Helene Herncane, Daniela Nestory, Alexis Stein and Gabby Belisle Euthanasia Created by Helene Herncane, Daniela Nestory, Alexis Stein and Gabby Belisle
Before After http://sagamorejournal.files.wordpress.com/2008/03/chantal-sebire.jpg
Chantal Sébire 52 years old Retired French teacher At 44 diagnosed esthesioneuroblastoma, rare type of cancer Incurable disease Left blind, no sense of smell or taste Tumor burrowed through sinuses and nasal cavities, causing nose to swell and making her eye a unnatural size Rejected by the court of Dijon in France for euthanaization
Good Death Euthanasia is the Greek term for “Good Death” Termination of human life Painless act for ending severe physical suffering Ages 21+ are able to request euthanasia Legal in Oregon
Active and Passive Euthanasia Physician kills patient Physician uses lethal drugs to kill patient “Pulling the plug” No medicine Allows someone to die Natural Death Withdrawing medical treatment for intentions on causing death
Six Degrees of Euthanasia Removing ventilators Taking away a system that supplies food and hydrates Withholding treatment that cannot cure a disease but can prolong the life of a severely ill patient Request of overdosing ill patients Fifth degree is a doctor supplies drugs to patient to end life on their own terms Sixth degree is injecting lethal substances or narcotics into one’s system; killing them instantly
Involuntary, Nonvoluntary, & Voluntary Euthanasia Involuntary euthanasia happens when a doctor euthanizes a patient without their consent Voluntary euthanasia happens when the patient allows to be euthanized Nonvoluntary euthanasia occurs when they patient doesn’t decide to live or die
Slippery Slope effect Pain-killers given Promotes assisted suicide Physicians may euthanize people who don’t need it Healthcare may be an issue for families
Hippocratic Oath Traditional standard of medicine contract Greek medical texts Physicians swear upon a number of “healing gods”
Euthanization Decision Euthanizing Chantal Sébire undergoing a lot of pain more than one person should go through throughout their life