Catawba County Rethinking Government’s Role Changing: Catawba County Rethinking Government’s Role Changing: the way we think, the way we interact, the way we do business. IT Governance Meeting May 21, 2009
GreenIT &everything else Green IT: Local government must be a model for purchasing and recycling green products and IT’s role in this can be significant. Local government should be recycling all of the obsolete electronic products that are being discarded. None should be going to the landfill. Soon, purchasing computers made from recycled material will become a priority as manufacturers move more to green IT products. Reducing energy cost in data centers by moving to a virtual environment, encouraging users to reduce printing and to shut down idol machines all will be steps to go green.
The Little Things…… Count
Empower the Workforce… Unbounding Tools Mobilization Wireless Connectivity Online Applications Expense Reporting Benefit Enrollment Time Reporting Documents
Reduce Downtime… …Mobilize Mobile Field Inspection Building Food and Lodging Well and Septic Inspectors: Mobile Field Tools for Home Health Services School Nurses Geographic Scheduling Maintenance Work Order System Mobile Field Based Reporting for Law Enforcement Teleconferencing /Webinars
Best Practices and Shared Resources… …Virtual Technology/SAN(Storage Area Network) March 2006 70 physical servers, 4.5 terabytes storage Today 128 servers 108 virtual and 20 physical servers 12 terabytes storage used 27 terabytes of storage available. Full redundancy for disaster recovery Approximately $400,000 in server savings 300 square feet of additional space
Think Don’t Be Before You Print A Virtual Packrat
My Personal Green IT Checklist: Unplug phone chargers, iPod chargers, GPS chargers and other chargers when not in use. Turn off your computer Don’t forget monitor, the speakers, the printer, the scanner, and even the paper shredder. Don’t be a “Virtual Packrat”. Don’t print just because you can. Use handouts only if necessary Use the sleep mode Buy an LCD Monitor Check energy consumption on all purchases. Technology has become part of our lives but remember, at times you need to turn it all off and enjoy time without it. My Green IT Checklist: 1. Unplug phone chargers, iPod chargers, GPS chargers and other chargers when not in use. Each of this type of charger continues to drain small amounts of energy even if the device is not plugged into them. If you don’t want the bother of unplugging them, hook them all to a power bar and turn it off when you are not charging equipment. 2. Turn off you computer if you are going to be away for an extended time. Especially, overnight. In the past, you may have been instructed to leave your computer on overnight, mainly to avoid signing back on the network the next time you used it. We no longer need to think this way. Actually, shutting the computer down properly and then bringing it back up has advantages. So turn it off when you are not using it. 3. Turning the computer off saves energy but don’t forget everything attached to it. Be sure to turn off the monitor, the speakers, the printer, the scanner, and even the paper shredder. A good test is to look back into the room after you turn the lights out. If you see any LCDs, you may need to turn it off. 4. Don’t be a “Virtual Packrat”. Don’t store something just because you can. Data storage has become very cheap to buy, however, it takes energy to store and maintain data. When you read something on the Internet, don’t store it because you may use it again in the future. This is especially true at work where your data may be stored on network drives. Power consumption for data centers has been increasing at an alarming rate and storing something just because you can, requires more hard drive space and thus more energy. 5. Don’t print just because you can. Most information that you have on your computer can be read just as well on the screen. Think before you print and ask yourself the question, “Do I really need a paper copy?” 6. If you are a presenter and usually give your audience a copy of your presentation, think about using a web service like . They can view the actual presentation and if you want, give them permission to download and view. YouTube works great for videos and Flickr for photos. The web gives you a great place to store information and a great place for your participants to view it without printing it. Please remind your participants that they should avoid becoming the virtual packrats, they can read it online so don’t worry about storing and printing a copy. 7. Be sure your computer monitor and hard drive are set to sleep mode after 15 minutes. This is an easy step that costs nothing. Refer to your manual for this. 8. Speaking of the monitor, if you are still using a CRT monitor, replace it with a new LCD monitor. This costs less to run and you will gain space on the desktop. 9. Check energy consumption on all purchases. When buying any technology look beyond the price and look at the continuing cost of ownership. One computer may be priced attractively but consume a lot more energy for the same processing power. 10. Technology has become part of our lives but remember, at times you need to turn it all off and enjoy time without it.
