A Vision for Alabama Schools Draft for Discussion
In the knowledge-based economy of the future, a dynamic, healthy and prosperous Alabama will increasingly rely on the education of its population. The first step to realizing that vision is a high-performing system of public schools that challenges all children with world-class expectations for understanding English and its rich literature, mathematics, history and the requirements of a democracy, the sciences and the arts. Such a system demands educators with a deep understanding of the subject being taught, a personal allegiance to continuous self-improvement and a commitment to helping all children find their success in school and their lives thereafter. It is the Board’s vision and plan to promote and support such an equitable, accountable and just system.
Goals Draft for Discussion
Goals (Each goal with have other targets and action steps) A Prepared Graduate Educator Preparation Continuous Improvement of World-Class Educators Pathways to Higher Education and Careers Supporting an Accountable System
A prepared graduate Students will learn from challenging, world-class standards in all subjects. Students will demonstrate comprehension of knowledge and skills. Students will be engaged in learning.
Educator Preparation An educator preparation system that allows multiple pathways into teaching but demands the demonstration of deep understanding of content knowledge and literacy. Rigorous requirements for educator preparation programs. Accountability for results.
Continuous Improvement of World-Class Educators Teachers must maintain a personal allegiance to continuous self- improvement. State-embedded opportunities Personalized opportunities (there are hundreds of opportunities out there for teachers, and we need principals to make sure they are aware of these opportunities). Currently, the teachers getting these opportunities learn about them via my “Grants for Teachers” facebook page.
Pathways to Higher Education and Careers Ensuring that students are college-ready or university-ready Encouraging flexible pathways to an affordable education Expanding an accountable universe of career and technical education
Supporting an Accountable System Equitable Funding Accountability via multiple measures, such as authentic teacher-created assessments, a state assessment, as well as national and international measures of performance.