Three Dragons". If you have two triplets of Dragons, and a pair of the third Dragon for your eyes, that's "Small Three Dragons". If you have all three triplets of Dragons, that's "Big Three Dragons".
Mixed One-Suit 40 Small Three Dragons 40 Green Dragon 10 White Dragon 10 100 A side note: to the point values here, of 40 or 130 points, will also be added the 10 points per triplet for the Dragons. Thus a "Small Three Dragons" hand will actually get 60 points, and a "Big Three Dragons“ hand will actually get 160 points.
Additive Rule All patterns from different series can be added. In the same series, only one pattern can be counted. The simple rule is that, basically all the patterns in the hand will be added. But among patterns which are in the same series, only one can be counted. (For example, for a "Pure One-Suit" hand, of course you cannot add "Mixed One-Suit".)
Small Three Winds (小三風) ﹕ 30 pt Big Three Winds (大三風) ﹕ 120 pt In the "Winds" series, in addition to the traditional "Big & Small Four Winds", we also have "Big & Small Three Winds". Two triplets of Winds, plus a pair of Winds as the eyes, make "Small Three Winds". Three triplets make "Big Three Winds".
Small Four Winds (小四喜) ﹕ 320 pt Big Four Winds (大四喜) ﹕ 400 pt Three triplets plus a pair make "Small Four Winds". All four triplets make "Big Four Winds" Small & Big Four Winds are Limit patterns, of course.
All Honors (字一色) ﹕ 320 pt The last series in this category is "All Honors". A hand of entirely honor tiles is naturally a Limit Hand.
Category 4 Triplets and Kong All Triplets Two Concealed Triplets Three Concealed Triplets Four Concealed Triplets Kong One Kong Category Four involves "Triplets and Kong". It includes "All Triplets", "Concealed Triplets" series, and "Kong" series. Two Kong Three Kong Four Kong
All Triplets (對對和) ﹕ 30 pt You may already be familiar with "All Triplets". It's a hand with four triplets or kong.
Two Concealed Triplets (二暗刻) 5 pt Three Concealed Triplets (三暗刻) 30 pt Four Concealed Triplets (四暗刻) 125 pt A triplet formed by "pong", claiming a discarded tile, is an "exposed triplet"; one consisting of three drawn tiles in the hand is a "concealed triplet". Two or more concealed triplets are worth points.
One Kong (一槓) 5 pt Two Kong (二槓) 20 pt Three Kong (三槓) 120 pt Four Kong (四槓) 480 pt Kong are also worth points.
Three Concealed Triplets 30 South Wind 10 90 All Triplets 30 Two Kong 20 Three Concealed Triplets 30 South Wind 10 90 A concealed kong can count as both a kong and a concealed triplet, contributing towards both series.
Category 5 Identical Two Identical Sequences Two Id. Seq. Twice Three Identical Sequences Category Five is "Identical Sets". Obviously, only sequences can be identical. Thus we have one series of four patterns in here. Four Identical Sequences
Two Identical Sequences (一般高) ﹕ 10 pt "Two Identical Sequences" are two sequences in the same suit in the same numbers.
Two Identical Sequences Twice (兩般高) ﹕ 60 pt Two sets of these are called "Two Identical Sequences Twice", and score a lot more.
Three Identical Sequences (一色三同順) ﹕ 120 pt If you have three or four identical sequences, that's a big hand.
Four Identical Sequences (一色四同順) ﹕ 480 pt
Category 6 Similar Three Similar Sequences Similar Triplets Small Three Similar Triplets Three Similar Triplets Category Six is "Similar Sets". These are three sets in the same numbers across the three suits. There are two series: "Similar Sequences" and "Similar Triplets".
Three Similar Sequences (三色同順) ﹕ 35 pt "Three Similar Sequences" are three sequences in the same numbers across the three suits. This pattern is very important, because it greatly expands your opportunities for attempting big hands.
Small Three Similar Triplets (三色小同刻) ﹕ 30 pt "Three Similar Triplets" is a difficult pattern, and thus has a high score value. If you end up one tile short, with two triplets and a pair, you can score "Small Three Similar Triplets" for a consolation prize.
Category 7 Consecutive Nine-Tile Straight Consecutive Triplets Three Consec. Triplets Category Seven is "Consecutive Sets", which are sets in the same suit in consecutive numbers. There are two series, "Nine-Tile Straight" and "Consecutive Triplets". Four Consec. Triplets
Nine-Tile Straight (一氣通貫) ﹕ 40 pt "Nine-Tile Straight" is sometimes also called "Clear Dragon". It is a "123" sequence, a "456" sequence, and a "789" sequence in the same suit.
Three Consecutive Triplets (三連刻) ﹕ 100 pt Four Consecutive Triplets (四連刻) ﹕ 200 pt "Consecutive Triplets" are three or four triplets in the same suit in consecutive numbers. These are also difficult, high-scoring patterns.
