Bellringer 1/26 Think-Pair-Share come up with a list of at least 5 scenes you might expect to see in a superhero movie. Once you have your list, find a partner and share your answers. Between the two of you, make an inclusive list and put them in CHORONOLOGICAL order of how they would likely appear in the film.
Monomyth (“Hero’s Journey”) A basic pattern that is found in many narratives from around the world.
The Hero’s Journey
The Hero’s Quest The Monomyth
Joseph Campbell “Follow your bliss.” 1904 – 1987 American mythologist, writer, and lecturer. Campbell noticed reoccurring elements and patterns in myths from around the world. Most notably, reoccurring hero myths.
ARCHETYPES generic, idealized model of a person, object, or concept from which similar instances are derived, copied, patterned. A bit like a stereotype, but more complex. An image, story pattern, character type, representation, or recurring idea. Archetypes are based off of constant or universal ideas, something about being human everyone can relate to.
“The hero is the same, but the costume changes.” Joseph Campbell called this the Monomyth, or “one story.” This is the diagram he created to illustrate this concept:
Birth/Beginning/Ordinary World Fabulous circumstances often surrounding conception, birth, and childhood. The Ordinary World allows us to get to know the Hero before the Journey begins. The Ordinary World gives us the opportunity to identify with the Hero’s drives, urges, and problems.
Call to Adventure Call to Adventure: The hero is called to adventure by some external event or messenger (Herald archetype). The hero may accept the call willingly or reluctantly.
Mentors/Amulet During the early stages of the journey, the hero will often receive aid from a protective figure. This supernatural helper can take a wide variety of forms, such as a wizard, and old man, a dwarf, a crone, or a fairy godmother. The helper commonly gives the hero a protective amulet or weapon for the journey.
Crossing the Threshold Upon reaching the threshold of adventure, the hero must undergo some sort of ordeal in order to pass from the everyday world into the world of adventure. This trial may be as painless as entering a dark cave or as violent as being swallowed up by a whale. The important feature is the contrast between the familiar world of light and the dark, unknown world of adventure.
Alice crossing the Threshold
Tests/Allies/Enemies The hero travels through the dream-like world of adventure where he must undergo a series of tests. These trials are often violent encounters with monsters, sorcerers, warriors, or forces of nature. Each successful test further proves the hero's ability and advances the journey toward its climax.
Helpers The hero is often accompanied on the journey by a helper who assists in the series of tests and generally serves as a loyal companion. Alternately, the hero may encounter a supernatural helper in the world of adventure who fulfills this function.
Approaching the Innermost Cave The Hero has grown and developed substantially. The central goal of the quest must now be approached. They will need to cross the second major threshold, into the darkest and most dangerous realm: The Inmost Cave. The Inmost Cave is where the ultimate goal lies for the hero (at least at this point). It is the castle where the princess is hidden, the resting place of the Holy Grail, etc., etc. However, this stage is not about being in the Inmost Cave. Instead, this stage is about the approach to it.
The Ordeal The ordeal should not be confused with being the climax of the story. Instead, it is the mid point. All roads travelled thus far have lead to this point, and all roads away will be forever altered because of it. Central life-or-death crisis, during which he faces their greatest fear, confronts this most difficult challenge, and experiences “death”. Only through “death” can the Hero be reborn, granted greater powers or insight to see the Journey to the end.
REWARD The Reward stage of the Hero’s Journey allows the hero and audience a temporary reprieve from the relentless pace of the journey. The reward phase of the story can serve numerous purposes: Celebration Romance New Knowledge
The Road Back The third threshold that needs to be crossed here is rededicating oneself to the quest. Events that might kick off the road back The villain appears to avenge his main henchman The villain was only faking death and reveals he is much stronger than thought The “elixir” is stolen from the hero The hero’s love interest (or loved one in general) is kidnapped The hero receives word conditions in his ordinary world are worsening
Resurrection This penultimate stage is the final test of what our hero has learned. It can be considered a form of purification, or a final shedding of what he was before. By facing this final moment of death and rebirth, the hero transcends who he was before and can finally return to his old world. The character becomes self-aware. This moment of self-awareness, where the character realizes their own transformation, gives birth to the new persona that will become the hero’s truth.
Return with the Elixir The object, knowledge, or blessing that the hero acquired during the adventure is now put to use in the everyday world. Often it has a restorative or healing function, but it also serves to define the hero's role in the society.
Home/End The hero comes back from this mysterious adventure with the power to bestow boons on his fellow man.
The Odyssey Unit Challenge Each student will be forming a group to enter into the Odyssey Challenge. Throughout the course of the unit there will be tasks that the group will have to complete for points. A tally sheet will be kept by the teacher for each task. At the end of the unit the winners will receive prize.
The Odyssey Task List Overview Example Tasks: Create a perfect super hero Create a modern song of temptation Act out a scene from the Odyssey.
Overview of the Readings * The Adventures (intro) – * Sailing from Troy (intro) * Lotus Eaters - * The Cyclops * The Land of the Dead * The Sirens * Scylla and Charybdis * Cattle of the Sun God * The Return of Odysseus * Argus * The Suitors * Penelope * The Challenge * Odysseus’s Revenge Every day we will be reading parts of the Odyssey. After three classes then you have a quiz over the mini-lessons and the literature.
Task 1- Establish the group Each group creates individual accountability roles for competition Identify who will be the Leader, communicator, monitor, recorder, artist, etc.
Closure- How many movies, books, or stories can you think of that follow this pattern or share some of these elements?