Earth science syllabus Mr. Deardorff
Welcome Welcome to my class. I am happy to be associated with you this semester and I want to help make your time in my classroom the most rewarding experience I can. To assist me in this I have described in this syllabus: course outline, behavioral expectations, grading, and assignments.
Course outline This course is designed to provide students with a basic foundational knowledge of Earth Science. This course will incorporate a combination of text book reading, labs, notes, class discussion, projects/presentations, and various quizzes/tests. The course will cover the following information but is not limited to:
Couse outline (cont.) S1 Spheres of Earth Energy Air pressure Earth as a system Data collection/graphing Layers of the atmosphere Storm tracking Air pressure Condensation Clouds Galaxies Stars Moon phases
Course outline (cont.) S2 Geological time Layers of Earth Volcanoes Fossils Plate tectonics Earthquakes Volcanoes Water cycle Earth’s resources Greenhouse gasses
behavior All students must show responsibility, be caring, demonstrate honesty, and show respect at all times to me, other adults, classmates, classroom materials and class time. If a student’s actions stop me from teaching and others from learning he/she will be asked to leave the room. We will then talk after class and a discipline form may be filed.
Behavior (cont.) The second time an incident occurs parental contact will be made and a discipline form filed. The third time the student will be sent to the office for appropriate action with the appropriate vice principal. If the behavior continues the student will be permanently removed from my class.
Classroom rules Come to class prepared with writing utensil, red pen, composition book and three ring binder. Students are required to be in the classroom when the bell rings. At the end of the period the teacher will dismiss you not the bell. All students are responsible for leaving their desk, chair, and lab area clean at the end of each period. Never take any chemicals or other laboratory materials out of the room unless the teacher gives you permission.
Classroom rules (cont.) Cell phones can only be used for class work during class time. Your teacher will let you know when you may use your cell phone. Never touch or handle projects, demonstrations, or experiments that are set up in the room. Water with a cap is the only drink that is allowed in class. No other food or drink is allowed. Hall passes are only to be used during non-instruction time. Students will not be allowed to use the hall pass the first/last 15 minutes of class. If the privilege is abused it will be taken away. Permission must be given in order to use the hall pass. Do not ask during instructional time. When/if permission is given, leave your cell phone with the teacher and sign out on the clip board in the back of the classroom. Board = paper. If it’s in the PowerPoint notes, it needs to be in your composition book.
grading Complete all assignments to the best of your ability and accept the consequences if you do not. A missed quiz constitutes a zero until that quiz is made up. Make up quizzes are only given during Griz period. An exam will be give after each unit.
Grading (cont.) Test/quizzes/class assignments can’t be retaken/redone. Test corrections can be done up to one week after the day of the test to demonstrate an increase in knowledge and increase your test score. If you want to know your current grade check powerschool first then talk to me during Griz period.
Grading (cont.) The grading scale is as follows: 90 - 100 = A 80 – 89 = B 70 – 79 = C 60 – 69 = D 59 – 0 = F
Grading (cont.) All work is weighted by categories. The following is a breakdown of the categories and their corresponding weights. Assessment = 40% Quizzes = 20% Classwork = 10% Projects = 10% Labs = 10% Final = 10%
Assignments Any student who will be absent from school because of illness or school activity will be responsible to get all make- up assignments, notes, labs and make up exams or quizzes. A student may schedule a time to visit with me before school, after school, or during Griz period. Do not attempt to discuss this with the teacher prior to the start of class.
Assignments (cont.) The students will need to keep a three ring binder that will include: course syllabus and worksheets. Students will also keep a composition book that will include: notes, bell ringers, and labs. A word to the wise, the notebook and composition book will become a valuable study tool as the year progresses. Keep it neat, organized and up to date. It is the responsibility of the student to get their graded assignments. If a student wants an assignment(s) returned please communicate that with the teacher.
Assignments (cont.) Assignments will be due on specified days. Any student who does not turn in their assignment at that time will receive a zero for that assignment until the assignment is turned in. After an assignment is over one week late it will not be accepted and a permanent zero will be given. Assignments will be accepted one week after they are due. They will then be considered late. Late assignments will receive a grade of up to 70% of the original value.
Assignments (cont.) Cheating/plagiarism will not be tolerated and a zero will be given on the assignment. Assignments turned in without a name will go in the “no name inbox.” Once the assignment is claimed the student will receive a late grade, assuming it is claimed within one week of the due date.