Rethink Green in Your Organization Donate old functional computers to school children that do not have home computers. Send old computer equipment to a company that recycles electronic devices. Exchange CRT computer monitors with LCD monitors when computers are replaced. Provide computer applications at employees' homes, so they can complete required paperwork without having to drive to their office. Virtualization and server consolidation. Initiate a “Think before you print” campaign. Use Web/video conferencing to reduce mileage costs. Scan and store documents for reduced paper and easier access Make online access to information a strategic direction
Visit Earth Awareness
Broadband in Catawba County Greatness or Mediocrity “To build an economy that can lead this future, we will begin to rebuild America… It means expanding broadband lines across America, so that a small business in a rural town can connect and compete with their counterparts anywhere in the world….” President Barack Obama
What is the Definition of High Speed Internet Service? In March 2008, an FCC order developed speed tiers to define broadband services. New FCC Broadband Speed Tiers 1st Generation Data 200 kbps to 768 kbps Basic Broadband Tier 1 768 kbps to 1.5 Mbps Broadband Tier 2 1.5 Mbps to 3 Mbps Broadband Tier 3 3 Mbps to 6 Mbps Broadband Tier 4 6 Mbps to 10 Mbps Broadband Tier 5 10 Mbps to 25 Mbps Broadband Tier 6 25 Mbps to 100 Mbps Broadband Tier 7 Greater than 100 Mbps Source: FCC Wireless Competition Bureau
How Much Bandwidth is Needed? Most studies indicate that America needs at least 100Mb to the Home by 2012. European nations are already developing networks at 100Mb to 1 GB and higher. The City of Wilson, NC is delivering 100Mb to the home and 1 Gb to businesses today. They are meeting strong opposition from Time Warner and Embarq who do not have a competitive product. Currently there is no known plan for 100Mb or higher to the home in Catawba County.
Japan 60 Mbs /second US 5 Mbs /second Japan France United States Luxembourg
60 Mbs /second $35 /month 5 Mbs /second $55 /month *
Wilson vs Carriers
Tier 4- 6 to 10 MBps 30 Counties in NC have better coverage than Catawba County
Economic Benefits of Broadband The US Bureau of Economic Analysis estimates that for every dollar invested in broadband returns another $3 to the economy. Conversely, the failure to make necessary investments in broadband is projected to reduce productivity by one percent per year or more. A 1 percent increase in a state’s broadband penetration results in .2 to .3 percent increase in employment. The effect of high speed Internet access translates into $1000 to $1500 increase in per capita income.
Name That Site
Name That Site Keep-up-with-Catawba-County. Thatacatabacounty The Catawba County Connection! ***Citizen Alert*** CatCo Citizen Alert Community Alert You Gotta Read This! Watch Out For... Cat-Co Knows (stands for Catawba County Knows) Psst....Catawba County Catawba County's 411 CATCO Did you Know? CATCO Lowdown First things first Catawba County Connections The Catawba County Communicator iKnow - Important Knowledge Now On the Web New News Now Know Now! ePSA The CoCat PSAGE (PSAs Given Electronically) Catawba County Cares Catawba County Outreach Catawba County Bloggers Catawba County Platform Catawba County Citizens
Reaching Out to Catawba County YouTube and Flickr Reaching Out to Catawba County
How Do Your Processes Stack Up?
Assignments for the Next Month Choose 5 favorites for the PSA Blog Identify one video opportunity for our YouTube site. Look at your processes and identify one that could be improved.
Catawba County Rethinking Government’s Role Changing: Catawba County Rethinking Government’s Role Changing: the way we think, the way we interact, the way we do business. IT Governance Meeting May 21, 2009