Welcome! Please give this math challenge a try. The number 3 can be written as the sum of consecutive numbers: 3 = 1 + 2 So can the number 12: 12 = 3 + 4 + 5 What other numbers can be written as a sum of consecutive numbers? Can every number be written as a sum of consecutive numbers? What patterns do you notice as you explore these questions?
Math Residency: Helping all teachers support all students Briarwood Elementary May 17, 2017
Objectives for Today Review & recognize high leverage teaching moves Explore strategies to differentiate within Concept Development Apply new thinking as you plan your next 2-5 lessons Gain a greater understanding of number bonds and tape diagrams Engage in collaborative long-term planning
Reviewing the High Leverage Teaching Moves
How Have We Grown? What instructional changes have you made this spring? What did you learn from that?
Choose Your Focus Which high leverage move will you focus on as we analyze a lesson? Reasoning & problem solving Questions & discourse Conceptual understanding Productive struggle
Video: Concept Development Remember your focus What do you notice? What do you wonder? 22 min Show Bethany’s “CD only” video (21 min) https://issaquahwednet.sharepoint.com/portals/hub/_layouts/15/PointPublishing.aspx?app=video&p=p&chid=d95d3969-2b8e-480e-9fa0-106ff5c0b5df&vid=a3549f44-2e95-4218-acd2-abdb55532c58
4 Corners Analysis Move to the corner that represents your focus. Discuss how that teaching move shows up in the lesson. How might it apply at your grade level? Reasoning & Problem Solving Questioning & Discourse Conceptual Understanding Productive Struggle
Share Your Thoughts What did your corner group notice? How might this apply to your students?
Reflection: High Leverage Moves Take a moment to jot down your thoughts or ideas inspired by: Your discussions The video Your experiences
Let’s Take a Break!
Challenges with Concept Development During concept development, the fast processors get bored. I want strategies to keep them more engaged and challenged. During the concept development I’m not reaching my special education students. I want to help them be engaged and feel successful.
Envisioning the Ideal What does Concept Development LOOK like when all students are engaged? What does it SOUND like? What does it FEEL like?
Causes of Disengagement Student differences Preparation & experience Processing speeds Procedural knowledge vs. conceptual understanding Other?
What Factors Can We Adjust? Task Talk Pace Pairing
Task Scaffolds Activate students’ prior knowledge Materials—establish routines Templates—for all students or for some Vocabulary supports / GLAD strategies
Task Extensions What extension opportunities were offered to students in the video? Who were they available to? What language did the teacher use? 10 min Show video: Bethany interview—Stretch (5 ½ min) https://issaquahwednet.sharepoint.com/portals/hub/_layouts/15/PointPublishing.aspx?app=video&p=p&chid=d95d3969-2b8e-480e-9fa0-106ff5c0b5df&vid=270c7743-43e8-41ed-a107-b08f52cb7f5e
Talk Engaging all students: Ask open ended questions Give think time Invite risk-taking with emerging ideas Teach listening skills Offer question/response stems
Get Students Thinking & Talking About Math Look for: Questions about thinking—not about answers Open ended questions for you to ask Question stems for students to use with each other
Consideration: Equity through Invitational Language Instead of This Try This Who can tell me…? What do we know about…? What conclusion can we draw…? What conclusions can we draw…? Great thinking, Julia! Interesting. Can we hear some other thinking? What is the effect of…? What might be the effect of…? Students raising hands Pull sticks—after think time
Pace Read the Differentiation Tips from Duane Habecker and annotate 3 important ideas * 2 questions ? 1 surprise ! Share your 3-2-1 with a partner Discuss implications with your team
Pairing Assign or don’t assign? Mixed partners vs. like partners? Teaching how to be a good partner. Tips? What is working well?
Reflection: Task, Talk, Pace & Pairing Take a moment to jot down your thoughts or ideas inspired by: The video Your discussions Your experiences Which thought or idea from this morning do you want to work on right away?
Planning: Putting Ideas into Practice How will you put your new idea(s) into practice in your next 2-5 lessons? Be intentional and specific!
11:15 – 12:00 LUNCH!!
Please Sit in Vertical Teams Dana / Melissa / Monique / Jenna Amy / Sarah / Katie Laura / Mary / Angela Tiffany / Teresa / Kellie Mia / Kelsey / Sara
Objectives for Today Review & recognize high leverage teaching moves Explore strategies to differentiate within Concept Development Apply new thinking as you plan your next 2-5 lessons Gain a greater understanding of number bonds and tape diagrams Engage in collaborative long-term planning
Why Use Math Models or Drawings? Number Bonds Support conceptual understanding Bridge from concrete to abstract Powerful problem-solving tools CCSS “…using objects, drawings, and equations..” “…using concrete models or drawings…” “…using drawings and equations…” MP.5: Use appropriate tools strategically Tape Diagrams
Let’s do some more math! With your team, complete the Number Bond and Tape Diagram problems What do you notice about the progressions from K-3 and beyond? Be prepared to share Think about using their work to create a visual progression in the room—posters?
Observations, questions, insights? What do you notice about the progressions? How are number bonds and tape diagrams similar? How are they different? How was this exercise useful?
Looking back to look forward: June Work as a team to analyze your remaining Eureka module(s): Which lessons are most critical? CCSS major work for your grade level (*) EOM assessment What vocabulary & fluency practices are most critical? What lessons can be skipped or consolidated? What are some potential extensions?
Looking back to look forward: Next Year Work in pairs to analyze your Eureka modules: Where did students do well & where did they struggle? What vocabulary & fluency practices are most critical? What lessons can be skipped or consolidated? What are some potential extensions?
How should we launch math? What is the best balance between: Eureka lessons & pacing Creating excitement about math Building a supportive community of mathematicians Teaching procedures
Final reflection… What is the most important thing you’ve learned this year about or from Eureka? What was our most helpful work today? High leverage moves Video Concept development Planning upcoming lessons Number bonds & tape diagrams Looking back to look forward Discussions & reflections