Salt vs Sugar Shelby Schroeder
Problem How well can people tell the difference between salt and sugar crystals?
Introduction Salt and sugar look alike, but what if they are crystallized? Is there anyway to tell the difference (in the crystals) without tasting them?
Background Info. Salt comes from underground mines. Sugar comes from plants called cane sugar. Too much of both is very bad for a persons body. Sugar is sweet and salt is bitter.
Hypothesis I predict people will be able to tell the difference between sugar and salt crystals
Materials 2 cups 2 pieces of string 2 paperclips Sugar Salt Water A sunny place Microscope People
People Clayton Holly Emma Jessica Max Edward Shelbi Sydney Kaci
Procedure I will place the sugar and salt crystal making tools in a sunny place. Sugar and salt crystals will grow. People will describe what each is like to me. They will see if they can tell the difference between the two.
Variables Independent: gender Dependent: if they could tell the difference Controlled: crystals
Major Observations
Possible Causes of Error
Further Research
Time Spent All science fair workdays.
Acknowledgements Clayton Holly Emma Jessica Max Edward Shelbi Sydney Kaci Mrs. Riffel