Election of 1800 First Election to have political parties Jeffersonians – “guardians of agrarian purity, liberty, and states rights” Federalists hurt by “Alien and Sedition Acts”, split by Hamilton, and refusal to go to war with France.
Election of 1800
Presidential Election Results Jefferson defeats Adams in popular vote Tie with Aaron Burr decided in the House of Representatives Jefferson wins. 12th Amendment passed
Revolution of 1800?? “A Peaceful and orderly transfer of power” Extended Democratic principles Showed unexpected moderation Did pardon “martyrs” of Alien and Sedition Repealed hated excise tax
Adam’s revenge! Judiciary Act of 1801 (16 new judges) “midnight judges” John Marshal a strong Federalist
Marbury v. Madison (1803) Commissions shelved by Madison William Marbury sued Marshal’s Ruling 1. Marbury should get his commission 2. Judiciary Act “unconstitutional” Expanded the authority of the court : “Judicial Review”
Jefferson’s Actions Reduced the military “Hater of War” enters the Barbary War
“Strict Constructionist” becomes loose “Louisiana Territory” bought from France $ 15 million “bargain” doubles the U.S.
Lewis and Clark Expedition”
The Aaron Burr Conspiracy joined Federalist conspiracy (Essex Junto) exposed by Alexander Hamilton killed Hamilton in a duel joined General Wilkinson’s plot arrested, tried, acquitted, fled
Neutrality with Britain and France Britain and France at War Orders in Council (1806) Impressing Sailors The Chesapeake incident (1807)
The Embargo Act (1807)
James Madison
Madison’s Presidency Madison’s gamble (Brits would change) “War Hawks” Renewed Indian threat (Tecumseh and Tenskwatawa) “The Battle of Tippecanoe” (Harrison) “Madison’s War” (division in the U.S.)