Summary of Session: Magnets and undulators for light sources 2


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Presentation transcript:

Summary of Session: Magnets and undulators for light sources 2 Ben Shepherd (STFC Daresbury Laboratory) The ZEPTO project: tunable permanent magnet dipoles and quadrupoles Joel Chavanne (ESRF) Magnets and insertion devices for the ESRF upgrade Jim Clarke (STFC Daresbury Laboratory) Summary of the 2014 Superconducting Undulator Workshop Soren Prestemon (LBNL) Superconducting technologies for Light Source undulators  Sara Casalbuoni (ANKA, KIT) Superconducting undulators: Experience from ANKA Marco Calvi (Paul Scherrer Institut) FEL undulators: from beam specifications to magnetic measurements Diego Arbelaez (LBNL) Design of the permanent undulators for the Linac Coherent Light Source Facility II

Development driven by dimensions of CLIC (42000 quads) Ben Shepherd (STFC Daresbury Laboratory) The ZEPTO project: tunable permanent magnet dipoles and quadrupoles Development driven by dimensions of CLIC (42000 quads) PM Quadrupoles high strength large tunability PM Dipoles Advantages: operational costs infrastructure requirements and power load

Machine upgrade 2BA -> 7BA smaller magnets: apertures divided by 2 Joel Chavanne (ESRF) Magnets and insertion devices for the ESRF upgrade Machine upgrade 2BA -> 7BA smaller magnets: apertures divided by 2 significantly reduced good field regions Permanent magnet based Dipoles and Quadrupoles R&D high gradient compact pm quadrupoles Smaller gap shorter periods CPMUs

Overview of worldwide activities US: APS LNBL Europe: KIT/ANKA / Noell Jim Clarke (STFC Daresbury Laboratory) Summary of the 2014 Superconducting Undulator Workshop Overview of worldwide activities US: APS LNBL Europe: KIT/ANKA / Noell STFC/DLS BINP ASIA: SINAP, Shanghai NSRRC, Taiwan Modelling Measurements Beam Heating and he told about enthusiastic people involved needs to proove a full length SCU in a 3GLS storage ring

Development based on Nb3Sn Soren Prestemon (LBNL) Superconducting technologies for Light Source undulators Development based on Nb3Sn Discussed optimization of coil configuration (end design) and Concept for in-situ tuning based on YBCO tapes

Good luck for installation of new still before Christmas ! Sara Casalbuoni (ANKA, KIT) Superconducting undulators: Experience from ANKA Collaboration with Industry Noell SCU14 demonstrator in 2005 SCU15DEMO to be installed 12’14 100 periods ongoing program: SCU20 2 in 1 SCUW18-54 undulator and wiggler in one device CASPERI vertical test cryostat to test short mock-ups, winding schemes, … COLDDIAG chamber to test beam heat load at various sources Good luck for installation of new still before Christmas !

Undulator for SwissFEL: modular Design for invac, APPLE, … Marco Calvi (Paul Scherrer Institut) FEL undulators: from beam specifications to magnetic measurements Undulator for SwissFEL: modular Design for invac, APPLE, … (semi - ) automatized field optimization cost effective series production 13 modules only but 3500 periods

Permanent magnet based undulators Diego Arbelaez (LBNL) Design of the permanent undulators for the Linac Coherent Light Source Facility II via Skype Permanent magnet based undulators Optimized sorting and keeper design for faster field optimization Pulsed wire: algorithm Dispersion correction algorithm advanced to incorporate phase information

Discussion SCU new drive through LCLS II max field, shortest period length @ reasonable gaps SCU: NbTi, Nb3Sn, HTS Permanent: Cryogenic undulators based on PrFeB @ 77K room temperature with Dy enhanced magnets PM based magnets huge potential in compactness reliability of motors/encoders vs PS (inside / outside tunnel)

SCU R&D Plan in Brief ANL… LBNL… Both Labs… Slide stolen from Paul Emma from January 2014 SCU R&D Plan in Brief ANL… Builds 2-m test cryostat (based on existing design at APS) Build & test 1.5-m long NbTi prototype planar undulator (lu  21.0 mm) LBNL… Build & test 1.5-m long Nb3Sn prototype planar undulator (lu  18.5 mm) Develop and tune each of the NbTi and Nb3Sn undulators Both Labs… Develop field measurement and field correction techniques Demonstrate predicted field, field quality, end-field corrections, field measurement and tuning, cold mass fiducialization, and integration of cold mass into cryostat Goal: Within 18 months deliver 2 fully functional, 1.5-m long, SC prototype undulators which meet LCLS-II specifications

SCU R&D and LCLS-II Construction Time-Line Slide stolen from Paul Emma from January 2014 SCU R&D and LCLS-II Construction Time-Line 17-Month SCU R&D (to ~May 2015) 3-Year production cycle for 33 SCU segments (~3 m/ea) Installation of LCLS-II undulator starts mid-2018 Undulator Production SCU R&D 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Start SCU R&D End R&D Start Und. Installation Start Und. Production Linac and Cryo Install Complete