Day 32 – Appeals Super Hero and Testimony Before The Senate- Argument
Agenda Warm up Super Hero Appeals Argument notes Testimony Before the Senate Closure
Objectives Analyze author’s purpose in a nonfiction text. Understand and identify the author’s use of appeals. Understand and Identify Predicate Nominative and Predicate Adjective in a sentence. Analyze how authors effectively use argument. Homework: Vocabulary synonyms/antonyms and completing the sentence
Warm up With your partner, brainstorm a list of times when you realized someone was trying to sell you an idea, an image, or a person’s expertise. Answer the following: What techniques were used? Which ones worked? Why? Which ones failed and why?
Everyone get into their 4 person groups and be silent Everyone get into their 4 person groups and be silent. Clear your desks Assign 1 person to gather color pencils/markers and 1 piece of paper.
Superhero Battle Activity Each small group will be a different superhero. The earth is in danger and I must choose one superhero to defend mankind as we know it. Using logos, pathos, and ethos, your group must convince me that your superhero deserves the honor of saving the world.
Superhero Activity Poster Superhero Name Logos Pathos Ethos 5 things in each column
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Powerpuff Girls
Adversary Culinary Inclement Precedent Alienate Demise Liquidate Punitive Redress Muse Exhilarate Artifice Coerce Fallow Negligible Sojourn Craven Harass Perpetuate Urbane
The Argument A series of statements used to persuade someone to accept the position of the writer. An argument consists of: a claim and support Claim-> Your stance on an issue. Support-> Your valid reasons that are used to prove your claim and the evidence used to support your reasons. Appeals can be used to support a claim. Claim-> Guns should be heavily regulated Support-> Reasons: Evidence: Guns are dangerous. A. Firearm crimes were at 467,300 victimizations in 2011 Guns are only meant to kill. B. Firearm violence accounted for 70% of all homicides
The Argument
Argument example passage Log into google classroom Read the argument example passage and discuss with your partner. Highlight the claim, reasons, and evidence. You have 5 minutes- be effective!
Argument Breakdown: Claim: Free trade encourages individuals to cultivate moral virtues. Reason 1: producers must serve their fellow human beings by providing goods and services others want and need Reason 2: the most economically successful will be those who provide not just for a select few but for a broad segment of consumers Evidence 1: Pope John Paul II observed that people in free markets were diligent and faithful. Evidence 2: A supplier who misses deadlines for shipment or a buyer whose credit is no good will soon lose business to their competitors with better reputations.
Individual Practice - Argument Read “Testimony before the senate” by Michael J. Fox on page 672. Read the “Before Reading” section before the speech page 671. Fill out your worksheet and make sure you submit the completed worksheet in google classroom.
Write three examples of appeals that you see if everyday life. Closure Write three examples of appeals that you see if everyday life. How do these affect whether you believe the speaker or not?