Greenville Health System & University of South Carolina School of Medicine Greenville Be Prepared with ELERTS Medic™ App Easy to Use: Press a button to “Call GHS Police” or “Report a Problem” Send reports to security quickly and discreetly with photos, text & location No dialing or scrolling through a contact list – just push a button in the app Real-time, two-way chat with security “EscortMe” feature offers a virtual security escort on campus Easily report Joint Commission compliance issues Together, we can help keep our hospital safe. Alerts shows safety Reports are sent to information from Security Security Dispatcher
ELERTS MEDIC ™ The right tool for the wrong situation Best Practices for Staff Download the ELERTS See Say™ app now from iTunes or Google Play, before an emergency occurs. It’s free and the download takes less than a minute. 1) Complete the app set-up. 2) Click "Report a Problem" button. 3) Take a photograph in the app (camera flash will be disabled automatically). 4) Choose "TEST - This is only a Test" as the report type (test reports will not be sent to GHS Police) 5) Click “Send” button. You are now ready to send real-time reports to security should you witness an incident or suspicious activity. We appreciate your help in keeping our hospital safe!