Simulation Tools for Test Beam Francesco Longo University & INFN Trieste, Italy Thanks to Benoit, Philippe, Heather, Leon
Test Beam Simulation Tools Simulation Issues for Test Beam 2006 G4 validation Physics Choices (EM, Hadronics) Physics Parameters (e.g. cuts, ..) Gleam and GLAST LAT performance Verification of relevant low level distribution Simulation of Beam PS and SPS Data Analysis preparation Verification of Statistics Simulation How To Beam and Calibration Unit
Beam Test studies Simulation Studies Description of beam Check of composition T9 & H4 (cf G3 vs G4) HARP/G4 hadronic processes validation PS simulation Positioning of detectors and passive material Dump material and effects Beam divergence and width Energy dispersion SPS simulation
Beam Simulation Update Simulation of T9 beam cf H4 G3 simulation ( T9 primary target Table of Targets ( G4 Simulation of Al 3*5*100 + W 10 * 3 24 GeV primary protons Preliminary Analysis of pi vs e- content Independent check of G3 vs G4? Need check of hadronic processes Cuts on beam divergence and beam momentum spread In progress
Beam Simulation update Al box W box
T9 Beam Simulation G3 T9 simulation (N.Mazziotta)
Beam Simulation Update Simulation of Tagging system Si detector dimensions update (soon in CVS) Position of Si tagger on beam line (verification with AGILE) Magnet dimensions (verification with AGILE) Beam dump presence and material Beam dimensions Update on Physics Processes (soon in CVS) Beam Spread (soon in CVS) Preliminary Tuple Tagging To be done Tagging Algorithm Definition of Ancillary Tuples
Beam Simulation Update Beam on CU Use and update of beamtest06 package both for PS/SPS Full chain beamtest06/Gleam in place Issues Need definition of MC/Digi structure of Ancillary detectors
Beam Simulation update Position of Tagger Si Tagger Dim B field value Magnet dimension
BeamTest06 A G4 standalone program Commands defined in macro (e.g. novis.mac) /gun/particle e- New commands defined (in v3r0) Magnet, beam width Beam divergence (soon) Particles generated in PrimaryGenerator Action Beam Spread, Beam position Beam composition? Geometry setup Volumes description Solid= Shape, Logical = Material + .., Physical = Position) Hits Stepping or Tracking Action (e.g. G3 GUSTEP) Sensitive Detectors? Hit definition and Scoring at Event Action Random Number through CLHEP Choice of Seeds and Generator
Beam Simulation update T9 AGILE measurements
Table of widths and divergence Energy YWid ZWid YDiv ZDiv 0.75 2.5 7 0.38 0.42 1.5 1.3 5.2 0.2 0.22 2 1 4.8 0.18 0.19 2.5 0.8 3.8 0.12 0.14 3 0.7 3. 0.1 0.1 3.5 0.6 3.2 0.9 0.9 4 0.6 3.2 0.75 0.75 5. 0.5 3. 0.6 0.6
BeamTest06 The Physics In v3r0 checkout only EM Similar physics as G4Generator Need to include “our” MCS? New Hadronic Models (more important for CU) Set of Physics Models (in G4 releases) Needs a workaround … (see J.Bregeon work) Various Physics Lists available… with alternative hadronic description Unique Physics List? Needs to check how to change More physics for the users? Important for CU study and Beam Composition
BeamTest06 Output MC root file to be read by Gleam with JO PDG, + position, momentum/energy info Tagging detectors Tuple Needs Beamtest06 is checkout package Geant4UI ext library in /afs/ SLAC space Not needed … G4interfaces lib Visualization Needs a small change on G4 library cmt (soon in CVS) Need to include G4visualization (need a workaround on Linux) Multiple drivers
Tuple preliminary
BeamTest06 v3r1(?) VRML output of G4
BeamTest06 v3r1(?) HepRep output of G4 Visualized with FRED
Simulation Needs Description of T9 setup & H4 setup Tagging system simulation Tagging and PID Ntuple and Algorithm definition Requirements: Beamtest06 Common Random Number Treatment Beam Setup definition and ancillary Gleam Production of SVAC or BT ntuple G4 6.2p02 or 7.x or 8.x see discussion at the Ana group Job Options for Hadronic Models BTRelease: Installation of required packages
CU simulation Geometry of CU in xmlGeoDbs Need to include Containers Position of CU vs beam (BeamTransform in G4Generator) Particles Input from MC file from beamtest06 Multiple particles simulation Physics G4Generator jobOptions Need to update Hadronic Physics Digi, Recon, Evt analysis As in GR … (but ACD?) Particle Hypothesis? Ad hoc CT variables?
Beam Simulation update H4 beam on CU
MCS Check for Muons Preliminary by F.L. and M.B.
Check for e- Preliminary by F.L. and M.B.
How To Take GlastRelease v8r1 Checkout beamtest06 v3r0 Use proper jobOptions ToDo Add plots for beam Simulation SVAC tuple generation (needed?) CT tuples fill
Actions for Sim WG PS and SPS Beam Composition Check G3 vs G4 and vs data PS Beam Simulation Position of Tagging & Ancillary Ancillary detectors recon Beam Energy dispersion Dump material Particle composition Beam Setup (e-, hadrons, gamma, etc.) SPS Beam Simulation Ancillary detectors Calibration Unit Simulation Containers Simulation Table Rotation and Position