There’s a Superhero Rainbow Robot and it comes from Rainbow World
everything it touches becomes a rainbow
Even your hair becomes rainbow curled!
One day the Superhero Rainbow Robot flew to our planet
Parents were so happy they let it babysit!
But it was too late when they realized just what they did The Superhero Rainbow Robot renamed every baby Roy G. Biv Roy G. Biv Roy G. Biv Roy G. Biv Roy G. Biv Roy G. Biv Roy G. Biv
Every baby in the world had to live with the new name Roy G. Biv! (2x)
Soon the Superhero Rainbow Robot turned the earth into a rainbow world
even all the babies thought too many rainbows had been unfurled
So there was only one thing the people of Earth could do find a Rainbow Eating Giraffe Alien “How many rainbows can it chew?”
But it was too late when they realized just what they did The Rainbow Eating Giraffe Alien made the whole world live with no…
Everybody in the world had to live without the colors Roy G. Biv! (2x)
But then they had an idea between the both of them The robot and the giraffe thought of a great way to be friends
The robot said, “I’ll only make rainbows wherever people want The robot said, “I’ll only make rainbows wherever people want!” The giraffe said, “I’ll eat any extras when I open up my Rainbow Restaurant!”
It was so great when people realized just what they did Together the Robot and Giraffe made the whole world live with…
Everybody in the world could live with the colors Roy G. Biv! (2x)