FCA Workgroup Overview of Florida Civic Advance Workgroup organizational sessions Discussion of 2017 Summit Agenda
Welcome Remarks Dr. Stu Langton Chair, FCA Coordinating Council Senior Fellow, FCRC Consensus Center President of Stuart Langton and Associates, Past Lincoln Filene Professor of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Tufts University, Chair, National Conference on Citizen Participation, Chair of the First Selection Committee, All America Cities
Select Indicators of Civic Support by the Four Largest U. S. States Florida New York Texas California Non Profit Groups per 1,000 6.2 10.5 16.6 9.9 Foundation $ per Person $21 $154 $40 $79 Total Charitable Gifts in $Billions $9.6B $14.5B $14.3B $22B % Population Born in State 35.2% 63.6% 60.5% 53.8%
THE FLORIDA CIVIC ADVANCE NETWORK Dual Track Strategy 1. Help local communities strengthen civic life through assistance 2. Build a FCA network that can sustain action over time
BUILDING THE FLORIDA CIVIC ADVANCE NETWORK May 2017- 46 FCA Organizations PROPOSED STEPS 2016-2018 Establish a Steering Group to Coordinate the FCA Network and Workplan Develop a Strategic Plan Organize Work Groups (2017-18) Seek funding and provide adequate staffing and support
FCA Areas of Civic Practice Workgroups Convene Spring 2017 Convene Late 2017-18 Volunteerism and Charitable Giving Voter Participation and Education Citizen Engagement and Civility in Government F. Collaborative Economic Development and Business Community Engagement Senior and Intergenerational Civic Involvement G. Nonprofit Collaboration, Leadership and Capacity Civic Education and Service Learning H Community Inclusion and Intergroup Connecting
FCA 2017 Summit key questions How to Deal with Issues from Workgroups (in two stages of development) in plenary, workshops, or otherwise? How to reinforce the importance of higher education and collaboration in FCA development? How to use the meeting to advance FCA priority to increase connections with business and religious community? How to use the meeting to gather information and increase support in continuing to address internal FCA needs including Funding, Public Communication, and Organization? How to use the event to obtain and share relevant information about and among FCA network members? How to use the Summit to better connect with and inform the public and influence leaders? How to provide a state, national, and global overview? How to design the program to assure maximum commitment to follow-up action? How to bring participants up to date on progress and trends in civic metrics and other tools, technology, and significant local initiatives? How to record and summarize events for speedy reporting?
FCA Coordinating Council Members Stuart Langton, Chair FCA CC, FCRC Senior Fellow Jeff Johnson AARP Florida Susan Boyer, Florida Benchmarking Consortium 11. James Murley, Miami Dade County Stacy Carlson, Florida Philanthropic Network 12. Scott Paine, Florida League of Cities 3. Tony Carvajal, Florida Chamber Foundation Dee Dee Rasmussen, Florida Campus Compact Marilyn Crotty, Institute of Government, University of Central Florida 14. Randy Reid, International City County Managers Association 5. Bryan Desloge, National Association of Counties, Leon County Commissioner Suzanne Richards, Florida Office, Corporation for National and Community Service Doug Dobson, Frey Institute for Politics, University of Central Florida Linda Shelley, Co-Chair FCRC Consensus Center Leadership Council 7. Ava Ehde, Florida Library Association 17. Chester Spellman, Volunteer Florida 8. Todd Greene, Federal Reserve, Atlanta 18. Wendy Walker, Leadership Florida Earle Klay, Askew School of Public Administration & Policy, Florida State University Bob Jones, FCA Secretariat, FCRC Consensus Center
December 15, 2016 Venture Café Miami 2016 Summit December 15, 2016 Venture Café Miami
2016 Summit Overview MORNING SESSIONS Civic Showcase Examples Sector Perspectives on Civic Advance in Greater Miami Keynote: Wendy Spencer CNCS, Taking Stock Measuring Civic Advance in Greater Miami AFTERNOON SESSIONS Keynote: Gabriel Metcalf, Civic Lessons from Elsewhere Civic Infrastructure and Capacity Discussion- Envisioning a One Table model, identifying strategies & testing support Commitments & Next Steps
2015 Summit Objectives "To go fast, go alone, to go far, go together 2015 Summit Objectives "To go fast, go alone, to go far, go together.” - African Proverb 1. To provide an exciting, informative and engaging launch of the Florida Civic Advance network 2. To share some examples and provide an opportunity for reflection and input on innovative civic thinking, strategies and practices and collaborative leadership 3. To share and refine a roadmap for the Florida Civic Advance going forward