Acute Coronary Syndrome A Cost Analysis on Utilizing Ticagrelor in the 30-day Treatment of Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome 1 Anchah L, 2 ,3, 4 Fong AYY. 1Department of Pharmacy, Sarawak General Hospital Heart Centre, Kota Samarahan, Sarawak 2Department of Cardiology, Sarawak General Hospital Heart Centre, Kota Samarahan, Sarawak 3Clinical Research Centre, Sarawak General Hospital 4 Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Malaysia A Cost Analysis on Utilizing Ticagrelor in the 30-Day Treatment of Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome 1Department of Pharmacy, Sarawak General Hospital Heart Centre, Kota Samarahan, Sarawak 2Department of Cardiology, Sarawak General Hospital Heart Centre, Kota Samarahan, Sarawak 3Clinical Research Centre, Sarawak General Hospital 4Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Malaysia Lunch symposium for NCCR 2014 Conference, 1230pm -1300pm 2nd October 2014
A Cost Analysis on Utilizing Ticagrelor in the 30-day Treatment of Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome NHAM 2012, 13th April 2012, KL Acs Update And Basic Pharmacoeconomics Workshop 23rd Feb 2013, Four Point Hotel Kuching
Figure 2 Ticagrelor: A Novel Reversible Oral Antiplatelet Agent Nawarskas, James J.; Clark, Sara M. Cardiology in Review. 19(2):95-100, March/April 2011. doi: 10.1097/CRD.0b013e3182099d86 FIGURE 2. Adenosine diphosphate (ADP) binds to the P2Y12 receptor and stimulates platelet activation, which ultimately leads to a conformational shape change of the platelet, thrombin generation and platelet aggregation. Clopidogrel and prasugrel directly and irreversibly block ADP through antagonism of the P2Y12 receptor for the life of the platelet. Ticagrelor binds at a separate P2Y12 sub-receptor that non-competitively blocks ADP activation through inactivating the receptor. Ticagrelor has reversible binding and leaves the receptor intact. Antiplatelet agents working at P2Y12 can be used simultaneously with aspirin due to separate and complementary mechanisms of action. Adapted from Curr Pharm Des. 2006;12:1255–1259.16 TxA2, thromboxane A2; GP, glycoprotein; COX, cyclooxygenase; TPα, thromboxane A2 Copyright © 2012 Cardiology in Review. Published by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Hierarchical testing of major efficacy endpoints (adapted from PLATO Study)
Reversible, more intense P2Y12 receptor inhibition for one year with ticagrelor in comparison with clopidogrel in patients with STEMI intended for reperfusion with primary PCI provides Reduction in composite of CV death, MI or stroke Reduction in MI and stent thrombosis Reduction in total mortality No increase in the risk of major bleeding
Figure 3 Ticagrelor: A Novel Reversible Oral Antiplatelet Agent Nawarskas, James J.; Clark, Sara M. Cardiology in Review. 19(2):95-100, March/April 2011. doi: 10.1097/CRD.0b013e3182099d86 FIGURE 3. Event rates for the primary efficacy outcome (cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction, and stroke) in the PLATO trial. Ticagrelor was superior to clopidogrel in the total population and in the patients outside of the United States (non-US), but not in the United States participants in whom a numerical benefit was seen in favor of clopidogrel. Data from .32 Copyright © 2012 Cardiology in Review. Published by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Table 1 Ticagrelor: A Novel Reversible Oral Antiplatelet Agent Nawarskas, James J.; Clark, Sara M. Cardiology in Review. 19(2):95-100, March/April 2011. doi: 10.1097/CRD.0b013e3182099d86 TABLE 1. Comparison of Antiplatelet P2Y12 Inhibitors7,11,12,17,18,22–24 Copyright © 2012 Cardiology in Review. Published by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Ticagrelor: Does Not Require Hepatic Metabolism for Activation Does NOT require metabolic activation to become active drug Ticagrelor Binding Platelet Clopidogrel P2Y12 CYP-dependent oxidation CYP1A2 CYP2B6 CYP2C19 CYP-dependent oxidation CYP2C19 CYP3A4/5 CYP2B6 BRILIQUE: Does Not Require Hepatic Metabolism For Activation Reference Schomig A. Ticagrelor — is there need for a new player in the antiplatelet-therapy field? N Engl J Med. 2009;361:1108–1111. Active compound Intermediate metabolite Prodrug Clopidogrel: A prodrug; requires metabolism to become active drug Adapted from Schomig A. N Engl J Med. 2009;361:1108–1111.
