Grover Cobb Memorial Renovation Project Kansas State University Kansas Association of Broadcasters Foundation Kansas Association of Broadcasters KSU Students in Landscape Architecture
Grover Cobb Memorial Project In 1951 Grover Cobb, general manager of KVGB AM in Great Bend, organized the first meeting of the Kansas Association of Radio Broadcasters (now the KAB). He later served as KAB Board President and mentored many young broadcasters. Grover received the Distinguished Service Award from the KAB in 1971 and was the third inductee into the Kansas Broadcasting Hall of Fame. Taking his talents to a national level, he served as radio board chair for the National Association of Broadcasters, and later joined the NAB serving as Senior Executive Vice President at the time of his death in 1975.
Grover Cobb Memorial Project Originally dedicated in 1975 on the K-State campus to honor a wonderful Kansas broadcaster. It’s located at the base of the historic KSAC tower (built in 1924) – south of Calvin Hall 42 years later, the memorial has deteriorated.
Grover Cobb Memorial Project K-State students in the Landscape Architect class of Professor Chip Winslow have taken on this project with great zeal and creativity. Their goal is to preserve the original memorial as best as possible and honor Grover Cobb and the history of broadcasting.
Grover Cobb Memorial Project Step 1 is to remove the non-working fountain and open up a second entrance to the east (facing campus). Step 2 is to place a granite logo in the pavers at the center.
Grover Cobb Memorial Project Step 3 is to create a more welcoming environment with comfortable seating and work tables around the memorial.
Grover Cobb Memorial Project Step 4 will create a kiosk featuring the existing bronze plaques of Grover Cobb, the original dedication, and new recognitions.
Grover Cobb Memorial Project With students and faculty working this semester and through the summer, the project will be completed prior to the formal dedication at the conclusion of the KAB Convention on October 17.
Grover Cobb Memorial Project In support of the remodeling of the Grover Cobb Memorial on the Kansas State University campus would you consider a tax deductible contribution? For a gift of $2500 or more, your name will be listed on the rededication bronze plaque located on the kiosk. The KAB Foundation is a Non-Profit 501 (c)(3) whose mission is to support educational, charitable or scientific purposes. KAB Foundation – Kent Cornish 785-235-1307
Pledge Commitment Form The KAB Foundation as stated in the Articles of Incorporation, is a non-profit whose mission is to support educational, charitable or scientific purposes. In support of the renovation of the Grover Cobb Memorial on the Kansas State University campus I/We hereby pledge $__________ to KABF - Cobb Memorial campaign. _____ I have enclosed a check _____ Please invoice me as follows: Company Name (if a company gift) _________________________________________________ Name(s) _______________________________________________________________________ Preferred Address ________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip ___________________________________________________________________ Phone ________________________________Email_____________________________________ Signature(s) _________________________________________ Date _______________________ Return to: Kansas Association of Broadcasters Foundation 214 SW 6th Street, Suite 300 Topeka Kansas 66603 OR FAX 785-233-3052