Welcome to Primary 4 Curriculum Meeting
Purpose of Meeting The year ahead in Primary 4 How we can work together to help your child achieve their potential Answer any queries
Our aims To give the children a happy year Encourage them to do the best they can. Help them to develop socially and personally Help them to solve problems and increase responsibilities.
The Curriculum Literacy Numeracy Social Studies Expressive Arts Religious and Moral Education Science Technologies Health & Well-being
How does this happen? By providing a suitable work programme. By giving clear guidelines regarding work and behaviour. By working in partnership with parents. By giving clear information to parents.
Curriculum for Excellence The Scottish Executive has undertaken a review of the curriculum and reorganised its content and methodology calling it ‘A Curriculum for Excellence’. Its main rationale is that all children should have the capacity to be: Successful Learners Confident Individuals Responsible Citizens Effective Contributors
Our Topics Glasgow Rights of the Child The Romans Minibeasts
Helping with Reading Hear your child read aloud encouraging expression Discuss the text with him/her Ask questions about the characters and so on Encourage children to read independently Present them with different genres
Helping with Maths Number bonds Reciting numbers to 100 Counting in 2s,5s,10s Time/money – real life situations Practical – shopping/weighing Checking/supervising homework Have fun trying out recommended websites
Maths - Primary 4 Numbers to 10,000 Addition/subtraction to 10,000 Multiplication/division Fractions Money 2D/3D shape Time Position, movement and angle Data Handling
Helping with Writing Encourage your child to describe and discuss things Read to your child with expression If your child wants to write at home, encourage the use of sentences and capital letters and VCOP strategies Encourage good pencil grasp Correct formation of letters
Helping in general Useful Tools -Sharp pencils -Rubber -Small ruler -Colouring pencils -Berol fine writer -Glue stick Checking homework pack and from me to you. Naming belongings Encourage good listening and concentration