Making Frog the Hub of the School Clare Powlesland & Mel Cooper – St Making Frog the Hub of the School Clare Powlesland & Mel Cooper – St. Columba’s College
What do Christopher Columbus and St Columba’s College, St Albans have in common? 1. Vision Had a clear idea of what he wanted to achieve and how he was going to get it 2. Perseverance Overcame difficulties in setting up the voyages 3. Resilience Kept to original plan in face of obstacles 4. Inspiration Continued to inspire others to explore 5. Legacy Changed the European (and World) perspective
St Columba’s College, St Albans Clare Powlesland – Assistant Head Mel Cooper – Frog Liaison Officer
LAUNCHING FROG AT ST COLUMBA’S JANUARY 2014 Like Columbus we are setting out along a path where we know the direction, but we could end up in a very different place to the one we’re aiming for….this in an evolutionary process. Like Columbus’ critics, you may well have many reservations and concerns about this: Will it mean more work? Will we get the time to do it properly? Is it just another gimmick? And hopefully we will have thought about these and will be addressing them…. Like Columbus, getting it embedded will take vision, resolve, perseverance, resilience etc, but in the end we will create a legacy for present and future students. The original brief and vision
The ‘Hub’ of the College
To boldly go where SCC has not gone before…… (with apologies for the split infinitive) Like Columbus we are setting out along a path where we know the direction, but we could end up in a very different place to the one we’re aiming for….this in an evolutionary process.
The important thing is not the technology itself, but what it might enable us to do at within our School… “Technology is the tool, not the outcome; it allows the outcome to be achieved.” Today Programme, Dec15th 2013
The Vision of our Outcomes…… Improve learning habits for the students: Digital learners Engagement /interactive Dialogue Resources available 24/7 Independence Saves paper!! Improve working practices within the College: Easy access to information Communication Central resources 24/7 access Cuts down emails!! Save money on backup!!! + single sign-on + access to multiple areas Outcome for students is “to provide students with access to a learning environment where they can ask questions, explore resources and engage in tasks which will enable them to further their understanding, engage in dialogue and take responsibility for their learning.” Today’s InSet materials show the potential of FROG in the classroom for T&L i.e. all topic resources in the same place and easily searchable – [more on this in April InSet which will focus on student outcome] {could include downloadable resources, quizzes, fora, web links, links within Frog, activities, assignments (homework) etc.] Outcome for staff is “to co-ordinate all aspects of administration, information and resources which inform the teachers’ working days in a centralised place, easily accessible to all.” The benefits of having everything in one place for us as staff are manifold – go through ideas ……. Means communication between admin, support and teaching staff improves Proven to cut down number of emails (!!)
A) Bringing stake holders on board… Parents January 2014 Staff September 2014 Students September 2015 Outcome for students is “to provide students with access to a learning environment where they can ask questions, explore resources and engage in tasks which will enable them to further their understanding, engage in dialogue and take responsibility for their learning.” Today’s InSet materials show the potential of FROG in the classroom for T&L i.e. all topic resources in the same place and easily searchable – [more on this in April InSet which will focus on student outcome] {could include downloadable resources, quizzes, fora, web links, links within Frog, activities, assignments (homework) etc.] Outcome for staff is “to co-ordinate all aspects of administration, information and resources which inform the teachers’ working days in a centralised place, easily accessible to all.” The benefits of having everything in one place for us as staff are manifold – go through ideas ……. Means communication between admin, support and teaching staff improves Proven to cut down number of emails (!!)
B) Marketing it mercilessly…. Always have the date ready for the next project/step/initiative Keep it fresh – update regularly (but only change the structure at key points) Prove it’s making their lives easier Keep interested parties informed of progress Work on corporate identity – make it your own (USP)
C) Proving it makes their lives easier… Admin Better Access Communications Data Ease of use Forms G) ?? H) ?? I) ??
The New Columban ‘Gateway’ - 2017
Where next?