Yellowstone By: Brianna Ward
Yellowstone's Lithosphere Mountains Earth's most active volcano (Yellowstone Super volcano) *if the super volcano erupts it will cover most of North America in soot and have lasting effects for about a decade* Hot spot volcanism Earthquake system Guizers Glacial processes Soil is nutrient poor. Contains a lot of quartz, and potassium feldspar. Extensive stands of lodgepole pine.
Yellowstone's Biosphere Wildlife- namely elk, mule deer, bison, moose, big horn sheep, white tailed deer, and grizzly bears Plant life- hundreds of differing wildflowers, common juniper, sagebrush, rocky mountain maple, Ross's bent grass, white bark pine, Engelmann spruce, quaking aspen, cottonwood
Yellowstone's Atmosphere Storms are common and often end with about 150 inches of rain a year. Has a fairly decent air quality but it fluctuates due to the guisers and storms.
Yellowstone's Hydrosphere High water quality due to many regulations from local, state, and federal laws. There are 14 rivers in the National park
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