College of Liberal Arts Payroll Process Summer Payroll 2017 S:/Central Read/Employment Center/Summer 2017/Summer Payroll 2017.pptx
CLA Employment Center claemploymentcenter@purdue. edu Hours: 7:30 a. m CLA Employment Center Hours: 7:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. and 1 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Kathy Poindexter- 43654 Account Clerk BRNG 1131 Tracie Wagner- 43656 Account Assistant BRNG 1274A Nina Wilson – 44671 Account Clerk STON 333A
Summer Session Modules FTE adjusted to pay same “per course” rate 4-week module Staff will be paid at 100% 6-week module Staff will be paid at 66.67% 8-week module Staff will be paid at 50%
Cut-Off Dates Information due to CLA Employment Center by 5 p.m. on the following dates: May payroll: Friday, 4/28 June payroll: Friday, 6/2 July payroll: Wednesday, 6/28 August payroll: Friday, 7/28 The CLA Employment Center will continue to process payroll paperwork each month after monthly cut-off but we can’t guarantee on-time payment.
AY Summer Pay Cost Distribution Dates Academic Year Regular Pay (WG1) May: 5/1/2017 – 5/15/2017 August: 8/17/2017 – 8/31/2017 Summer Pay (WG2) May: 5/16/2017 – 5/30/2017 June: 5/31/2017 – 6/30/2017 July: 7/1/2017 – 8/1/2017 August: 8/2/2017 – 8/16/2017 Use these dates in IT27 for cost distribution purposes regardless of contract dates. Reminder: Summer pay is a “lump sum” payment; the cost distribution in IT27 on the date of the lump sum payment is used to distribute the summer pay. Normally this is the last working day of the month; however, for various reasons it may be a different day. If there is varying cost distribution in IT27 for a pay period, please average it out over the entire pay period.
CLA Process for Cost Distribution For anyone paid on grants/SPS funds with an order expiring over the summer please be sure to let Employment Center know the last day staff is eligible to receive payment, this date is used on the summer calculator so you will be able to do cost distribution during the project period. Departments are responsible for all cost distribution.
Graduate Student Information Individuals appointed to a graduate staff classification or a graduate fellowship must be formally admitted to a degree-seeking program or teacher license program. Graduate students must register for a minimum of three graduate credit hours during at least one summer module. Fellows must be registered as a full-time student (8 hours fall and spring and 6 hours summer session). Students not admitted or registered must register immediately or be removed from grad appointment or fellowship. International students limited to .50 FTE when classes are in session. During summer session international students may hold appointment over .50 FTE as long as they aren’t registered in the session they are receiving payment. If student GRADUATES in May (including undergraduate students) and not registered for summer session or fall semester they are unable to hold ANY student positions after graduation. They MUST be transferred to another position.
Liberal Arts Graduate Step Scales Please copy and paste the below link for current (2016-17) CLA step scale information: The 2017-18 step scale information will be added to the CLA Employment Center website as soon as we have all of the updates.
Limited-Term Lecturer (LTL) Information Summer session offer letter required. For LTLs who taught spring semester offer letter template can be found at For LTLs who didn’t teach spring semester offer letter template can be found at May not be employed (in all appointments) for more than six continuous academic year semesters at .50 FTE or greater without prior Provost approval. If currently a grad student offer letter must include contingency (if student does not graduate at end of current semester) or must include a copy of Thesis Deposit Receipt from Graduate School or proof of graduation (diploma or transcript). Complete Summer Employment Calendar and submit to Employment Center.
Liberal Arts Limited-Term Lecturer (LTL) Scale Please copy and paste the below link to the current (2016-17) LTL Pay scale: We will add the 2017-18 LTL Pay Scale as soon as we have the updated information.
Summer Employment Calendar Complete a Summer Employment Calendar for ALL ACADEMIC YEAR staff paid by your department following business office instructions listed on summer employment calendar. Summer employment calendar WITH acknowledgement located at: S:/Central Read/Employment Center/Summer 2017/Summer Employment Calendar (with acknowledgement.) Summer employment calendar WITHOUT acknowledgement located at: S:/Central Read/Employment Center/Summer 2017/Summer Employment Calendar (without acknowledgement.) Include on-line/distance learning courses paid by Continuing Education. Funds are transferred to Liberal Arts. All faculty and TAs will be paid at their current FTAR (full-time annual rate) unless CLA Employment Center is instructed otherwise. All instructional appointments will be paid from the department special summer session cost center. Department business office will submit APPROVED summer session calendars to the CLA Employment Center. Directors/Chairs who are approved for 1 month pay can either receive 100% for 4 weeks (20 days) or 50% for 8 weeks (40 days). For anyone paid on grants/SPS funds with an order expiring over the summer please be sure to let Employment Center know the last day staff is eligible to receive payment , this date is used on the summer calculator so you will be able to do cost distribution during the project period. Complete a summer employment calendar for graduate students who receive a Graduate School Summer Session Research Grant. Graduate students who receive a Graduate School Summer Research Grant are limited to hold only an additional .25 FTE appointment. **Please be sure to notify the CLA Employment Center if a course is cancelled.** Payroll paperwork can then be processed to stop summer pay so it will not cause a payback situation for employee.
Provost Approval Departmental Business Office staff should review Guidelines for Summer Session Support located at for summer payroll that will require you to provide the CLA Employment Center a copy of Provost prior approval memo. We route these through Kristen Hunt for CLA Dean approval.
Request and Leave Action for Sabbatical, Research/Instructional/Engagement Travel, Outside Activity Leave or Change in Duty Station If graduate student or limited-term lecturer lives outside of the Lafayette, Indiana area and WILL NOT work on the West Lafayette campus they MUST complete a Request and Leave Action for Sabbatical, Research/Instructional/Engagement Travel, Outside Activity Leave or Change in Duty Station Form. Form located at:
Helpful Links CLA Business Office Website is located at CLA Employment Center information located at Graduate Staff Employment Manual is located at Graduate School Fellowship Manual is located at
Sample e-mail requesting summer information (Thank you Nancy Hughes) Please let me know if you or any of your graduate students are to be paid this summer off any special funding and/or grant funds. I already have information about PRF grants. (Reminder that Graduate students must be enrolled during the semester that they are being paid). If you have any questions, please let me know. Thank you. Pay Date Summer Pay Period #5 (12 days) May 15th – May 30th 5/31/17 (Information due to Business Office by 4/28/2017) Summer Pay Period #6 (23 days) May 31st – June 30th 6/30/17 (Information due to Business Office by 06/02/2017) Summer Pay Period #7 (22 days) July 3rd – August 1st 7/31/17 Information due to Business Office by 06/28/2017) Summer Pay Period #8 (8 days) August 2nd – August 11th 8/31/17 Information due to Business Office by 07/28/2017)