GLOBAL MEANING AS A MEDIATOR OF STRESSFUL LIFE EVENTS, REGRETS IN LIFE, AND HEALTH IN OLDER ADULTS Gary T. Reker, Ph.D. Department of Psychology, Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada TRENT UNIVERSITY GSA Boston 2011 Measures Abstract Stressful Life Events: Stressfulness Rating of Daily Events—11 point Ladder Negative Consequences of Stressful Events—11 point Ladder Rhode Island Stress Inventory—7 item, 5 point general stress measure Global Meaning: Purpose, Coherence, and Choice dimensions of the Life Attitude Profile-Revised (LAP-R: Reker, 1992) Regrets in Life: Multidimensional Existential Regret Inventory (White & Reker, 2007)—7 point Likert scale of Inner Struggle, Limited Life, Neglecting Others, Self-Deprecation, Undoing the Past Mental Health: Zung Depression Scale (reverse scored) Life Satisfaction Index Physical Health: OARS 24-item checklist of physical health symptoms divided into 3 random parcels (reverse scored)—Symptoms 1, Symptoms 2, Symptoms 3 One hundred and forty-six older adults (54+ years) completed measures of stressful life events, global meaning, existential regret, life satisfaction, depression, and physical health. Using the latent construct approach and structural equation modeling, it was found that global meaning partially mediated the relationship between life stress, existential regret, and mental well-being (depression, life satisfaction). A mediating effect was not found for physical health. Model fit in all instances was good with CFIs exceeding the cut-off point of .90. A causal interpretation from stressful life events to global meaning to existential regret and mental well-being outcomes was strengthened by the finding that reverse causal mediation effects were not significant. The results support previous findings with the construct of global meaning and underscore the need to include existential variables in the conceptualization and assessment of psychosocial adaptation in older adults. Purpose .95 Global Meaning Global Meaning .71 Coherence .61 Choice -.22* .25* Stress Rating Symptoms 1 .70 .88 Life Stress Mediation z = -2.17, ns Physical Health .87 -.15* .58 Negative Stress Symptoms 2 .41 (direct = -.17*) .46 General Stress Symptoms 3 Model Fit: Chi-square = 33.89, df = 23, Chi-sq/df ratio = 1.27, CFI = .97, RMSEA = .06 Figure 3. Global meaning as a mediator of life stress and physical health Introduction Results Discussion Global meaning has been identified as an important personal resource in confronting the challenges brought on by life’s changing circumstances. Global meaning is defined as the cognizance of order, coherence, and purpose in one’s existence, the pursuit and attainment of worthwhile goals, and the accompanying sense of fulfillment. A person high on global meaning has a clear life purpose, a sense of direction, strives for goals consistent with life purpose, feels satisfied with past achievements, and is determined to make the future meaningful. A relatively large number of empirical studies have clearly demonstrated that global meaning in life is an important variable in the buffering of stress and the enhancement of physical, psychological, and mental well-being in the later years. Less is known about the moderating and/or mediating role of global meaning in producing the positive health outcomes. The findings clearly show that global meaning in life partially mediates the relationship between stressful life events and measures of existential regret and mental health in older adults. Global meaning, however, did not function as a mediator between stress and physical health. A causal interpretation of the mediating effects from life stress to global meaning to regrets and mental health was strengthened by the finding that reverse causal mediation was not significant. Prior research has shown that global meaning in life also moderates the relationship between life stress and physical health and functions as an enhancer of psychological well-being (Reker, 1994). Taken together, our findings demonstrate that global meaning plays a health-protecting (moderating), mental health risk minimizing (mediating), and health-enhancing role. Overall, a high level of global meaning not only shields one from the negative impact of stress, but also enhances ones level of wellness. .97 Purpose Global Meaning .70 Coherence .59 Choice -.22* -.54* Inner Struggle .78 Stress Rating .71 Limited Life Life Stress Mediation z = 2.13, p < .05 Regrets in Life .83 .86 .15* .73 Negative Stress Neglecting Others .42 (direct = .26*) .87 .82 Self-Deprecation General Stress Undoing the Past Model Fit: Chi-square = 79.21, df = 40, Chi-sq/df ratio = 1.98, CFI = .95, RMSEA = .08 Purpose The purpose of this study was to assess the mediating role of global meaning in the relation between stressful life events and outcome measures of regrets in life, mental health (life satisfaction, depression), and physical health in a sample of community-residing older adults. Figure 1. Global meaning as a mediator of life stress and regrets in life Conclusion Method Participants Older adults high in global meaning have the ability to “see the bigger picture”, rise above their personal circumstances and interpret their lives from a higher vantage point. When faced with stressful life events, global meaning operates to minimize the impact of stress on psychological and health-related outcomes. Thus, global meaning functions as an important personal resource for older adults as they cope with the many challenges that accompany the later years. sample of 146 (55% female) older adults (mean age = 66.4 years, range 54-94 years) 68% were married; 19% widowed; 12% divorced/separated; 2% never married 78% reported being satisfied or extremely satisfied with their financial situation 53% high school; 16% community college; 19% university; 12% post-graduate 87% needed no assistance with everyday activities; 11% some; 2% most or all of the time 66% lived with a spouse; 18% lived alone; 16% lived with family .95 Purpose Global Meaning .71 Coherence .62 Choice -.22* .81* Stress Rating .69 Life Stress Mediation z = -2.17, p < .05 Mental Health Lack of Depression .70 .88 -.10* Negative Stress .82 .37 (direct = -.34*) Life Satisfaction References General Stress Procedure Model Fit: Chi-square = 18.98, df = 15, Chi-sq/df ratio = 1.27, CFI = .99, RMSEA = .04 Reker, G. T. (1994). Logotheory and logotherapy: Challenges, opportunities, and some empirical findings. The International Forum for Logotherapy, 17, 47-55. Reker, G. T. (1992). Manual of the Life Attitude Profile-Revised (LAP-R). Peterborough, ON: Student Psychologists Press. White, S. E., & Reker, G. T. (2007). The Multidimensional Existential Regret Inventory (MERI). Peterborough, ON: Student Psychologists Press. Volunteer participants were recruited from the central Ontario region through word of mouth, personal contacts, and advertisement in local malls and community centers. Participants completed a large number of scales and subscales for a larger project for which they received the opportunity to win a draw prize of $200 at the end of the study. Figure 2. Global meaning as a mediator of life stress and mental health