New Weapons of WWI Modern weapons changed the way WWI was fought. The outdated methods of the past were no longer effective.
Small Groups Task Choose a new weapon of WWI from the following list Tank Planes/Zeppelins Machine Gun Grenades Submarine (U-Boat) Research information on the impact of the new weapon during WWI Write a short three paragraph response (approximately 1 page) detailing how your weapon was used and how it changed the way WWI was fought Compile a works cited page. (Minimum 1 book and 1 website)
Questions to answer 1. Discuss the use/purpose of your weapon A. How was the weapon used? Ex: Attack, defense or both 5 pts B. Explain how it was used (10 pts) To attack 2. Discuss the impact/effect of your weapon on WWI A. How did your weapon change the way WWI was fought? Provide two examples of changes (5 pts each)
Works Cited Books: Author(s). Title of Book. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. Websites: Author(s). Name of Page. Date of Posting/Revision. Name of institution/organization affiliated with the site. Date of Access <electronic address>. Article from a website Author(s)."Article Title." Name of web site. Date of posting/revision. Name of institution/organization affiliated with site. Date of access <electronic address>. Encyclopedia Author(s). “Title of Article.” Title of Encyclopedia. Edition. Year of Publication.
Goals for today (Day 1) Read pg. 385-386 “Technology of Modern Warfare” Choose a weapon from the approved list Take notes from the textbook Go online to find more information Report your topic to me by the end of the period
Day 2 Research relevant information on Internet and in books Review questions that need to be answered Purpose Impact on WWI One group per computer Begin working on works cited Develop and outline Paper may be handwritten or typed (Due by end of period tomorrow) Approximately 1 page
Rubric Works Cited Thesis statement (Introduction) 10pts Thesis statement (Introduction) 10 pts Discuss the use/purpose of your weapon How did your weapon change the way World War I was fought? Two examples = 10 pts each (Total = 20 pts) Total = 50 pts
Day 3 Write or type a 3 paragraph response to questions 1 and two. (Introduction, Question 1, Question 2) Length approximately 1 page Please skip lines if writing, double space if typing Works Cited Page Be sure to use in text citations appropriately **See handout for details** Write group members names responsible for Research Works Cited Writing ** If everyone helped, put everyone **