Round Table Jeopardy
After this is built on a beach, currents will most likely carry more sand to the beach above this structure.
What is a jetty?
A river channel is now so shallow that ships are getting stuck in the mud. What is the most likely cause?
What is water depositing sediment?
When this is deposited along the banks of a river, the river becomes narrower.
What is sediment?
Volcanoes form above this. The volcanoes move as the plate moves.
What is a hot spot?
This is located above the focus.
What is the epicenter?
This can cause changes to topography and a river to become wider and deeper.
What is a rapidly flowing river.
When plates push against each other this is formed.
What is a mountain?
This records the strength of an earthquake, when the earthquake occurred and how long the earthquake lasted.
What is a seismograph ?
These are made by rivers cutting through land
What are canyons?
The movement of Earth’s plates can form this large landform.
What are mountains?
This volcano is wide and has steep slopes This volcano is wide and has steep slopes. It is formed of alternating layers of lava and ash.
What is a composite volcano
As Earth’s plates bend and crack these are formed.
What are faults?
The part of the Earth that is divided into plates
What is the crust?
Both of these (2) are formed when wind or water slows down and deposits sediments
What are deltas and sand dunes
This helps prevent flooding by keeping rising water inside stream channels.
What is a Levee
This records the strength of an earthquake
What is a seismograph
The Providence Canyon is a Georgia landform most likely to be affected by this.
What is weathering?
When sediments drop at the mouth of a river this is formed
What is a delta
This is formed when groundwater erodes soft rock
What are sinkholes
These landforms are formed by running water
What are canyons and mesas
These change the Earth’s landforms because they form mountains of ash and lava
What are volcanoes?
Plants and grass on a sand dune can help slow down the process of this.
What is erosion
This helps absorb the water during flooding?
What are floodplains
Jagged mountain peaks can become rounded due to this
What is weathering by wind and water ?
The least damage to surface features after an earthquake are usually seen in this area?
What is far from the epicenter
A dam, levee, and floodplains help control this
What is flooding?
These are infrequent in Georgia because Georgia is not located near the edge of a plate
What are earthquakes?