TYPE FOCUS Student Affairs Professional Development Conference January 12, 2017 Pam Wells, Director Career Center Craven Hall 1400 pwells@csusm.edu 760-750-4892
TypeFocus Purpose is to make the theory of psychological types developed by Carl Jung’s research understandable and useful is people’s lives (published in 1923). Designed to indicate an individual’s preference for a way of looking at or reacting to the world.
UNDERSTANDING ASSESSMENTS Essence of the theory is that much seemingly random variations in behavior is actually quite orderly and consistent. This is due to basic differences in the way individuals prefer to use their perception and judgment. The MBTI is the most widely used personality test in the world; over 2 million administered annually.
UNDERSTANDING ASSESSMENTS All assessment instruments have limitations. Each person and each type has special gifts and strengths. There are no “right” or “wrong” types, and no better or worse combinations of types.
UNDERSTANDING ASSESSMENTS The most important thing to learn: understanding your preferences or strengths and how to use them effectively. Every person, regardless of type, has valuable skills and perspectives to add. In fact, it’s not only OK but helpful to have a variety of types working together.
UNDERSTANDING ASSESSMENTS Type does not explain everything. Our personalities are much too complex for that! Each type is unique. If you have the same type as another person it only means that you share some similar preferences for how you interact in the world.
“Psychological type” is… …the natural, preferred way of using one’s mind and directing energy.
Activities Sign your name Cross your arms
What is it?
What do you see?
The Four Scales Extraversion/Introversion Sensing/iNtuition Thinking/Feeling Judging/Perceiving
How You Are Energized Energized by being with others Focus on people and things Being center of attention More likely to share personal information Talk more than listen Talk while thinking – immediate response FULL BAG Extrovert (E) Energized by spending time alone Focus on thoughts, concepts Avoid being center of attention More private; share with family and close friends Think, then talk – carefully prepares response EMPTY BAG Introvert (I)
E-I Activity Consider the following… When you’ve been at a social gathering for an hour, do you feel energized? Or do you feel drained and need some “alone time”?
Is it Extraversion or Introversion? Staff meetings Networking Online training Team involvement Writing articles Observations E I
How You Take in Information Learns step-by-step (sequentially) Notes facts and details Likes concrete/realistic/proven info Creates by adding to existing work Values realism, common sense “Prove it” Sensing (S) Looks at the bigger picture (possibilities) Notes patterns and concepts Likes abstracts/innovations/ new ideas Creates by redoing from the beginning Values imagination, innovation “Trust me” Intuition (N)
S-N Activity Write down what you saw
Sensing/Intuitive Debrief Sensors provide more details Intuitive types focus on meaning – themes, stories, personal associations, etc. Ns remember details in terms of context; Ss begin to add meaning after the details are decided
Is it Sensing or Intuitive? Providing measurable results Establishing long-range goals Interpreting metaphors & symbols Focusing on current circumstances Brainstorming alternatives Organizing data S N
How You Make Decisions Step back; apply impersonal analysis Value logic, justice and fairness; one standard Naturally see flaws and tend to be critical May be seen as heartless, insensitive, and uncaring More important to be truthful than tactful Base decisions on what is logically correct Thinking (T) Step forward; stand in others’ shoes Value empathy and harmony; exception to the rule Naturally like to please others; show appreciation easily May be seen as overly emotional, illogical and weak Important to be tactful as well as truthful Base decisions on values and human qualities Feeling (F)
T-F Activity Make decision as a group – will report to the class You are part of a sports team that has performed very well You get to go to the finals which will be in Hawaii, however the school only has enough $$ to send half the team Decide who will go who will stay and describe the process used to make a decision
Is it Thinking or Feeling? Providing staff appreciation/awards Solving for system malfunctions Analyzing cost effectiveness Ensuring inclusion of all members Developing a criteria of expectations Incorporating self-expression F T
How You Organize Yourself to the Outside World Happiest after decisions have been made Work ethic: work first, play later (if there is time) Set goals; work towards achieving them Like to know what they’re getting into Product oriented (emphasis on completing the task) See time as finite resource and take timelines seriously Judging (J) Happiest leaving options open Play ethic: enjoy now; finish the job later Change goals as new information presents itself Like adapting to new situations Process oriented (how the task is completed) Derive satisfaction from starting project See time as renewable resource and deadlines as elastic Perceiving (P)
J – P Activity Think of the last trip you took. What steps did you take to prepare for the trip?
Is it Judging or Perceiving? Following through on projects Making timely decisions Waiting for other options to present Adapting to sudden changes Setting up deadlines to meet goals Leaving work open for further improvement J P
Type Philosophy Type development is dynamic and constant. You don’t change who you are, but you develop your type through the life span.
Additional TypeFocus Assessments Interests Values Use results to search a database of careers