The Cougar Den at Forge Road Volume 7, Issue 1, September 2017 Principal’s Corner PARENT REMINDERS: Welcome Back to School! We were working hard all summer planning and getting ready for a very exciting and rewarding 2017-2018 school year. The students will be excited to hear that some of their favorite events like: The Read Across America Challenge, PSSA Pep Rally, Field Day, 4th & 5th grade Kickball Tournament, Forge Soup-er Bowl, the Art Show, Music concerts, Red Ribbon Week, School Spirit days, special student/parent lunches, and team jersey day will all be back for this year. Additionally, we are working on incorporating new assemblies and other fun events throughout the year. **ARRIVAL TIME PLEASE DO NOT HAVE STUDENTS ARRIVING TO SCHOOL PRIOIR TO 8:30AM WHEN ADULT SUPERVISON IS AVAILABLE, THIS IS FOR THE SAFETY OF OUR STUDENTS. **PLEASE NOTE students are are not permitted to enter the building until 8:30AM, no matter the weather. **When dropping off or picking up your child, please wait on the sidewalk areas. On the front playground area we ask that for your safety, you DO NOT stand or sit on the brick wall. Please do not have younger children on the playgrounds while waiting for dismissal, as this is a distraction to students still in class. It is our hope that your child will be part of a wide range of experiences at Forge that will help them continue to grow, learn, and improve all while having fun. I look forward to seeing you at school events over the course of the school year. ~Mr. Hale We love our Dogs and think they are are great! But dogs are not allowed on campus. Please wait off campus if you walk your dog to/from school. Counselor’s Corner Once again we are beginning another year. Every year the summer seems to slip by faster and faster. It’s hard to believe the students are back in the building and are settling into their classes. It is nice to see their smiling faces, but it is not always easy to get back into the school schedule. Organization, patience, time and understanding are always needed at the beginning of the year. It’s hard to get adjusted to earlier bedtimes, busy nights getting even busier with homework and new school activities. Students may begin to feel overwhelmed, but with a little time and patience, they will soon get adjusted to new schedules and routines. Please do not hesitate to call if you have any concerns or questions. I wish you all a smooth transition into the new school year! Nurses Notes Mrs. Keller retired at the end of last school year, and has moved to North Carolina to enjoy warmer weather and sunshine, otherwise know as “no snow”. Our Forge Family wishes her well in this new journey of life. We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of our new nurse, Mrs. Judith Robinson, RN in mid-September. We look forward to Mrs. Robinson joining our Forge Family!! Mrs. McGrady The Cougar Den at Forge Road Volume 7, Issue 1, September 2017 Forge Road Events September 11 Back to School Night 6:00pm September 15 PTO Fundraiser Begins Looking Ahead October 9 No School/ Columbus Day October 14 PTO Fall Festival October 17 Picture Day Cougar Facts A cougar is also known as a panther, puma, catamount or mountain lion. A cougar’s hind legs are larger than its front legs. STAFF SPOTLIGHT - Mrs. Teaman Mrs. Kristen Teaman is in her 7th year at Forge Road teaching 4th grade. She loves Penn State football, the Steelers, and is a huge Cale Sanderson fan. You can often spot her with her cup of tea to start her day.