Dept of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare Agroforestry Shri R. B. Sinha Joint Secretary Dept of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare
Status of Agroforestry Systems in India Being practiced in about 14 million ha in various systems and meeting nearly 65% of country’s timber requirement Punjab, Haryana, Western UP – Timber based Karnataka, WB, UP – Fruit based Kerala, TN – Spice based North East – Tea, Rubber Rajasthan – Fodder based
International Commitments INDC/UNFCCC India committed to reduce emission intensity of its GDP by 33-35% by 2030, from 2005 level Additional carbon Sink of 2.5 to 3 million tonnes of CO2 through additional forest & tree cover outside forest Higher investment for better adaptation to Climate change SDG Agroforestry as an integrated approach helps to create synergy between the SDGs in multifunctional landscapes, Efficient multifunctional land use in-between forest and open-field agriculture - supports ‘sustainable intensification’ Doubling the farmers income by 2022 Biodiversity Promotion of Agro-forestry/Agro-biodiversity mixed agricultural systems include traditional knowledge Land Degradation Sustainable land management through various Agro-forestry models
Agroforestry Policy, 2014 DAC&FW formulated National Agroforestry Policy-approved by Cabinet in 2014- Policy laid on floor of the both Houses of Parliament in 2014 , which aims : National coordination, convergence, synergy and facilitation of agroforestry scaling up Relaxations in on-farm grown tree felling and transit regulations Mainstreaming agroforestry in all Agricultural Policies and Strategies Standards for production, certification and supply of planting material Land tenure, loans and insurance for agroforestry
Contd. Investments in agroforestry research, extension and capacity building Profiling agroforestry for carbon sequestration, environmental services, INDCs, etc. Policy envisages setting up a National Agroforestry Mission or an Agroforestry Board
Sub-mission on Agroforestry(SMAF) Objective To encourage and expand tree plantation in farm land To ensure availability of quality planting material like seeds, seedlings etc. To popularise various Agroforestry practices/models To create database, information and knowledge support in the area of agroforestry. To provide extension and capacity building support to agroforestry sector.
Interventions Nursery Development for quality planting material(NDQPM) : Small, Big & Hi-tech nurseries Peripheral and Boundary Plantation(PBP) : Medh per Pedh Low Density Plantation on Farm Lands(LDPFL) : 100 to 500 plants/ha (Strips/ Staggered) High Density Block Plantation (HDBP): 500 to 1500 plants/ha (Blocks/intermediate blocks) Capacity Building & Trainings: Skill development, awareness campaign, Publications, Information sharing, exposure visits, seminars/Workshops Demonstration of Agroforestry Models: Demonstration to bridge the yield gap and innovative agroforestry models
Cost Norms for Nursery Development Unit cost ( Lakh Rs) Small Nursery (0.5 ha), Minimum capacity to produce 25,000 plants/yr 10.00 Land preparation, nursery equipment, seed / mother scion / root stock production etc., infrastructure and other operational costs Big Nursery (1.0 ha), Minimum capacity to produce 50,000 plants/yr 16.00 High-tech Nursery, Minimum capacity to produce100000 propagules/yr 40.00
Type of plantations’ magnitude Cost Norms and Pattern of Assistance for Low Density Block Plantation (LDPFL) Sl. No. Type of plantations’ magnitude (no of plants/ha) Indicative total cost (Rs) 1 Less than 100 As per actual no of plants @ Rs.70/- per plant 2 >100 upto 500 28000( or in proportion to planting intensity)
Magnitude of block Plantations (no of plants/block of 1 ha) Cost Norms and Pattern of Assistance for High Density Block Plantation (HDBP) Sl. No. Magnitude of block Plantations (no of plants/block of 1 ha) Indicative Total cost (Rs) for the block 1 500 to 1000 (spacing 3.5mX3.5m) 30000 2 >1000 to 1200 (spacing 3mX3m) 35000 3 >1200 to 1500(spacing 2.5mX2.5m) 45000 4 >1500(spacing less than 2.5mX2.5m)) 50000
Precondition of SMAF & Status Liberal transit regulations is precondition for availing the benefit of the programmme. 2016-17- 8 States ( Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab & Tamil Nadu) were covered 4 States have recently notified liberalized transit regulations ( Bihar, Odisha, Kerala & Maharashtra) and would be eligible to take up the programme from 2017-18 2 States ( Jharkhand & Chhattisgarh) who are in the process of notifying, expedite the issue of notification to implement the programme during 2017-18
Financing Pattern 60: 40( between GoI : State Govt other than NE & Hilly states) 90:10 (GoI: State Govt for NE states, hilly states of Uttarakhand, J&K and Himachal Pradesh) 100% for UTs
Issues Only 12 states have issued Notification for Liberalized transit regulations and 2 States in process of notifying Other States need to issue such Notification Notify at least 20 species for exemption from Transit Regulations Timbers from agroforestry in Punjab & Haryana is considered as agriculture produce and charged with Mandi taxes. States may declare agroforestry as agriculture produce and initiate for exemption from forest regulations States to which funds have been released for implementation of SMAF during 2016-17 may take appropriate steps to release State Share and progress made may be reported upon