Partnered with The Color of Education and The Curious Edge Foundation, Inc. Provided by A-List ACT Prep and Scott County High School ACT Prep Class Today’s Agenda Introduction to the Class Student Introductions Getting to Know The ACT
THE ACT ASSESSMENT This test is used by colleges to predict students’ success in college courses.
What types of questions are on the ACT? Based on subjects studied in high school Emphasizes thinking skills Does not ask you to recall facts or memorize information Questions require students to solve problems, draw conclusions, make inferences, think analytically
How long does the test take? The test takes 2 hours and 55 minutes to complete It consists of 215 multiple-choice questions in 4 areas: English Math Reading Science OPTIONAL: 30-minute writing test We will not focus on the writing portion in this class.
How long will it take for me to get my scores? 2-5 weeks after your test date What is the highest possible score? 36 National Average = 20.8 Kentucky’s Average = 19.5 SCHS’ Average = 20.3
Massachusetts New Jersey Connecticut Rhode Island
Kentucky Schools Average composite ACT Scores of admitted students Eastern Kentucky University = 20 Georgetown College = 23 Asbury University = 24 University of Kentucky = 25 University of Louisville = 25 Centre College = 28 re
Is it OK to guess on the ACT? Your score on the test will be based on the number of questions that you answer correctly THERE IS NO PENALTY FOR GUESSING! Answer every question, even if you have to guess Tip # 1- Go with all B (G) or all C (H)!
Point Value Let’s figure out your target score
How many questions are on the English test? TOTAL OF 75 questions, 45 minutes Usage and Mechanics Punctuation Grammar and Usage Sentence Structure 10 12 18 40 TOTAL Rhetorical Skills Writing Strategy Organization Style 11 35 TOTAL
What are some tips for taking the English test? Be aware of time and pace yourself. You have 45 minutes to answer 75 questions. Spend 1 ½ minutes skimming each passage and 30 seconds to answer each question. Be aware of the writing style used in each passage. Carefully examine the underlined portions of the passage. Note the differences in the answer choices. Two choices might look identical except for a small change in punctuation. Do not select an answer that corrects one error but causes a different error. To determine the best answer to an underlined portion, reread the sentence substituting each of the possible answer choices for the underlined portion. Reread the sentence using your selected answer to make sure your answer fits smoothly within the context of the passage.
How many questions are on the math test? TOTAL OF 60 questions, 60 minutes Pre-algebra Elementary algebra Intermediate algebra Coordinate geometry Plane geometry Trigonometry 14 10 9 4
What are some tips for taking the math test? You have 60 minutes to answer 60 questions. You have an average of 1 minute per question. Ordered by difficulty. If you use a calculator, use it wisely. Remember, all the problems can be solved without using a calculator. Use your booklet or scratch paper to work out solutions. Don’t try to do them in your head if there are a lot of steps. Write down all the steps in case your answer is not a choice and you have to go back. If your answer is not one of the choices, reread the problem to see if you misunderstood it or look at the choices and see if your answer can be written in another way.
May I use a calculator on the math portion of the test? You may use a calculator on the approved list, but it’s not required You may use any four-function, scientific, or graphing calculator unless it has features described on the prohibited list All Texas Instrucments beginning with TI-89, TI-92, and TI- Nspire CAS (the TI-Nspire, non-CAS, IS permitted). All Hewlett Packard models beginning with HP 48GII, HP 40G, HP 49G, and HP 50G. All Casios beginning with CFX-9970G, Algebra fx 2.0, ClassPad300, and ClassPad 330. Testing staff will not supply calculators or batteries; no sharing
How many questions are on the reading test? TOTAL OF 40 questions, 40 minutes Prose fiction: novels, short stories Social studies () Humanities Natural Science 10
What are some tips for taking the reading test? You have 35 minuets to answer 40 questions. Spend 2-3 minutes reading each passage and 35 seconds to answer each question. Read the entire passage carefully- do not skim the text. Refer back to the passage when answering questions. If a question asks about a specific line number, make sure you carefully reread that line before reading the choices.
How many questions are on the science test? TOTAL OF 40 questions, 35 minutes You will be given 6 or 7 passages, each followed by 5-7 questions. The passages will be one of the three types. *Data representation: graphs, tables *Research summaries: experiments *Conflicting viewpoints: inconsistent hypotheses
What are some tips for taking the science reasoning test? You have 35 minutes to answer 40 questions. Spend 2 minutes reading each passage and 30 seconds to answer each question. Carefully read the scientific material provided, including any tables, graphs, or figures. If the text is about an experiment, consider the experimental design, including the controls and variables. If the material presents conflicting viewpoints, summarize each viewpoint in your booklet or on scratch paper.
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