Sports Tomáš Nejedlo
History China First not because of competition but for the aesthetic Greece cultural life athletic prowess was part of the human perfection Olympie
Olympic games International sporting events Sumer and winter olymping games More than 200 nations every games Every 4 years, but two years apart. First in summer 1896
Differences of the sports Indoor x outdoor Collective x individual Contaxt x non-contact Summer x winter Male x female Safe x dangerous Ball sports Equipment sports
Sports ground of the Sports Pitch – football Rink – ice-hockey Ring – box Field – american football Course – golf Court – tennis Circuit – Formula 1
United Kingdom Football (Soccer) Premier League Everyone plays with everyone 1.-3. Champion league 4. Preliminary round of CL 5. European league Tenis- Wimbledon Cricket, rugby, golf
Australia Rugby AFL – australia football league 3. most viewed competition Average attendance 36,500 people Tenis – Australian open Cricket, Soccer, …
New Zealand Rugby All blacks Maori fight dance = haka 13x won rugby championship
United States NHL National Hockey League Canada + USA 2 conferences, 4 divisions Stanley cup Pittsburg, NY Rangers, Columbus..
United States NBA National Basketball Association 6th June 1946 16 teams (8 east conference, 8 west conference) Chicago bulls, Indiana Pacers, Atlanta Hawks, ..
United States NFL National Football league The highest professional league of American football 32 teams (2 conference → AFC, NFC) Winner winn superbowl New England, HoustonTexans, Denver Broncons, …