A Proposed Theory of Everything (TOE) Copyright © 2010, by Antonio A A Proposed Theory of Everything (TOE) Copyright © 2010, by Antonio A. Colella Proposed TOE unites all known physical phenomena from Planck cube (infinitely small) to Super Universe (infinitely large) Each of 129 matter/force particle resides in a Planck cube Universe objects are volumes of contiguous Planck cubes Proposed TOE foundations are 20 existing independent theories String, particle creation, inflation, spontaneous symmetry breaking, Higgs force/particles, superpartner and quark decays, neutrino oscillations, dark matter, universe expansions, dark energy, messenger particles, relative strengths of forces, Super Universe (multiverse), stellar black holes, black hole entropy, arrow of time, cosmological constant, black hole information paradox, baryogenesis, and quantum gravity Selectively modified each existing theory Integrated with interrelated theories without sacrificing existing theory’s integrity Output was an integrated TOE P102111
String/Higgs Force/Dark Energy Particle’s energy/mass Calabi-Yau membrane’s (string) diameter, modulated amplitude and frequency 129 individual particles 16 SM, 16 supersymmetric, 32 anti-particles, 64 supersymmetric Higgs, 1 super force Proposed symbols (e.g. up quark p11 and associated Higgs h11, p11 replaces u) Explicitly identify Higgs particles Eliminate ambiguities of existing symbols (e.g. p16 replaces γ) Big bang singularity (superimposed super force particles’ strings) Rotating, charged, doughnut shaped with radius < 10-40 meters Our universe’s near infinite energy/mass of 1054 kilograms, 1024 Mʘ Super force condenses into 17 matter (W/Z) and 17 associated Higgs forces Spontaneous symmetry breaking occurs at 17 different temperatures (bidirectional) Higgs force is residual Super force (contains mass, charge, spin) Matter particles and associated Higgs forces are one and inseparable True vacuum or dark energy density (ρΛ ) Equals sum of 8 Higgs force particles’ energy densities associated with atomic (up quark, down quark, electron), dark (zino, photino), and 3 neutrino matter particles Cosmological constant lambda(Λ) is proportional to dark energy density, Λ = (8πG/3c2)ρΛ
Super Universe/Stellar Black Holes Our universe nested in our precursor universe nested in Super Universe Black hole redefinition Neutron star collapses to quark star (matter) collapses to black hole (energy) Both quark star (matter) and black hole (energy) are “black” A quark star (matter) has mass, volume, near zero temperature, and high entropy A black hole (energy) has no mass, minimum volume (singularity), near infinite temperature, and minimum entropy Supermassive quark stars (matter) Contain 106 to 109 Mʘ , one at center of our universe’s 100B galaxies Super supermassive quark stars (matter) Existed in our precursor universe Contain 109 to 1024 Mʘ At the 1024 threshold, quark star (matter) collapsed to black hole (energy) Entropy transformed from maximum to minimum, “resurrected life” Quark star (matter)/black hole (energy) deflation similar to big bang inflation
Precursor Universe Justification Law The Ultimate Free Lunch Theory A Proposed Theory of Everything Conservation of Energy/Mass Violates Satisfies Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity Second Law of Thermodynamics
Table 1 Standard/Supersymmetric Particles Symbol Standard Model Matter Force Supersymmetric p1 graviton x p17 gravitino p2 gluon p18 gluino p3 top quark p19 top squark p4 bottom quark p20 bottom squark p5 tau p21 stau p6 charm quark p22 charm squark p7 strange quark p23 strange squark p8 muon p24 smuon p9 tau-neutrino p25 tau-sneutrino p10 down quark p26 down squark p11 up quark p27 up squark p12 electron p28 selectron p13 muon-neutrino p29 muon-sneutrino p14 electron-neutrino p30 electron-sneutrino p15 W/Z bosons p31 wino/zinos p16 photon p32 photino Explicit Higgs particles h32 Explicit standardization via subscripts & capitalizations p2, p16, psfp11 P11, Psfdp11
Cosmological Constant Problem/Nested Universes Was 10-120 of expected value (2 x 10110 erg/cm3) Because Super Universe was 10120 the size of our universe Super Universe Consists of nested universes Dark energy density is a constant and uniformly distributed Super Universe, precursor universe, our universe Super Universe expands via eternal inflation Dark energy density decreases with time Our precursor universe Subset volumes formed super supermassive quark stars (matter)/ black holes (energy) Transitioned to white holes and redistributed matter Super Universe’s radius approximately 1050 light years Spherical volumes proportional to radii cubed (1040)(46.5 x 109 light years) Super Universe’s age approximately 1050 years Assuming equal expansion rates for Super Universe and our universe Age = (Super Universe’s radius/our universe’s radius) (our universe’s age)
Super Universe Summary Three types of stellar objects Stars within Milky Way galaxy Galaxies within our universe Galaxies within parallel universes within Super Universe Milky Way galaxy Spherical volume - 50,000 light years radius (1 ly = 6 trillion miles) Stars not uniformly distributed Our universe Spherical volume – 46.5 billion light years radius 100B galaxies uniformly distributed (300 million light years cube) Hubble ultra deep – 13.1 billion years James Webb telescope – 13.4 billion years Super Universe Spherical volume - 1050 light years radius 10120 parallel universes uniformly distributed Post James Webb required to detect closest galaxy in closest parallel universe