Entrepreneurship and Small Businesses Unit 2, Chapter 5 Page 70-83
Entrepreneurship and Small Businesses The Small Business Administration (SBA) defines a small business as an independently owned business that usually has the owner as its manager AKA “Mom and Pop” stores
Entrepreneurship and Small Businesses A small business: Serves a limited geographic area Employs fewer than 500 people Is not dominant in its industry What are some examples of local small businesses?
Entrepreneurship and Small Businesses What percentage of the total workforce does small business employ? Small businesses employ more than 50 percent of the total workforce in the United States
Entrepreneurship and Small Businesses Small businesses generate more than half the nation’s income They are the principal source of new jobs
Entrepreneurship and Small Businesses Some of the advantages of owning a small business are: Being the boss Offering services large companies cannot offer Ease of formation
Entrepreneurship and Small Businesses Disadvantages When you’re a small business owner, you’re responsible for decisions You often work long hours and have great financial responsibility
Entrepreneurship and Small Businesses Key Stat!!! About ______ out of five small businesses fail in their first five years Four Small business owners: May mistake the freedom of being in business for oneself for the liberty of working or not
Entrepreneurship and Small Businesses Small business owners: May underprice or overprice goods or services Going into business with little or no experience may result in the business closing
Entrepreneurship and Small Businesses Why a small business might not work: 1. Effect of Change Consumers’ tastes change If flexibility and change are not part of the business, then it’s likely to fail
Entrepreneurship and Small Businesses Why a small business might not work: 2. Managerial Skills Needed Financing Employee Relations Production Customer Relations
Entrepreneurship and Small Businesses 3. Inadequate Financial Planning Starting with little money, spending carelessly, borrowing money without planning, and forgetting about taxes and insurance may result in a failure
Entrepreneurship and Small Business You are going to research failed products Find two examples of products that failed and explain why they failed and how/if you think they could have been successful if conditions were different
Entrepreneurship and Small Businesses A business plan is: A written description of a new business venture that describes all aspects of the business
Entrepreneurship and Small Businesses Some questions to consider before starting your own business are: What will I produce? Who are my main competitors? Why is my product needed?
Entrepreneurship and Small Businesses How much will my product cost to produce? How many people will I need to run the business? What physical facilities will I need?
Entrepreneurship and Small Businesses What licenses, permits, or other legal documents do I need? How much money will I need to get started?
Entrepreneurship and Small Businesses The essential parts of the business plan are: 1.) Summary (First in order, last thing to be completed! 2.) Company description 3.) Products and services
Entrepreneurship and Small Businesses 4.) Marketing plan 5.) Legal plan 6.) Management and operating plan 7.) Financial plan