Category 8 Terminals Mixed Lesser Terminals Pure Lesser Terminals Mixed Greater Terminals Category Eight is "Terminals". This is another single-series category, with four patterns. The Greater patterns involve hands consisting exclusively of terminal tiles, while the Lesser patterns include also "123" and "789" sequences. Pure Greater Terminals
Mixed Lesser Terminals (混全帶么) ﹕ 40 pt Pure Lesser Terminals (純全帶么) ﹕ 50 pt For "Mixed Lesser Terminals", each of the four sets in your hand must include a terminal tile or an honor tile, and the eyes too must be a terminal tile or honor tile. In other words, your hand must be composed of terminal or honor triplets, and "123" or "789" sequences. If you do not use honor tiles, that's "Pure Lesser Terminals". These "Lesser Terminals" patterns may look easy, with plenty of opportunities for attempting, but it's difficult to actually succeed, because it's the last steps which are difficult. You start on a wide road, but the goal is narrow.
Mixed Greater Terminals (混么九) ﹕ 100 pt Pure Greater Terminals (清么九) ﹕ 400 pt If you do not use sequences, and your hand consists entirely of terminals and honors, that's "Mixed/Pure Greater Terminals", a very high-scoring hand.
Category 9 Incidental Final Draw Final Discard Win on Kong Robbing a Kong Category Nine is "Incidental bonuses". These are lucky bonuses for winning on rare opportunities. They are in fact rarer than their score values may suggest, but I'm always happy to get them! Blessing of Heaven Blessing of Earth
Blessing of Heaven ﹕ 155 pt Blessing of Earth ﹕ 155 pt Final Draw ﹕ 10 pt Final Discard ﹕ 10 pt Win on Kong ﹕ 10 pt Robbing a Kong ﹕ 10 pt Blessing of Heaven ﹕ 155 pt Blessing of Earth ﹕ 155 pt "Final Draw" is to win self-draw on the very last tile in the wall. "Final Discard" is to win on the very last tile discarded in a hand. If you make a kong, and win on the "supplement" tile, that's "Win on Kong". You also get points for winning by "Robbing a Kong". East winning with his initial 14-tile hand is called "Blessing of Heaven". If you win on East's very first discard, that's "Blessing of Earth". These two are valuable half-limit hands, but if you count on getting these to win the tournament, you'll perhaps win once or twice in a thousand years.
Category 10 Irregular Thirteen Terminals Seven Pairs Category Ten is "Irregular Hands". The "regular hand" is four sets of three tiles, plus a pair for the eyes. The only other ways of winning are these "irregular hands".
Thirteen Terminals (十三么九) ﹕ 160 pt "Thirteen Terminals" is a well-known pattern. You need one of every terminal and honor tile, with one of them being paired. It's a half-limit pattern, on par with Big Three Dragons.
Seven Pairs (七對子) ﹕ 30 pt "Seven Pairs" has been gaining increasing popularity in recent years. As the name says, it's a hand with seven pairs. Some people may imagine that this is a very difficult hand, but in fact it's only moderately difficult, so its score value is correspondingly medium. We are rewarding the irregular hands fairly for their difficulty; we're not rewarding them just for being "irregular".
No Minimum Requirement After looking at the patterns in the ten categories, now let's look at some scoring details. There is no minimum requirement: you can win with a "chicken hand" (that is, a hand without any patterns), and you'll score a token 1 point for it. This 1 point isn't likely to have much impact on the results; the chicken hand is mainly a defensive tactic. The player who wants to win the match with many small hands needs to make at least five- or ten-point hands. Chicken Hand 0 1
Maximum Limit ﹕320 pt Big Three Dragons 130 Dragon x3 30 Mixed Greater Terminals 100 Mixed One-Suit 40 All Triplets 30 330 320 We have mentioned the "Limit Hand" before. The limit is 320 points. If several patterns add up to over 320 points, it's called a "Compound Limit Hand", and scores 320 points. The hand here adds up to 330 points, so it scores the limit of 320 points.
Big Four Winds 400 All Honors 320 400 If the hand contains a pattern worth 320 or more points, it's called a "Listed Limit Hand", and scores the single highest-valued pattern in the hand. The hand here scores 400 points for "Big Four Winds", while "All Honors" and other smaller patterns are not counted. With the "limit" rule, complicated calculations for big hands are avoided. In practice, limit hands are very difficult to accomplish. You need an extremely lucky deal in order to have any chance at all. Going blindly for limit hands every time is a good way to lose the tournament. But when that rare chance presents itself, completing a limit hand would give you a huge score, putting you far ahead.
Payoff Scheme -70 -70 -70 +210 Self-draw for 70 When you win a hand, you collect points from the three other players. If you self-draw, you'll collect one time the total pattern value of your hand. So in total, you collect three times your hand value. +210 Self-draw for 70
-15 -15 -15 Discarder +45 Win on discard for 15 If you win on discard, you'll still collect three times in total; you won't get less just because you didn't self-draw. For small hands of 25 points or less, it doesn't matter who discards; just like the case for self-draw, everyone pays you one time your hand value. +45 Win on discard for 15
-25 -25 -160 +210 Discarder Win on discard for 70 For a big hand of over 25 points, everyone first pays you 25 points, and then the discarder pays the rest of the balance. Luck with self-draw won't win the competition for you; you'll need skill and guts to make big hands! +210 Win on discard for 70
Same-Turn Immunity Replaces all “sacred discard” prohibition rules There is the rule of "Same-Turn Immunity": if you follow with the same discard, and it is claimed by a big hand for the win, you are not held responsible for the discard, and the player who discarded the tile before you must pay the penalty as the discarder.
Official website: http://www.zj-mahjong.info Thank you, and have fun! Official website: http://www.zj-mahjong.info The above is a streamlined presentation of the scoring system. Please refer to the official rules documents for details.