Government and Economics Mr. Rosenberg
Remind Text 81010 @eb36ch
Getting to Know You Game Say your name Say one thing that you like which has the same first letter as your name EXAMPLE: I’m Billy and I like Baseball
Required Materials: PEN/PENCIL
Required Materials: NOTEBOOK
Required Materials: Economics Textbook
Class Norms What do you think a “Class Norm” is? Why are “Class Norms” important? Write down three things that you think should be a “Class Norm”
My Class Norms and Expectations -RESPECT: Teacher and Classmates -One Mic (No side Conversations) -Language: NO RACIAL SLURS or anything else that could be hurtful to another person -Classroom Engagement -Be here on time -No Phones/Electronic Devices 100% Effort
What is the homework for next class? Warm Up What is the homework for next class?
Learning Objectives -Interpret Class Norms and Expectations -Analyze Community Service Project -Synthesize difference between needs and wants
HOMEWORK Have Class Norms and Expectations sheet signed by both you and your parents/guardians
Go get textbooks from the Textbook Room
Syllabus/Class Norms Sheet -Class Norms/Expectations -Grading -Signatures
Class Norms and Expectations Questionnaire While reading through the Class Norms and Expectations packet, fill out questions 1-10 on the Question sheet
What do you think Economics means? Warm Up What do you think Economics means?
Homework: Pretend that you are an Entrepreneur Pretend that you are an Entrepreneur…answer the following questions in one sentence: 1. What is an Entrepreneur? 2. What makes you an Entrepreneur? 3. What kinds of goods/services will you be making? 4. Which Factor of Production will you be using to make this good/service?
Learning Objectives -Analyze Needs and Wants -Interpret The American Dream -Engage in Collaborative Learning
What do you already know about Economics??? List 3 words that you think of when you hear the term “Economics” AFTER YOU HAVE DONE THAT: Answer this question: What is the difference between a “need” and a “want”? List 3 needs that you have in your life List 3 wants that you have in your life
Notes Economics: Study of how people get what they need and want through making choices Needs: Things that you must have to live Wants: Things that you would like but you don’t need to live
Economics: $3000!!! Pretend that you have $1000.00 in a month Estimate how much each of your needs and wants are for the month Do you have enough money to pay for all your needs and wants? Do you have more money to spend? Pretend that the class has $1000.00 Make a list of 3 needs and 3 wants for the class Do we have enough for everyone’s needs and wants? If not, what should we not spend money on?
The American Dream Discussion What does it mean to have a dream or a goal? What does the “American Dream” mean? How is the “American Dream” related to Economics? Do you think the “American Dream” is a real and possible idea in modern society?
The American Dream in the Media October Sky- Kevin Durant- Eminem-
Conduct Research on Your Classmates Ask your classmates: What are your dreams and goals? Do you think you can accomplish them? Why or why not?
Warm Up What is the most important need that you have? What is the most important want that you have? What do you think needs and wants have to do with Economics?
Homework Pretend that you are an Entrepreneur…answer the following questions in one sentence: 1. What is an Entrepreneur? 2. What makes you an Entrepreneur? 3. What kinds of goods/services will you be making? 4. Which Factor of Production will you be using to make this good/service?
Learning Objectives Analyze the difference between a good and service Interpret the different Factors of Production Collaborate with classmates on Group Project
Entrepreneur Entrepreneur: A person who creates new goods and services Good: Physical Objects Service: Something that someone does for another person
Check for Understanding Write down an example of an entrepreneur and explain why they are an entrepreneur in one sentence Write down an example of a good and explain why it is a good Write down an example of a service and explain why is it a service
Good or Service???
Good or Service???
Good or Service???
Good or Service???
Good or Service???
Good or Service???
Good or Service???
Good or Service???
Factors of Production Resource: Something that is needed to make a good/service Factor of Production=Resource Three Factors of Production: Land- Natural Materials (not made by humans) Labor- Work that a person gets paid for Capital- Human made Materials
Describe what is an Entrepreneur Give one example of an Entrepreneur Warm Up Describe what is an Entrepreneur Give one example of an Entrepreneur
Homework: Pretend that you are an Entrepreneur Pretend that you are an Entrepreneur…answer the following questions in one sentence: 1. What is an Entrepreneur? 2. What makes you an Entrepreneur? 3. What kinds of goods/services will you be making? 4. Which Factor of Production will you be using to make this good/service?
Learning Objectives Enhance Reading and Writing abilities Analyze different Factors of Production Engage in Collaborative Learning
Textbook Work: Chapter 1, Lesson 3 Read pages 11-13 With a partner, answer questions 1-7 on a separate sheet of paper
Entrepreneur Flow Chart
Check for Understanding Next to each word, write the correct factor of Production: 1. Diamonds 6. Tractor 2. Paint 7. Grading Tests 3. Medical Aid 8. Doing Someone’s Taxes 4. Oil 9. Hammer 5. Pizza Delivery 10. Farmland
Community Service Project What is a “Community”? What is a “Service”? What is “Community Service”? What is the difference between Community Service and doing a regular job? Why is Community Service important? Read through Community Service Project Sheet
What are the three Factors of Production? Warm Up What are the three Factors of Production? Give an example for each Factor of Production
Homework Pretend that you are an Entrepreneur…answer the following questions in one sentence: 1. What is an Entrepreneur? 2. What makes you an Entrepreneur? 3. What kinds of goods/services will you be making? 4. Which Factor of Production will you be using to make this good/service?
Learning Objectives Review Chapter 1 Vocabulary Engage in Collaborative Learning Enhance Public Speaking Skills
Economics Student Workbook Complete Chapter 1, Lesson 1, Questions 1-10
Group Project: Entrepreneurs Groups= 3/4 People Each Group= 1 Poster Each poster is based off an entrepreneur that your group knows about You have 30 Minutes to Make A Poster About your Entrepreneur Everyone in the Group Must Present the Poster to the Class
Group Project: Necessary Information 1-2 sentence explanation of why the person is an entrepreneur How he/she made their money The reasons why their good/Service Made so much Money The Factors of Production used to Produce the Good/Service Entrepreneur Flow Chart 5 Images to Depict the Entrepreneur and their Entrepreneurship
Weekly Review Sheet Fill out the Weekly Review Sheet to ensure understanding of Chapter 1 Vocabulary
Exit Ticket Read through your notes and readings Select a vocabulary word which you still don’t understand Next to the word, write what you think it might mean: You can’t write “I don’t know”
In-Class Time to work on Homework Use this in-class time to think about what you would like to do for your community service