L2VPN Provisioning & Signaling


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Presentation transcript:

L2VPN Provisioning & Signaling draft-ietf-l2vpn-signaling-03.txt Eric Rosen Wei Luo Bruce Davie Cisco Systems Vasile Radoaca Westridge Networks

The story so far Prior versions of this draft describe modular approach to provisioning, discovery and signaling for L2VPNs VPWS, VPLS (hierarchical, distributed, and vanilla) LDP- & L2TPv3-based signaling BGP-based autodiscovery Other autodiscovery methods possible

Changes from -02 version Main change: added new section on Inter-AS issues Builds on "PW Switching" draft* This forced some small changes to PW signaling procedures for VPLS (3.2.3 and 3.5.1) Also added some clarifying text in BGP-based autodiscovery sections ( and * draft-martini-pwe3-pw-switching-01.txt

Multi-AS tunnel LSP model AC 1 AC 3 PE-3 PE-1 AS 1 AS 2 ASBR-2 PE-2 ASBR-1 PE-4 AC 4 AC 6 Tunnel LSP Attachment circuit Attachment circuit pseudo-wire LDP Auto-discovery (MP-iBGP) Auto-discovery (MP-eBGP) Auto-discovery (MP-iBGP) PE-PE LSP is built as per RFC 2547, option (c) Addresses of PEs + labels carried in BGP PW signaling from PE-PE

Pseudo-wire "switching" model AC 1 AC 3 ASBR-1 ASBR-2 PE-3 pwid 34 PE-1 pwid 78 pwid 111 AS 1 AS 2 PE-2 PE-4 AC 4 AC 6 Attachment circuit Pseudowire Pseudowire Pseudowire Attachment circuit LDP / L2TPv3 LDP / L2TPv3 LDP / L2TPv3 Auto-discovery (MP-iBGP) Auto-discovery (MP-eBGP) Auto-discovery (MP-iBGP) Autodiscovery analogous to L3VPN Model (b) - eBGP used between ASBRs Limiting PW signaling to ASBRs gives control over policy and avoids mesh of PE-PE signaling draft-martini-pwe3-pw-switching-01.txt

BGP Autodiscovery VPLS: BGP advertisement for a particular VSI at a given PE will contain: an NLRI of AFI = L2VPN1, SAFI = TBD2, encoded as RD:PE_addr a BGP next hop equal to the loopback address of the PE extended community attribute containing one or more RTs VPWS: BGP advertisement for a pool of attachment circuits at a given PE will contain: an NLRI of AFI = L2VPN1, SAFI = TBD2, encoded as RD:pool_num 1. Same for all L2VPN schemes (e.g. vpls-bgp) 2. Same value for both cases in this draft

Changes to VPLS signaling -02 assumed that signaling was PE-PE, therefore need only identify the VPLS instance within the PE AGI = VPN-ID, TAII = SAII = null When signaling between ASBRs, need to identify the PE as well AGI = VPN-ID, TAII = PE_addr, SAII = null Note: PE_addr is just an identifier, need not be routable For Dist. VPLS, SAII = n - this allows multiple PWs from N-PE to N-PE

Next steps draft-ietf-l2vpn-vpls-ldp-xx.txt should change to reflect this change (or just reference this draft) Synchronize with draft-ietf-l3vpn-bgpvn-auto-xx.txt WG last call for this draft?