Pharmacoeconomics Pharmacoeconomics is the scientific discipline that evaluates the clinical, economic and humanistic aspects of : pharmaceutical products, services, programs, other health care interventions To provide valuable information (health care decision makers, providers and patients) To opt optimal outcomes and resources. Pharmacoeconomics incorporates health economics, clinical evaluations, risk analysis, technology assessment, and health-related quality of life, epidemiology, decision sciences and health services research in the examination of drugs, medical devices, diagnostics, biotechnology, surgery, disease-prevention services. Brief Definition Pharmacoeconomics is the scientific discipline that evaluates the clinical, economic and humanistic aspects of pharmaceutical products, services, and programs, as well as other health care interventions to provide health care decision makers, providers and patients with valuable information for optimal outcomes and the allocation of health care resources. Pharmacoeconomics incorporates health economics, clinical evaluations, risk analysis, technology assessment, and health-related quality of life, epidemiology, decision sciences and health services research in the examination of drugs, medical devices, diagnostics, biotechnology, surgery, disease-prevention services.
Pharmacoeconomics Health economics evaluation using “cost effectiveness concept” and broad range of techniques. Perspective, direct cost from …..societal (working days lost, opportunity costs, etc), healthcare providers (resources lost, operational costs, procedure costs)
Objectives To perform a cost saving analysis of treating Malaysian patient with acute coronary syndromes with Ticagrelor To supplement expert opinion with empirical data regarding the next potential alternative antiplatelet for Adenosine Diphosphate (ADP) antagonist for acute coronary syndrome (ACS).
Cost-Effectiveness This data-driven exploration of actual costing practices Relative cost of one intervention vs. another Costing Protocol Supply costs included costs of all medical and nonmedical supplies. Cost incur from Healthcare provider perspective.
PLATO : Primary Endpoint Over Time EZ001301-BRILIQ EZ001301 PLATO : Primary Endpoint Over Time Time to first primary efficacy event (composite of CV death, MI or stroke) 8 8 6.60 5.43 Clopidogrel 6 6 Clopidogrel 5.28 Cumulative incidence (%) 4 Cumulative incidence (%) 4 Ticagrelor 4.77 Ticagrelor 2 2 HR 0.88 (95% CI 0.77–1.00), p=0.045 HR 0.80 (95% CI 0.70–0.91), p<0.001 10 days 20 days 30 days 31 90 150 210 270 330 Days after randomisation Days after randomisation* No. at risk Ticagrelor 9,333 8,942 8,827 8,763 8,763 8,543 8,397 7,028 6,480 4,822 Clopidogrel 9,291 8,875 8,763 8,688 8,688 8,437 8,286 6,945 6,379 4,751 *Excludes patients with any primary event during the first 30 days Wallentin et al. New Eng J Med 2009; 361(11): 1045-1057
Risk Difference Straightforward method in looking two groups in RCT relates to number needed to treat Therefore the Risk Difference is the difference of Hazard Ratio within 30 days is calculated by: HR 5.43 (Clopidogrel) - HR 4.77 (Ticagrelor) = 0.66 Those in clopidogrel may have more risk of 0.66 event as compared to Ticagrelor group. Note: In Cox proportional hazards models, the “hazard ratio” presented is interpreted as “relative risk” of an event (CV death, MI or stroke)
Relative Risk Reduction (RRR) RRR is the reduction in risk (risk difference) with new therapy (Ticagrelor) relative to the risk without the new therapy. ‘Difference event rate’ devided by the ‘control event rate’ Risk diff /CER Relative Risk Reduction of 0.66/5.43 = 0.12 The Ticagrelor treatment group reduced the risk of death from vascular causes, MI, or stroke by 12% relative to that occurring in the Clopidogrel treatment group. Note: CER=control event rate (clopidogrel) Beth Dawson & Robert G. Trapp. Basic & Clinical Biostatistics 2004
A well-designed pharmacoeconomic analysis involves 10 steps: (1) defining the problem, (2) determining the study's perspective, (3) determining the alternatives and outcomes, (4) selecting the appropriate pharmacoeconomic method, (5) placing monetary values on the outcomes, (6) identifying study resources, (7) establishing the probabilities of the outcomes, (8) applying decision analysis, (9) discounting costs or performing a sensitivity or incremental cost analysis, and (10) presenting the results, along with any limitations of the study. LM Jolicoeur, AJ Jones-Grizzle, and JG Boyer. Guidelines For Performing A Pharmacoeconomic Analysis
Measuring Costs by weighing up the costs of services/interventions Direct costs Medical cost of drugs, laboratory test, consumables, acquisition costs, staff costs Fixed costs such as overhead costs Indirect costs Loss of earning (morbidity & mortality costs) Loss of productivity Difficult to measures from society perspective
We noted that there was a 12 We noted that there was a 12.3% PEV at 30 days (4 deaths, and 3 admissions with UA) in patients admitted with ACS in a 2-month study involving a single tertiary cardiology centre in the Malaysian state of Sarawak In the National Cardiovascular Disease – Acute Coronary Syndrome Registry in 2007, involving 14 public funded healthcare canters located in 12 Malaysian states, the all-cause mortality at 30-days was 20%.
In patient admitted with ACS and all-cause mortality at 30-days A 2-month Study from a Single Tertiary Cardiology Centre of Sarawak 12.3% primary event at 30 days 4 deaths, and 3 admissions with UA The National Cardiovascular Disease – Acute Coronary Syndrome Registry in 2007 In the National Cardiovascular Disease – Acute Coronary Syndrome Registry in 2007, involving 14 public funded healthcare canters located in 12 Malaysian states, the all-cause mortality at 30-days was 20% and 10% die from CV cause.. 3646 pts were registered
NCVD-ACS 2007 Based on our experience 3/7 of MACCE was due to UA. More than 97% with Aspirin Approximately 65% with Clopidogrel 10% die from CV cause. 10% X 3/7 can be suffering UA MACCE is 14.3% (10% + 4.3%)
NCVD 2007 3646 pts were registered 20% die of all cause (10% die from CV cause). Based on our experience 3/7 of MACCE was due to UA. More than 97% with Aspirin Approximately 60% with Clopidogrel Patients with clopidogrel can contribute to 10% (die) + 10%X3/7 (UA) Therefore contribute to 14.3% MACCE “This study provided information on the occurrence rate of major adverse coronary events (MACE) during the first 30 days post-ACS. Among the 57 patients recruited, 7 had a MACE, of which 4 were cardiovascular deaths and 3 were UA (Table 2). This fraction 4 over 7 (4/7 MACE) can be related to a similar approach presented in NCVD ACS where cardiovascular death rate was 10%. Similarly, unstable angina was seen in a fraction of 3 over 7 MACE or corresponding rate 7.5% MACE in ACS patients post admission in 30 days. Thus, the prevalence rate of total MACE as estimated from NCVD ACS 2007 was 17.6%.12” Fong AYY, Tiong LL, Wong JL, et al. Impact of an onsite cardiac catheter laboratory and pharmacotherapy on clinical outcomes of Acute Coronary Syndrome: A comparison of a Tertiary Referral Centre with a District General Hospital.
Ticagrelor With Ticagrelor Relative Risk Reduction (RRR) of 0.122 14.3% (MACCE) X 0.122 (RRR) = 1.74% Therefore we have can determine if all patients were on Ticagrelor, we may have reduced MACCE to 12.6% (14.3-1.74) Considering that 62% of all patients received an ADP antagonist and assuming that 50% of patients died of cardiovascular causes, a calculated PEV total of would be 17.6%. Using Ticagrelor, the corresponding PEV would be 15.4%. NCVD-ACS 2007
NCVD-ACS 2007 Based on our experience 3/7 of MACCE was due to UA. More than 97% with Aspirin Approximately 65% with Clopidogrel 10% die from CV cause. 10% X 3/7 can be suffering UA MACCE is 14.3% (10% + 4.3%)
Attribution of PLATO information Relative Risk Reduction (RRR) = 0.12 14.3% (MACCE from NCVD-ACS) X 0.12 (RRR) = 1.74% If all patients with Ticagrelor, we may have reduced MACCE to 12.6% (14.3-1.74)
(composite of CV death, MI or stroke) EZ001301-BRILIQ EZ001301 Based on the NCVD (composite of CV death, MI or stroke) 13 Clopidogrel 14.3 12 11 10 12.6 9 Ticagrelor 8 7 Incidence (%) 6 5 4 3 2 1 30 days Days
Using ticagrelor, the corresponding PEV would be 15.4%. The actual total with PEV (i.e.UA), requiring re-admission and treatment, and that 2072 of the 3646 fulfilled the PLATO inclusion criteria, would be 137 patients; compared to 158 patients if using clopidogrel.
From NCVD-ACS 2006-2008, 65% of all patients (STEMI, NSTEMI & UA) in 2007 received an ADP antagonist
What we know in NCVD-ACS 2007: 65% of all patients received an ADP antagonist or clopidogrel 50% of patients died of cardiovascular causes, a calculated PEV total of would be 17.6%. If Ticagrelor:PEV would be 15.4%.
The actual total with PEV (i. e The actual total with PEV (i.e.UA), requiring re-admission and treatment, and that 2072 of the 3646 fulfilled the PLATO inclusion criteria, would be 137 patients; compared to 158 patients if using clopidogrel. Chapter 2 page 12
Decision three
COSTING direct costs (i.e. hospitalisation)
Measuring Costs by weighing up the costs of services/interventions Direct costs Medical cost of drugs, laboratory test, consumables, acquisition costs, staff costs
Master List for Surgical & Equipments
Costing for Angiogram: Disposable items Stents Other equipments
Costing for CABG ** Presented by Dr Maggie Seldon at Cardiothoracic Conference 2008, Kelantan , Malaysia
Costing for lab test according to LOS
Medication costs during admission, discharge, follow-up.
Procedure costs for PCI (2007)
Annual Cost and Incremental Cost Ratio Optimised Medical Therapy TOTAL Cost Annually QALY Incremental Cost Ratio (ICR) MCRP 6,052.43 7,213.86 $51.31 CCRP * 6,009.38 7,162.55 - Control 5,992.17 8,000.23 $837.68 PCI (Angiogram) 15,756.90 18,780.57 CCRP 15,713.85 18,729.26 15,696.64 20,956.79 $2,227.53 CABG (Bypass) 53,605.30 63,891.89 53,562.25 63,840.58 53,545.04 71,488.70 $7,648.12 Malaysian Pharmaceutical Society Pharmacy Scientific Conference, Hotel Istana, Kuala Lumpur, 2011
21 Patients Seeking Treatments Annual health care resources used in MCRP median RM 25,994 (6,110 to 75,509) CCRP RM 21,471 ( 7,813 to 61,542) and Usual care RM 16,620 ( 4,565 to 61,854). However, the total direct cost of health care resources annually for bypass (CABG) is estimated with Median RM 51,542 (RM 44,266 to RM 75,509) similar to CABG with CCRP Median RM 53,376 (RM 46,538 to RM 61,542). Malaysian Pharmaceutical Society Pharmacy Scientific Conference, Hotel Istana, Kuala Lumpur, 2011
Assuming that an approximately equal number undergo medical therapy, percutaneous coronary intervention with drug eluting stent, and cardiac bypass surgery, the total direct cost of admission and treatment of these 21 unstable angina patients would be RM403,040.36 The total annual drug cost of treating Malaysian patients admitted with ACS with clopidogrel (RM5.55) for 30 days would be RM1,381,733.92 If ticagrelor was used (RM8.70), the corresponding amount would be RM1,555,471.12 Cost saving = RM229,302.24
Cost Saving Assuming that an approximately equal number undergo medical therapy, percutaneous coronary intervention with drug eluting stent, and cardiac bypass surgery, the total cost of admission and treatment of these 21 unstable angina patients would be RM403,040.36 (A). The total annual drug cost of treating Malaysian patients admitted with ACS with clopidogrel for 30 days would be RM1,381,733.92 (B). If Ticagrelor was used, assuming the daily cost is RM8.70, the corresponding amount would be RM1,555,471.12 (C); deriving a cost saving of RM229,302.24 {(A)- ((C)-(B)} Do the decision three
Decision Diagram of two groups of treatment with Clopidogrel or Ticagrelor in 30-days MACCE Treament on Clopidogrel 17.6% Died (10% due to CVD) UA (4/7 of MACCE based in SGHHC 2007) N=158 Treatment on Ticagrelor 15.4% RRR=0.12 N=137 saving RM229,000 ACS Registry in 2007, All-cause mortality at 30-days was 20%. Total of n=3646 Calculated Total Primary Event RRR calculated based on Plato Study COST 21 unstable angina patients would be RM403,040.36 (Mx, PCI and CABG) ACS in Malaysia with clopidogrel for 30 days would be RM1,381,733.92 and Ticagrelor RM1,555,471.12
CONCLUSION In a cost analysis of treating Malaysian patients with ACS for 30 days, treatment with ticagrelor compared to clopidogrel be cost saving for the main public sector healthcare provider.
A cost-saving alternative to Ticagrelor In a cost analysis of treating Malaysian patients with ACS for 30 days, treatment with ticagrelor compared to clopidogrel be cost saving for main public health provider.
Some Types of Economic Analysis in Health Care Studies Cost - efficiency Studies - What should it cost? Cost-of-illness Studies (COI) - Economic burden of illness Cost Evaluation Studies Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) Cost Effectiveness Analysis (CEA) Cost Utility Analysis (CUA) Slide adopted from: Martin L. Brown, PhD., Introduction to the Principles and Practice of Clinical Research
Suggestion NCVD is invaluable database: Health Economics Modeling: economic modeling combined with results of randomized clinical trials through modeling Pharmacoeconomics incorporates health economics, clinical evaluations, risk analysis, technology assessment, and health-related quality of life, epidemiology, decision sciences and health services research in the examination of drugs, medical devices, diagnostics, biotechnology, surgery, disease-prevention services.