department Mathematical Modelling, Statistics and Bioinformatics research group BiomatH Towards better models for describing mixing using compartmental modelling: A full-scale case demonstration U. Rehman1), W. Audenaert1), C. De Mulder1), Y. Amerlinck1), M. Arnaldos2), S. R. Weijers3), O. Potier4), I. Nopens1) 1) BIOMATH, Department of Mathematical Modelling, Statistics and Bio-Informatics, Gent, Belgium. 2) Acciona Agua S.A., R&D Department, Barcelona, Spain 3) Waterschap De Dommel, Boxtel, Netherlands 4) Laboratoire Réactions et Génie des Procédés, CNRS, Université de Lorraine, Nancy Cedex, France B-IWA nocturnal 2017 @WWTmod Annecy 2016
Next generation flowsheet models Simple flowsheet models ASM, TIS, simplified aeration/settling Increased unit process knowledge Increasing model complexity Compartmental models Next generation flowsheet models Computational fluid dynamics 3D base for WWT models
Example: Cup of coffee CSTR model TIS model CM CFD
Eindhoven WWTP, the Netherlands Bioreactor under study
Compartmental model Stepwise determination Longitudinal compartmentalization Vertical compartmentalization Flux calculations
Final compartmental network TIS model CM CFD model
conclusions CFD-Biokinetic model: detailed knowledge of the process variables (i.e. concentrations) CM based on both hydrodynamics and CFD-biokinetics A Dynamic CM will reduce calibration efforts and uncertainties
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