Partnership with industry in the Computer Science and Information Security education Elvinia Riccobene Department of Computer Science Università degli Studi di Milano
Dept of Computer Science@UNIMI It is engaged in research and teaching activities in Computer Science and Information Security It has more than 200 members faculty, staff, PhD students, post-docs, adjoint lectures It offers 8 degree's programmes 5 Bachelor, 2 Master, 1 PhD degree's programmes Two campuses Milan and Crema
Educational programmes Undergraduate programmes Computer Science Graduate programmes Computer science for digital communications Computer Science PhD in Computer Science job Musical Computer Science Information Security Computer systems and networks security ( on-line too)
Role of Industry in the Degree Programmes Each degree program defined in accordance with precise national educational university programmes degree classes of the Educational and Research Ministry and in collaboration with “social partners” representatives of public administrations, category associations, professional registers, business associations, related industries and companies, alumni associations Assolombarda (Association of the Lombardia industries) ALSI Milano - Italian Association of Graduates in Computer Science AISTP Italian Association for professional development and transfer etc … DM 22 Oct 2004, n. 270
Bologna Process University Business Corporation (acion) Collaboration with social partners is necessary and required to define academic training courses in line with the current request of qualified personnel in the ICT sector to establish a strong link between educational objectives and programs, and competences and skills required by the job market to strengthen employability and personal and professional growth of graduates during their course career
Educational Profiles and Industry Each degree program is under continuous assessment annual review joint committee, review committee, assessment board annual consultation with social partners to assess training objectives wrt obtained results confirm the structure of the training course modify programs in accordance to the changed professional profiles identify forms of collaboration (stages, work training, external talks, internships, etc.)
Coordination activities Output orientation commission helps students to understand and to enter the job market COSP (Center for the Orientation to Studies and Professional carriers) a university central unit to takes care of the relations between UNIMI and industries/companies and social partners
Strategies for CS and IS Academic initiatives Carrier days on writing a CV on company recruitment processes and interviews University Job Fair : From LA STATALE to JOBS 2 meeting days with industries/companies to present stages and available positions Training Courses for young neo-graduated hold by industrial managers to guide students in their carrier choices
Strategies for CS and IS Specific initiatives: Stages on specific educational projects under the supervision of an industrial tutor in collaboration with an academic tutor a platform is available, maintained by the COSP, to facilitate the publication of available stages more than 175 stages in the last 3 years Credits Awarding for Professional Certifications Cisco, EQDL, EUCIP, etc. Specific training Programs, e.g., the ULISSE project
Strategies for CS and IS Specific initiatives: Invited Talks hold by industrial representatives on specific topics in accordance with course programs more than 20 in the last two semesters registration framework and use of Facebook for advertisement Recruiting Days (e.g., Accenture, IBM, Atos, Moviri, etc.) Living Labs (from 2016) to provide students with a lab to experiment new business ideas by means of a mentoring and collective learning Alunmi meetings Panels on skills required for qualified ICT personnel at the opening of the academic year in IS (on-line edition)
… and after graduation? AlmaLaurea investigation After 1 year (graduated 2015) High employment rate More stable and remunerated work than the average Work Permanent job Net salary Italian graduates 1° level degree in CS @UNIMI 2° level degree in CS @UNIMI
Main collaborations
A successful experience A collaboration between SESAR@CSdept and Institut de Mathematique et Science Phisique (IMSP) in Porto-Novo (Benin) for research and education Stated in 2005 when Prof. Daniani, as missionary professor, hold for a course on Network Security (now on SOA Security) within a degree in Computer Science Engineering Anisetti, Bellandi, Colombo, Cremonini, Damiani, Frati, Hounsou, Rebeccani: Learning Computer Networking on Open Paravirtual Laboratories. IEEE Trans. Education 50(4): 302-311 (2007) ( Two students got their PhD in CS at UNIMI One is now Assistant Professor at IMSP One is IT manager at Benin's Ministry of Finance
Another successful story In 2015, Prof Damiani, by the support of the Khalifa University, has got a $ 100.000 grant from Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for the development of “Pay with a (Group) Selfie” an app for electronic payments in country with a reduced internet connection