Latitude and Longitude


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Presentation transcript:

Latitude and Longitude

Understanding Latitude and Longitude Lines of latitude and lines longitude cross one another. They form a grid system around the earth. Just like your grid maps that you created of your room at home, lines on globes and maps provide information that can help you easily locate places on the earth too.

Latitude Lines of latitude are also called parallels. They circle the earth parallel to the Equator. They measure north and south of equator in degrees. The Equator is at 0° latitude. The North Pole is at 90°N (north).

Longitude Lines of longitude are also called meridians. They circle the earth from Pole to Pole. They measure east and west of the starting line, at 0° longitude or the Prime Meridian.

Absolute Location Only one place can be found at the point where lines cross one another. Use degrees (°) and minutes (’) to give an exact spot where one line of latitude crosses one line of longitude – an absolute location. The grid system formed by lines of latitude and longitude makes it easy to find the absolute location of any place in the world.

Hemispheres The equator circles the middle of the Earth. It divides the earth into hemispheres or “half-spheres.” North of the equator is the Northern Hemisphere. South of the equator is the Southern Hemisphere.

Hemispheres The Prime Meridian runs from north to south. It divides the earth into half spheres in the other direction. East of the Prime Meridian for 180 degrees is the Eastern Hemisphere. West of the Prime Meridian for 180 degrees is the Western Hemisphere.

Using Latitude and Longitude Use the information provided on your notes to answer the questions.

Review your answers 1. On the blank next to each number of degrees on the chart, place the letter E (east), W (west), N (north), or S (south). 2. Find “1” on the chart and write “equator” along this line. Draw a blue line over the equator. 3. The equator is 0 degrees latitude. 4. Latitude is measured b) north and south from the equator. 5. Latitude lines run a) east and west but measure distance b) north and south.

Review your answers 6. Find “2” on the chart and write “Prime Meridian” along the line. Draw a red line over the Prime Meridian. 7. The Prime Meridian is 0 degrees longitude. 8. Longitude is measured a) east and west from the Prime Meridian. 9. Longitude lines run b) north and south but measure distance a) east and west of the Prime Meridian.

Review your answers 10. The location of is 15°N latitude and 150°W longitude. 11. The location of is 45°N latitude and 90°W longitude. 12. The location of is 15°S latitude and 60°W longitude. 13. The location of is 0° latitude and 150°E longitude. 14. The location of is 30°N latitude and 60°E longitude. 15. The location of is 60°N latitude and 0° longitude. 16. The location of is 45°S latitude and 90°E longitude.