Teenage Stress: Strategies for School Success with Nicola Morgan Up-to-date science, classroom materials, free advice, books and more: www.nicolamorgan.com
More information Your handouts My website (www.nicolamorgan.com) Today’s blog Handouts with hyperlinks This presentation Lots of free things Teaching resources – discount code on blog Free Brain Sane newsletter: wellbeing, brains, adolescence, stress, science of reading and learning, digital/online effects
Main aim: “Active agency” Feeling of autonomy: control reduces stress and improves wellbeing This helps build resilience: I “can do” this “growth mindset” “The small steps I take make a difference”
Five Strategies
FIRST: Educate about stress A. What stress IS – good and bad Stress affects wellbeing performance So, RELAXATION IS NOT A LUXURY
B: Relaxation wellbeing performance Better sleep Better wellbeing Better success Manage stress Relaxation is not a luxury
C. Three strategy groups Instant Mindset In control, calm and strong Daily
D. Instant stress strategy Breathing skills – for panic or general relaxation Free audio on my website Or search “belly-breathing”
E. Empower daily relaxation Down-time – activities to reduce cortisol Deliberate and conscious Varied What about computer gaming?? Personal choice - autonomy
Daily relaxation: essential stroke a pet draw daydream music breathe deeply walk SWITCH OFF! read look at nature be alone OR social write bath yoga mindfulness laugh bake
2. Value and cater for introverts First, understand introverts: Expend energy in all social interaction May not do best work when collaborating Extra need for quiet time May “ruminate” excessively Likely to feel inadequate compared to extroverts “Quiet” by Susan Cain – and her website
3. Promote better sleep
“sleep hygiene” 90 minutes before desired bed-time See handout for do/don’ts Create ROUTINE Crucial role of screen-based devices Mimic daylight? Exciting and awakening Bring potential stressors Therefore may hinder sleep and increase stress
4. Manage screen-time
Educate/empower re screentime Share knowledge of the problems Recognise as powerfully addictive Activates same reward pathways in the brain as addictive behaviours/substances And unavoidably distracting Show them the science (The Organized Mind, D Levitin) “You will do your work faster and better if you switch off distractions”
But HOW?! Develop a strong school policy Offer/discuss strategies to reduce use (“intrinsic motivation” – self-motivated) Apps to block social media “Out of sight, out of mind” – remove! Pomodoro technique – timed sessions MODEL good behaviour
5. Promote Reading for Pleasure
Evidence-based Reading Agency Literature Review 2015 – huge meta-study (see my website) Self-esteem; greater life satisfaction Increased vocab and general knowledge Increased empathy + self-understanding Better mood + relationships Stress
Readaxation Definition: “Reading to relax, as a conscious strategy for wellbeing and stress management. The aim is to feel and function well.”
Why does reading de-stress? Readers feel effect – try my Readaxation diary as an activity Allows “engagement” / “flow” Chance to forget worries – a CBT effect
To sum up strategies for “active agency”: Educate about stress management: why + how Support introverts Promote better sleep Manage screen time Promote reading for pleasure
Teenage Stress: Strategies for School Success with Nicola Morgan Up-to-date science, classroom materials, free advice, books and more: www.nicolamorgan.com