Acronyms 3-4 Sept. 2008 DRAFT EFW INST+SOC PDR 483 3D Three-Dimensional A-D Analog-to-Digital ADC Analog-to-Digital Conversion or Converter APL Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory AXB Axial Boom BCR Budget Change Request BEB Boom Electronics Board BOL Beginning of Life BOT Beginning-of-Travel CAM Control Account Manager CBE Current Best Estimate CDI Command and Data Interface CDRL Contract Deliverables Requirements List CE Conducted Emissions CG "Center of Gravity (technically, Center of Mass)" CMRR Common-Mode Rejection Ratio ConOps Concept of Operations CPT Comprehensive Performance Test CPU Central Processing Unit CRRES Combined Release and Radiation Effects Satellite CS Conducted Susceptibility CTE Coefficient of Thermal Expansion DAC Digital-to-Analog Conversion or Converter DAD Deploy Assist Device DCB Data Controller Board DDD Deep-Dielectric Discharge DFB Digital Fields Board DMA Direct Memory Access DSP Digital Signal Processing EEE "Electronic, Electrical and Electromechanical parts" EFW Electric Field and Waves E-GSE Electrical GSE ELF Extremely-Low Frequency (30-300 Hz) EM Engineering Model (also ETU) EME Electromagnetic Engineering (also EMI/EMC/ESC) EMFISIS Electric and Magnetic Field Instrument Suite with Integrated Science EMI/EMC Electromagnetic Interference/Electromagnetic Compatibility EMIC Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron EOL End of Life EOT End-of-Travel ESC Electrostatic Cleanliness ESD Electrostatic Discharge ESIC Electrostatic Ion Cyclotron ETM Environmental Test Matrix ETU Engineering Test Unit (also EM) EVM Earned Value Management 3-4 Sept. 2008 DRAFT EFW INST+SOC PDR 483
Acronyms - continued FAST FAST Auroral Snapshot Explorer (satellite) FEM Finite-Element Model FOS Factor-of-Safety FPGA Field-Programmable Gate Array FSW Flight Software GIDEP Government-Industry Data Exchange Program GSE Ground Support Equipment I&T Integration and Test I/F Interface ICD Interface Control Document IDPU Instrument Data Processing Unit I-PDR Instrument PDR IRD Instrument Requirements Document KAW Kinetic Alfven Wave LASP "Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, University of Colorado, Boulder" LOS Line-of-Sight LPT Limited Performance Test LVDS ??? LVPS Low-Voltage Power Supply MDR Mission Design Review (also SRMDR) M-GSE Mechanical GSE MHD Magnetohydrodynamics MLAT Magnetic Latitude MLT Magnetic Local Time MOC Mission Operations Center MOI Moment of Inertia MPDR Mission PDR MRD Mission Requirements Document NTE Not To Exceed PCB Power Control Board; Printed Circuit Board; Parts Control Board. PDR Preliminary Design Review PDT Pacific Daylight Time [GMT-8h] PER Pre-Environmental Review PFR Problem/Failure Report PI Principal Investigator PM Project Manager PO Purchase Order PSR Pre-Ship Review PWA Printed Wiring Assembly PWB Printed Wiring Board (also PCB) QA Quality Assurance (also SMA)
Acronyms - continued RBSP Radiation Belt Storm Probes RE Radiated Emissions RFA Request for Action RGA Residual Gas Analyzer RPM revolutions per minute RS Radiated Susceptibility SAMPEX Solar Anomalous and Magnetospheric Particle Explorer SC Spacecraft (also S/C) SDP Software Development Plan SDRAM Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory SE System Engineer SEE Single Event Effect SFR Swept-Frequency Receiver SMA Safety and Mission Assurance SOC Science Operations Center SOC RD SOC Requirements Document SOH State-of-Health (also HSK) SPB Spin Plane Boom SRAM Static Random Access Memory SRB Standing Review Board SRMDR System Requirements and Mission Design Review (also MDR) SSL Space Sciences Laboratory SW Software SWG Science Working Group TBD To Be Determined TBR To Be Reviewed THD Total Harmonic Distortion THEMIS Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions During Substorms (satellite) TID Total Ionizing Dose TM Telemetry TVAC Thermal-Vacuum UCB University of California, Berkeley ULF Ultra-Low Frequency (< 30 Hz) UMN University of Minnesota VLF Very-Low Frequency (3-30 kHz)