IPM PROJECT IN INDONESIA ANNUAL REPORT FOR 2016 IPM PROJECT IN INDONESIA M. Muhsin1, Rahmini2 and Trisnaningsih2 1) Indonesian Centre for Food Crops Research and Development 2)Indonesian Centre for Rice Research
Back Ground Indonesia as rice producing country Place Year Harvested area (ha) Productivity (t/ha) Production (t) Java Island 2014 6,400,038 5.729 36,663,049 Outer Java Isl. 7,398,630 4.621 34,191,234 Indonesia 13,798,668 5.135 70,854,283 2015 6,429,128 5.931 38,967,026 7,687,510 4.735 36,430,819 14,116,128 5.341 75,397,845 2016
Rice crops areas (ha) attacked by major pests and diseases in Indonesia ( :2015/16 DS; :2014/2015 RS; : average 5 yrs) Oct-Mar:185,956 ha (2% of 8,979,832 ha rice crops) April_july:: 30,308 ha (0,7% of 4,281,395 ha rice crops)
Trend of BPH attacks tend to decline during 2015-2016
METHODOLOGY Field survey of BPH population (5 towns in 3 prov.) light trap (2 locations) Visual counting (sweeping, direct counting) Virus diseases of rice (5 towns in 3 prov.) Field survey (in BPH endemic fields) Virus diagnosis (by ELISA) Field experiment on BPH control ( 1 site in Ngabeyan, Ctr. Java Prov.) Rice pest sampling (yellow sticky trap) Natural enemies sampling (trapping)
Pests and natural enemies in Subang, West Java Province, 2015 Spesies 2015 Juni Juli Agustus September Oktober Nopember Stem borer 25 162 403 420 217 631 BPH WBPH Black bug >100000 Spider Paederus 1320 1860 1891 1831 992 1140 Ophionea 11 35 7 Cyrtorhinus Coccinella 45 18 93 26 36
Field populations of BPH and its natural enemies, Subang, West Java Province, 2015 Species Sweeping net Direct counting Remarks BPH 1/60 3/60 Spiders 13/60 Paederus 17/60 41/60 Ophionea 4/60 Cyrtorhinus Coccinella 11/60 15/60
Pests and natural enemies trapped in LT in Ngabeyan, Central Java Province, 2015 Spesies 2015 Juli Agustus September Oktober Nopember Desember Stem borer - 453 416 213 BPH 3 10 15 WBPH 6 11 5 Black bug Spider Paederus 17 23 14 Ophionea Cyrtorhinus Coccinella
Field populations of BPH and its natural enemies, Ngabeyan, Central Java Province, 2015 Spesies Sweeping Direct counting Remarks BPH 4/60 7/60 Spider 19/60 Paederus 3/60 8/60 Ophionea 1/60 Cyrtorhinus Coccinella 9/60 23/60
Bioassays (transmission test) Rice virus diseases found in endemic area of BPH, Java, 2015 Town Bioassays (transmission test) ELISA test Subang VKH, VKR +, + Pemalang VKR + Klaten Grobogan Lamongan
Rice ragged stunt virus disease (RRSV) Rice grassy stunt virus disease (RGSV) Rice ragged stunt virus disease Double infection of RGSV and RRSV Rice grassy stunt virus disease Double infection of RGSV and RRSV Rice ragged stunt virus disease Double infection of RGSV and RRSV
An experiment on controlling BPH Experiment site at Ngabeyan, Central Java Prov. 2015-2016
Early cropping of rice, 2015
Vegetative stages of rice
Pests and natural enemies in the site of the experiment, Ngabeyan, Central Java Province, 2015 Spesies Variety Inpari 13 Inpari 31 Inpari 33 Ciherang Dead heart/WH (%) 7,5 5,6 10,5 5,2 Egg/imago/hill 6/472 9/496 1/730 4/609 BPH 1/20 0/20 2/20 WBPH 3/20 47/20 Black bug Spider 67/20 72/20 80/20 Cyrtorhinus Paederus 8/20 14/20 Ophionea Coccinella 7/20 4/20
Trapping of parasitoid with egg masses of BPH, Ngabeyan, Central Java Province, 2015 Spesies Variety Inpari 13 Inpari 31 Inpari 33 Ciherang BPH (egg) 427 277 274 397 Oligosita 113 89 47 44 Anagrus 28 9 20 19
Summary BPH population and attacks tend to decline in Indonesia during 2015-2016, as observed in many major rice fields. Rice virus diseases found fewer than before in the endemic area of BPH. Even though of low population of BPH in experiment site, the natural enemies existed there in a good population. Due to the beauty of flowers of Cosmos caudatus, many farmers that visited the experimental site wish to grow it. Later, the Bupati (Head of Regency) Klaten was interested to ask farmers to grow it along the dike of rice plot.
Future Plan 2016-2017: Survey for BPH and its natural enemies, as well as viruses. 2016-2017: an Experiment for controlling BPH. 2016-2017: Developing diagnostic kits (using molecular techniques) for rice virus diseases.
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