Rubber Bands Neville Brooks
Breaking Down the Barriers “ Try and enjoy the interaction between themselves and us. It can be a great learning opportunity, it doesn't have to be spit and polish, compassion could be the key here.”
Key Themes. Talk about Rehabilitation, what it means to inmates and staff and highlight key words and what they could infer.
Developing a desire to study is something that most struggle with Developing a desire to study is something that most struggle with. People usually have this wrong notion that only if one has a calling for that subject, will that subject will be most desired. This is not always the case. Whenever you take a subject for the first time, yes, things will always seem difficult. So, the first step here is learning to admit this. Next, when you take up a subject, say Substance misuse, try learning it with some drive. Now, what I mean here is to understand why you’re doing whatever you’re doing. Try learning the subjects role in the world around you.
Prisoner needs. These are the key points that came forward from inmates and staff as an aid to defining rehabilitation. Its all about Support.
Personal and Professional growth and wellbeing Specific Qualifications and Employment Opportunities Reducing the risk of Re-offending
The CHASE Programme At HMP Prescoed we are currently running a pilot project, The CHASE Programme, organised jointly between the Offender Interventions Team, NJB Consultancy and the Education Department. The CHASE programme, named by participants, is a ground breaking project designed to give a progressive substance misuse education, preparation for employment and establish onward pathways into Further and Higher education within the Substance Misuse field. Utilizing education and external partnerships to aid community re-integration and impact on recidivism rates.
The CHASE programme currently comprises of: Level 2 Understanding Substance Misuse (Accredited by Agored Cymru) – 10 week course Level 3 Diploma in Working with Substance Misuse (Accredited by City & Guilds) – 22 week course Stage 1 Employment Level 2 Certificate Counselling Skills (Certificated by Coleg Gwent) – Optional, delivered in the community Level 4 Preparing to teach in Post compulsory Education and Training (PcET) (Accredited by Cardiff Metropolitan University) Level 4 Mental Health First Aid (Accredited by Training in Mind ) – 12 hour course delivered over 2 days by Torfaen and Blaenau Gwent Mind
The CHASE programme focuses on: Increasing Understanding and Awareness of substance misuse Delivering Qualifications Preparation for Work in the Substance Misuse Field Empowering the learner Building confidence for progression Delivering the Understanding and Skills to manage their past behaviours
Multi-Level Progressive Framework Level 1 Qualifications Level 2 Qualifications Level 3 Qualifications Level 4 Qualifications Preparing to Teach (In Partnership with Cardiff Metropolitan University) Mental Health First Aid (In partnership with Torfaen and Blaenau Gwent Mind) Diploma Working with Substance Misuse Award in Understanding Behaviour Change Award in Understanding Mental Wellbeing Award in Understanding the Misuse of Substances Stage 1 Employment Award in Understanding Health Awareness Award in Health Improvement Award in Healthier Foods and Special diets
C. H. A.S. E To Collectively Heighten Awareness of Substance misuse through Education
So does it work?
Case Studies JM, completed the CHASE programme to level 3 and opted to complete a level 2 counselling qualification within the community alongside his stage one placement. JM has been able to secure full time employment within the field post release. The following is a trail of emails from JM. August 2015 ”Hi Nev, I did it again! Got the Active Treatment Worker job. I can hardly believe it. Two interviews, two job offers! I take up the role on Monday 8th August. I am looking forward to the challenge, it's so good to be back in the workplace. Thanks again for all your help. September 2015 “Hi Nev, Hope all is well with you. Sorry I haven't been in touch for a while but my new job is keeping me very busy (as you can well imagine). I am currently working out of 2 bases, Powell's Place in Newport and Chambers House in Blackwood and loving every minute. I am doing loads of training courses and I am currently studying my third year Open University module Social Psychology. I am currently awaiting clearance to co-facilitate STEPS (Lou Tice Self Image Psychology) Training in HMP Parc. There's a turn up for the books. Hope the programme at Prescoed is still going well. “ If you ever want me to come in and speak to the guys doing the course for motivational purposes, please don't hesitate to ask.”
Participants feedback Participants feedback Sought through open discussion with current participants on the City & Guilds Level 3 part of the CHASE programme. “We feel that the Course has been invaluable and has increased our confidence for interviews and applications. It has improved our communication skills and these are transferable to whatever area of work we will go into.” “It has also allowed us to develop other personal skills such as self-confidence, self-belief, improve our outlook on life and it has given us the confidence to believe that we can be valuable members of society and our families; it has been empowering.” “We have learned about our own behavior and the wider effect that substance misuse can have on our families.” “The Course helps us to understand the ‘mind space’ of people who misuse substances.” “Cases we have studied have been important in showing us the responsibility of this work for society, for example in looking after vulnerable people affected by the behavior of people who misuses substances, such as children or extended family members.” “We look forward to Thursdays and feel that this is a very exciting time to be involved in this field of work as the Welsh Government are encouraging peer mentoring in Substance Misuse.” Course organiser’s also provided positive feedback, with one describing the Course as “one of the highlights of my career” because of the change he has witnessed in the personal characteristics and attributes of Course participants. Several men also described how, since participating in CHASE, they have, on an informal basis, been able to disseminate the knowledge they have learned on the course to other men in custody and, in particular, been able to offer advice on harm minimization. Participants on the Course have used their newly developed skills to complete job applications and some interviewed for organisations including the St Giles Trust, Drug Aid and GDAS (Gwent Drug and Alcohol Service). Six have secured employment within the substance misuse field on release. Several participants also helped in placements within local community colleges (Adult Education) helping to devise lesson plans and lead discussions on the same course that ran in the community, those individuals also provided coaching and mentoring to community students.
We like to think so!! Any Questions?