Introducing OS OpenSpace Andy Radburn Senior Research Scientist 20th October 2006
What is OS OpenSpace An API to access OS mapping data National cover of raster products down to 25k (Explorer) Non commercial use only Users have to apply for free OS Mapping API Key Service is run as a beta site to build a community, generate ideas, run on the principle of “release early, release often” Supporting website with tools such as documentation, examples, blog, a forum, bug reporting Currently an OS Research Labs project awaiting confirmation of legal terms and conditions
OS OpenSpace API Javascript API runs on most modern browsers Provides smooth scrolling map window (slippy map) with seven levels of map zoom Ability to add point markers, draw lines and polygons, add image overlays, popup info windows and tooltips Event model that allows a developers application to interact with the map Coordinate translation both ways between British National Grid and Lat/Long 50K Gazetteer name lookup via AJAX
Features Overlays: markers, custom images markers, labelled markers, draggable markers, lines and polygons with transparency, map overlays, screen overlays Info Windows: Contain text, images or HTML, can be tabbed Tooltips on markers Floating log window for debugging Simple interface for developing AJAX interaction and XML parsing
What need does it meet? Minimises barriers for individuals to access high quality data Exposes OS data to a wider community, take applications beyond the traditional GI sector Allows the development of new ideas targeted at niche groups A way that Ordnance Survey and individuals can collaborate on a product or service that neither could achieve alone
Live Demo… GardenDemo GPSTracking OpenSpace Website
Mac OS X Widget
OpenSpace Beta Test Closed beta test to refine the service Initially limited to 12 participants for three months Service will be evolving, so functionality will be likely to change Email:
Contact for further information Customer Contact Centre Ordnance Survey Romsey Road SOUTHAMPTON United Kingdom SO16 4GU Phone: 08456 05 05 05 Fax: 023 8079 2615 Email: Website: